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Chapter 1


Early childhood education is undeniably one of the cornerstones of a

child's development, shaping their cognitive, social, and emotional growth in

ways that have lifelong implications. In the quest for providing a solid

educational foundation, parents, educators, and policymakers continually

explore various approaches to early childhood education. Among these

approaches, home-based learning and school-based learning stands as two

prominent paradigms, each offering unique advantages and meanwhile.

While dedicated educators and staff work tirelessly to provide quality

education, it is essential to identify areas that may require improvement. or

intervention. Early childhood education is a critical period in a child's

development, shaping their academic, social, and emotional growth. It lays

the foundation for future learning and success.

In recent years, educational research and policy discussions have

expanded to encompass the specific needs of Grade 4 pupils. The transition

from the early grades to the upper elementary level introduces new academic

demands and social dynamics that can impact a child's well-being and

educational outcomes. The Department of Education (DepEd) recognizes the

importance of addressing these challenges and has encouraged a focus on

evidence-based intervention programs designed to support Grade 4 students

in their educational journey.

The aim of this research study is to investigate the underlying factors that

influence the educational experience of Grade 4 pupils and to develop a solid

basis for the design of an intervention program tailored to their needs. By

understanding the unique challenges and requirements of Grade 4 pupils,


create targeted initiatives that will maximize their potential and ensure their

success in the later stages of their education.

This research will delve into various aspects of early childhood education

for Grade 4 pupils, including academic performance, social and emotional

development, the influence of curriculum and teaching methods, and the

role of family and community engagement. By addressing these areas

comprehensively, we aim to provide valuable insights that can guide

educators, policymakers, and stakeholders in crafting effective intervention

programs that promote positive outcomes for Grade 4 students.

As embark on this research journey, the ultimate goal is to contribute to

the enhancement of early childhood education for Grade 4 pupils and to

support the realization of the DepEd's vision for an inclusive, holistic, and

learner-centered education system.

This study aims to investigate the early childhood education in Grade 4

at San Vicente Elementary School, Binan, Laguna, as basis for the

intervention program.

Theoretical Framework

Gesell's Maturation Theory focused on the physical and mental

development of children. He suggested that children will go through the

same stages of development, in the same sequence but each child will go

through the stages at their own rate (Giselle, 2023). Maturationism is an

early childhood educational philosophy that seek the child as growing being

and this theory believe that the role of education is passively support this

improvement than the actively fill the child with knowledge. In this theory it

proves that the most important thing on the growth of children is the

physical and mental rather than the knowledge that typical parents wants.

Because it easy to teach the children when they are willing to learn. If the

learners are not willing to learn because of their early minds whatever

teaching techniques or learning techniques, the children will not be able to

learn because they don’t focus on this kind of activities.

It's necessary to prioritize the improvements of physical and mentality

of every child for early education as a reason of growing or developing kids

have never been easy. Children are pushed into our perplexing world and are

supposed to learn, develop, and live up to cultural assumptions as fast as

they need. The list is still on counting, including dealing with. It's no big

surprise numerous children grown-ups frequently foster emotional wellness

issues like despondency and nervousness, and experience issues learning

and accomplishing achievements in school. it's the ability to improve the

functioning of one’s body through healthy learning and good exercise habits

for the children, who forgot to take their meal or even can't balance their

schedule to study and playing time because of a wrong way of technique of

teaching a child. Giving them a playing time with their own and to other

children is a necessary on their, that can prevent mental stress, or none

focus on the school. Other than parents and teacher needs to know what the

best way is to teach the child.


Conceptual Framework


Data Gathering
1.the profile of the
respondents in terms of: - Survey
1.1 Gender; Questionnaire
1.2 Age;
- Observation
1.4 Environment; and
1.5 Work Status? - Library research
2. assess of the respondents
on the early childhood Presentation,
education program in terms
of : Interpretation and
2.1 School factor;
2.1.1 Class schedule; Analysis of Data
2.1.2 Teaching strategies;
2.1.3Classroom Intervention
environment; and
- Frequency Program
2.2 Student Factor
2.2.1 Physical wellbeing; - Percentage
2.2.2 Social Relationships? - Ranking
3. academic performance of
the pupils in Periodical - Weighted Mean
4. significant difference in
the assessment of the
respondents on the early
childhood education in
terms of school factor, class
schedule, classroom
environment, student
Factor, physical wellbeing,
and social Relationships?
5. significant relationship
between the assessment of
the respondents on the early
childhood education in
terms of school factor, class
schedule, classroom
environment, student
Factor, physical wellbeing,
and social Relationships?


Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study


Presented in input box are the profile of the respondents in terms of Sex; Age;

Year level; and Civil Status. Also included were the respondent assessment

on childhood education program in terms of teachers and parents assess the

early childhood: education program in terms of: Class schedule; Teaching

strategy; Classroom environment? How do the respondents assess the

academic performance of the pupils in Periodical examination? How do the

respondents assess the academic performance of the pupils in Periodical

examination? It is also had there a significant difference in the assessment

of the respondents on the early childhood education in terms of class

schedule, teaching strategies and classroom environment when group

according to profile variables? Is there a significant relationship between the

assessment of the respondents on the early childhood education in terms of

class schedule, teaching strategies and classroom environment and

academic performance of the pupils in Periodical examination? And Based

on the findings, what intervention program may be proposed.

The Process box contains the Data Gathering Survey Questionnaire,

Observation and Library research. The study also interpreted and analyzed

the data using Frequency, Percentage, Ranking and Weighted Mean.

The output of the study is Early Childhood Education of Grade 4

Pupils in San Vicente Elementary School of Biñan Laguna Incorporated:

Basis For Intervention Program.


Statement of the Problem

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:


1.2 Age;

1.3 Parents educational attainment;

1.4 Environment; and

1.5 Work status

2. How do the teachers and parents assess the early childhood

education program in terms of:

2.1 School factor.

2.1.1 Class schedule;

2.1.2 Teaching strategies.

2.1.3 Classroom environment; and

2.2 Student Factor

2.2.1 Physical wellbeing; and

2.2.2 Social Relationships?

3. How do the respondents assess the academic performance of the

pupils in Periodical examination?

4. Is there a significant difference in the assessment of the

respondents on the early childhood education in terms of school

factor, class schedule, classroom environment, student Factor,

physical wellbeing, and social Relationships?

5. Is there a significant relationship between the assessment of the

respondents on the early childhood education.

6. in terms of school factor, class schedule, classroom environment,

student Factor, physical wellbeing, and social Relationships?


7. Based on the findings, what intervention program may be



There is no significant difference in the assessment of the respondents

on the early childhood education in terms of school factor, class schedule,

classroom environment, student Factor, physical wellbeing and social


There is no significant relationship between the assessment of the

respondents on the early childhood education in terms of school factor, class

schedule, classroom environment, student Factor, physical wellbeing and

social Relationships.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was focused on the early childhood education of grade 4

Pupils in San Vicente Elementary school of Binan Laguna Incorporated:

Basis in intervention program. This study also included the profile of the

respondents in terms of Gender, Age, Parents educational attainment,

Environment and Work Status. This study will assess the early childhood

education program in terms of School factor, Class schedule, Teaching

strategies, Classroom environment; and Student Factor, Physical wellbeing;

and Social Relationships; and the academic performance of the pupils in

Periodical examination. The study randomly selected the parents and

teacher that will respond to the survey.

Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. This study will help them to become their basis on their future


Teachers. The result of this study will help teachers to identify how they will

help and assist students to academic performance.

School Administrator. Given its importance in the classroom, the research

will be useful in terms of managing communications with teachers in order

to plan various programs that will allow students to focus more on academic


Future Researchers. This study will be very useful, especially as a reference.

Future researchers may find this study to be a relatively reliable source of


Parents: This study will be help to parent to decide what kind of based

learning they want on their children. To ensure they are guiding their

children in a right way of improvement of learning.

Definition of Terms

Intervention program: is an action taken by school personnel to support a

struggling student. Educational interventions may be instructional or

behavioral. The purpose of educational interventions is to support struggling

students before they have a chance to fail.

Academic stress: is about defined as the body's response to academic-related

demands that exceed adaptive capabilities of students.

Navigating social relationship: A way of communicating to others.

comprehending their talent: Exploring the skill and talent of the children.

Physical wellbeing: is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that

allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or

physical stress.

Learning growth improvement: Learning generates personal growth, not just

intellectually but it also shapes and molds our character. It thus benefits us

if we aspire to be lifelong learners.

Cornerstones of a child's development: It is a foundation of the learning

growth of children.

Chapter 2

Review Related Literature and Studies

Local Studies

According to Lina (2023). Starting education at the right age is a head

start in learning and predicts higher success in school. Data suggest that

children who received ECE or Early Childhood Education are more likely to

attend primary education at age six, which is the official primary school

starting age in the Philippines, compared to those who did not attend ECE.

Additionally, the Bartolome, (2021) state that “ultimate goal of ECE

programs is to improve young children’s capacity to develop and learn. A

child who is ready for school has a combination of positive characteristics:

he or she is socially and emotionally healthy, confident, and friendly; has

good peer relationships; tackles challenging tasks and persists with them;

has good language skills and communicates well and listens to instructions

and is attentive’’. Most of the parents believe that giving their child a early

education is making them ready and molding them to a best version of their-

selves. This statement will support how the parents view the important of

early childhood education “Previous studies present evidence that early


childhood education affects a child's holistic development into adulthood;

therefore, addressing discrepancies between the existing care and education

programs and children's level of understanding is important to maximize a

child's development potential” (Antonio, et. al. 2019). Although the parents

make their child enroll in an early years of the children. They also believe the

importance of balance of studying, socializing, and playing time for their

child to give them space for their studying. Additionally states by Guererro

(2019) mentioned that By playing actively with a child, they are not only

promoting good health and physical development, also the parents are

providing them with the opportunity to develop essential skills that will help

them in their social interactions with peers. Early childhood education not

only introduces kids to schooling but also their parents. These are the years

in which a parent learns firsthand what it means to send a child to a school.

It is at this point that a parent begins to share the rearing of a child with

society (Walson, 2020)

Foreign Literature

A good quality of education is best thing that you can give at early

time of your children, this is the best start up for them in the better life.

“High quality early childhood education and care givers children the best

start in life. It provides important opportunities to learn and develop. Early

childhood education and care can help your child make friends, develop

independence, and learn new routines. It also supports their transition to

school” (Eckstein, 2023). Additionally, by Wonder, (2020) Socializing with

people other than family is an integral part of childhood education. Learning

how to interact with others, be it peers or teachers, can simplify the

education process in the future. Early socialization requires adult


participation and modeling. Learning how to share and cooperate is an

integral part of social life. When it’s done with professional guidance,

children can benefit greatly. Giving an early childhood education at early age

is also teaching them how to be good at socializing. Since socializing is one

of the integral needs of children for their growth. Early childhood care and

education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school.

According to Alvarado (2023) It aims at the holistic development of a child’s

social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs in order to build a solid and

broad foundation for lifelong learning and well-being. ECCE has the

possibility to nurture caring, capable, and responsible future citizens. It only

means that early childhood education is a platform where the parents and

the teacher preparing the children in real life world in the future. Where they

can capable, nurture caring to others and their-selves also as a future

responsible future citizen.

Additionally, by Munholland (2023) the best practices in early

childhood education may include ways to deliver information, blend fun and

learning, and provide feedback. Early childhood education best practices

also use developmentally appropriate instruction strategies, an ideology that

focuses on engaging learners based on their developmental stage. That

because teaching younger children will need a different approach than

teaching a 15years old and up. When it comes to early childhood education,

there are several teaching methods that facilitator can use to suit the

learning styles of individual students. Those are interactive learning,

content-focused on curriculum programs and learner-centered teaching

styles. Every parent wants the best for their child when it comes to

knowledge learning. But they don’t know what kind of early childhood

education methods that they will going to use. One of the examples

approaches that using on the pre-school in Singapore, is the Montessori

approach method. Additionally stated by Rajiv (2022) Montessori classrooms

can be easily recognized by their engaging learning materials with students

who demonstrate independent and enthusiastic attitudes. Various aspects of

development - cognitive, social, physical, and emotional are taken care of as

the students blossom through their early childhood education. Since the

children is the one who are studying and learning. Educators must also ask

the student. By “Asking stimulating and developmentally appropriate

questions can help boost the language environment. Keep high expectations

for all children and gradually increase the complexity of your questions as

children progress in their development” (Dr. Purser, 2023). It means that by

asking the children on their early childhood the educators and parents are

practicing their mind to solve the problem at the same time they are

practicing on socializing and build up their confidence.

Local Studies

According to Dr. Alvarado (2021) they stated that “Early childhood

care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It

aims at the holistic development of a child’s social, emotional, cognitive, and

physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong

learning and well-being. ECCE has the possibility to nurture caring, capable,

and responsible future citizens.” It makes sense since the child is they

already growth their learning in the early years. Additionally, “Pre-school

education at the kindergarten level (age group 5 years) must aim to develop

children in all aspects (physical, social, emotional, and cognitive) so that

they will be better prepared to adjust and cope with life situations and the

demands of formal schooling; and to maximize the children’s potential

through a variety of carefully selected and meaningful experiences

considering their interests and capabilities” (Geneva, 2019). Parent must

also give their child to learn a knowledge not only in the school. Student also

to grow and develop some certain skills and talent. Letting them to play

outside or inside of our home can give them a knowledge. As stated by

Villanueva (2021) as they play, they will learn to build and sustain positive

relationships. Even to experience, manage and express their emotions. they

can also explore and engage with the environment through play. Additionally,

Through play, they develop physical and discover a wide range of emotional

skills that help them process the world they live in, both positive and

negative aspects. In short, play is essential for the development of little ones

from the moment they come into this world (Carmen,2023).

Prohibiting the children to give time to rest in academy works might

result a bad performance for them in their future endeavor. This statement

makes it strong by Haddow (2020) The report also found that students from

conflict-affected areas performed at a lower level across all three domains

than any other variable group analyzed as part of this baseline report, which

puts them far behind at the beginning of their schooling. Accordingly, these

results suggest they require more support and are at greater risk of failure

than any other group in this study. Their progress and development in

future assessment rounds is critical to track. Children really need to have a

balance life since they are only a child. They can’t handle the stress of

continuous study. So, parent and teacher needs them to teach their child

how to manage their time to study and play. Making them responsible at

their young age. Additionally stated by the website called Effective time

management can help children to develop a sense of responsibility. Children

learn to juggle multiple tasks and meet deadlines by managing their time

well. They become more organized and efficient in their daily lives. Time

management is the effective thing that can help to achieve the desired and

should be carried out not only for students but for everyone (Awas, Et, al)

Foreign Studies

Play is considered an important aspect of Early Childhood Education

and Care. However, the relationship between play and learning is often

taken for granted both in research and teaching practice. Most of the teacher

doing some activity or games inside the classroom to get the attentions of the

students. One of the examples of this when the teacher has an activity like a

cashier in market. To have the interest of the student in math solving

problem. After that the teacher ask them how they relate it on their topic.

Teachers using play to influence children’s learning as a framework or as

inspiration is characteristic of the way this research depicts play in the

context of learning in preschool. The teacher could indeed be a participant in

children’s play and the play frames as described in the research, but the

focus is on learning outcomes (Bjorklund and Samuelson, 2021). Elderly

people know how the children learning through copying the older one. Since

the parent and teachers are the one who the children look up. The parents

and teachers need to be a good role model.


Yi-Huang (2022) stated that “Early childhood is a period of rapid

development and growth, and regardless of physical, psychological, and

social abilities, young children at this stage have great plasticity and strong

imitation ability”. It means that Childhood is a critical period for individual

learning; so preschool teachers must provide a appropriate method of

teaching style for the children growth with appropriate moral education at

this time to assure that children can learn well.

According to Wahyuni (2023), The strategies to enhance the ECE

Institution Selling points turned out to be the three –way strategy

comprising External, Internal, and Interactive Strategies. External strategies

are about the concern with the creation of brand identities of the institutions

by creating and innovative programs that people could easily acknowledge

and trust the teachers. While the internal institutions are about developing

the quality of educational services through the professional development of

educators including their development character. The parents, teachers, and

community must involve on this. Lastly the interactive strategy are

concerned promoting mutual relationship among educational program with

schools, parents, communities that make fulfillment of their parents

expectations. That also affect the children motivation to learn more.

Additionally, by Alber, (2023) Children are always learning, but that doesn’t

mean it can’t be hard. If children aren’t prepared for the process, they can

lose all their natural enthusiasm. As a result, these kids could have a tough

time in elementary school and beyond. Also, there are more factors that can

affect the growth of learning of a children during their early childhood

Education. According to Cotton & Conkly (2019) Well-designed educational

programs for young, economically disadvantaged children can clearly affect


their lives for the better, both during their school years and beyond. These

programs also enhance the development of other children, particularly the

handicapped. Economic analyses indicate that providing such programs is

an excellent investment in the future for our society. Providing the student, a

good quality of education and proper guidance can give them a better

opportunity to learn and to grow their knowledge.


The researchers' findings from various sources emphasize the significant

and lasting impact of early childhood education (ECE) on a child's

development and educational trajectory. Lina (2023) underscores the

advantage of starting education at the right age, predicting higher success in

school. Data supports those children who receive ECE are more likely to

enter primary education at the appropriate age, fostering social, emotional,

and cognitive well-being. The Asian Development Bank (2021) emphasizes

that ECE aims to enhance children's capacity to develop and learn, fostering

qualities such as confidence, good peer relationships, and effective

communication skills. Parents recognize the importance of ECE in shaping

their child's holistic development (Antonio et al., 2019). The quality of early

education is paramount, with the NSW Government (2023) asserting that

high-quality ECE provides the best start in life, offering opportunities for

learning, socialization, and development. Early socialization, as highlighted

by Wonder School (2020), plays a crucial role in childhood education,

teaching children's essential skills for future interactions. Alvarado (2023)

reinforces the idea that ECCE goes beyond preparation for primary school,

aiming at the holistic development of a child's social, emotional, cognitive,

and physical needs.


Munholland (2023) discusses best practices in early childhood education,

emphasizing developmentally appropriate instruction strategies. The choice

of teaching methods, such as the Montessori approach, can significantly

impact a child's cognitive, social, physical,

and emotional development (Rajiv, 2022). Asking stimulating questions and

maintaining high expectations contribute to a rich language environment

and foster problem-solving skills (Center for

Early Literacy Learning, 2023). Local studies from Education South (2021)

and Geneva (2019) echo the importance of ECCE in-nurturing future citizens,

focusing on the child's overall development. Villanueva (2021) emphasizes

the role of play in fostering positive relationships, emotional skills, and

physical development. However, Haddow (2020) warns against the potential

negative impact of continuous study without a balanced life.

Effective time management, as mentioned by Awas et al., contributes to a

child's sense of responsibility and organizational skills. Yi-Huang (2022)

highlights the critical period of childhood for learning, emphasizing the need

for appropriate teaching styles. The researcher suggests that teachers and

parents play crucial roles as role models for children, influencing their

learning through play and fostering a positive learning environment.

In marketing ECE institutions, Wahyuni (2023) proposes a three-way

strategy involving external, internal, and interactive strategies to build brand

identity, enhance educational services, and establish strong relationships

with parents and communities. Finally, Watts et al. (2020) present findings

indicating that children exposed to comprehensive ECE interventions are

more likely to make informed choices about their subsequent educational

environments, demonstrating the enduring impact of early education.


The researchers collectively underscore the multifaceted benefits of early

childhood education, emphasizing its role in shaping children's development,

preparing them for formal schooling, and influencing their educational

choices in the long term. The quality of education, diverse teaching methods,

the balance between study and play, and the involvement of parents and

communities emerge as critical factors in ensuring the efficacy of early

childhood education programs.

Chapter 3


Research Design

This study used a descriptive correlational research design to collect

all data from the study. Descriptive correlational designs describe variables

and the natural relationships that exist between them. Predictive correlation

design: The variance of one or more variables is predicted by a predictive

correlation study based on the variance of another variable(s). According to

Bhat (2023),

Descriptive correlational research is a type of research design that

tries to explain the relationship between two or more variables without

making any claims about cause and effect. It includes collecting and

analyzing data on at least two variables to see if there is a link between


Population and Sampling

The purpose of this research study is to explore the underlying factors

that influence fourth graders' educational experiences and build a solid

foundation for designing intervention programs tailored to their needs. By

understanding the unique challenges and needs of fourth graders, we can


develop targeted initiatives that maximize their potential and ensure success

in later stages of their education.

The population of this study is one Fifty-three (153) enrolled grade 4

student at San Vicente Elementary School Binan Laguna. This is consisting

of 3 sections in Grade 4 San Vicente Elementary School Student. As such

the researcher will use the slovin formula sampling technique with a 5%

margin of error and 95% confidence level. In Accordance with Zach (2023),

In statistics, Slovin’s formula is used to calculate the minimum sample sized

needed to estimate a statistic based on an acceptable margin of error. Aside

from that, this formula will also give an idea to the researchers of how large

the required sample size to be to ensure the accuracy of the results.

Consequently, the actual sample size of the study is one hundred thirty-

seven (137) respondents using the simple random sampling technique which

will employ for the results of the study.

Population and Sampling

Students Population (N) Sampling (n) Percentage

Section 1 45 41 27

Section 2 55 49 30

Section 3 53 47 29

Slovin Formula


N is the size of population

e is desired margin of error

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers used the standard self-administered

questionnaires to assess the underlying factors that influence fourth graders'

educational experiences and build a solid foundation for designing

intervention programs tailored to their needs. The questionnaire will give by

the researchers directly to the participants. They will give a letter to the

school authority to make sure that the researcher can have gather a data

coming from the students. Part I was consisted of Informed Consent that will

employ to select grade 4 students of San Vicente Elementary School of

Biñan, Laguna; and covers the personal information of the respondents such

as (sex, age, year level, and parent job, parent educational attainment, and

Environment). The part II was consisted of teachers and parents assess the

early childhood education program in terms of school factor and student

factors. This scale consists of 35 items describing the how the parents and

teachers assess the student to their early childhood education. It uses a five-

point Likert scale, meaning 1 “very low”, 2 “low”, 3 “moderate”, 4 “high”, and

5 “very high”.

In part III it consist of the academic performance of the pupils in

Periodical examination this will be the standard self-administered

questionnaire that consists of 20 items to assess the pupil performance

academic performance in periodical examination. This scale uses a five-


point Likert scale meaning, 1 “disagree”, 2 “slightly disagree”, 3 “slightly

agree”, 4“slightly agree”, and 5 “strongly agree”.

This study was consulted and evaluated by the dissertation advisor

to ensure the appropriateness and content of this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

For this descriptive study, a questionnaire was considered the most

appropriate tool for data collection. The researchers sought consent from the

department of San Vicente Elementary School for this study and asked

about the total population of enrolled and selected 4th grade students from

sections 1 to 3 of San Vicente Elementary School, Biñan, Laguna. The

researcher will provide guidance to each respondent to ensure that this

research is an academic requirement only and to ensure that all information

provided by the respondent will be kept confidential. We ask for your

consent. To avoid mistakes and obtain accurate data, the researcher will

briefly explain the contents and procedures of the questionnaire to the

respondents. The survey form will be returned to the evaluator as soon as it

is voluntarily completed and completed by the respondent.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical tools used for this quantitative analysis in this study

were as follows: To answer the sub-problem number one (1), “What is the

profile of the respondents in terms of: Gender, Age, Parents educational

attainment, Environment and Work Status?” The frequency and percentage

were used.

To answer the sub-problem number two (2), “How do the teachers and

parents assess the early childhood education program in terms of: School

factor; (Class schedule, Teaching strategies, Classroom environment) and for


Student Factor (Physical wellbeing; and Social Relationships?)”. To answer

the sub problem number (3). “How do the respondents assess the academic

performance of the pupils in Periodical examination?” the weighted mean

and ranking were used.

To answer the sub-problem four (4) “Is there a significant difference in

the assessment of the respondents on the early childhood education in

terms of school factor, class schedule, classroom environment, student

Factor, physical wellbeing and social Relationships?” The t-test is used.

To answer the sub-problem five (5) “Is there a significant relationship

between the assessment of the respondents on the early childhood

education?” The Pearson R is used.

To answer the sub problem six (6) “In terms of school factor, class

schedule, classroom environment, student Factor, physical wellbeing and

social Relationships?” Pearson R is Used

To answer the sub problem seven (7) “Based on the findings, what

intervention program may be proposed?”

Numerical Value Range Verbal interpretation

1 4.20-5.00 Very high

2 3.40-4.19 High

3 2.60-3.39 Moderate

4 1.80-2.59 Low

5 1.00-1.79 Very Low


To assess the academic performance of the pupils in Periodical

examination. The five-point Likert scale below were being utilized.

Numerical Value Range Verbal Interpretation

1 4.20-5.00 Strongly Agree.

2 3.40-4.19 Agree

3 2.60-3.39 Slightly Agree

4 1.80-2.59 Dis-Agree

5 1.00-1.79 Very Dis-Agree

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