Chapter 1
Early childhood education is undeniably one of the cornerstones of a
ways that have lifelong implications. In the quest for providing a solid
from the early grades to the upper elementary level introduces new academic
demands and social dynamics that can impact a child's well-being and
The aim of this research study is to investigate the underlying factors that
create targeted initiatives that will maximize their potential and ensure their
This research will delve into various aspects of early childhood education
support the realization of the DepEd's vision for an inclusive, holistic, and
intervention program.
Theoretical Framework
same stages of development, in the same sequence but each child will go
early childhood educational philosophy that seek the child as growing being
and this theory believe that the role of education is passively support this
improvement than the actively fill the child with knowledge. In this theory it
proves that the most important thing on the growth of children is the
physical and mental rather than the knowledge that typical parents wants.
Because it easy to teach the children when they are willing to learn. If the
learners are not willing to learn because of their early minds whatever
have never been easy. Children are pushed into our perplexing world and are
they need. The list is still on counting, including dealing with. It's no big
functioning of one’s body through healthy learning and good exercise habits
for the children, who forgot to take their meal or even can't balance their
teaching a child. Giving them a playing time with their own and to other
focus on the school. Other than parents and teacher needs to know what the
Conceptual Framework
Data Gathering
1.the profile of the
respondents in terms of: - Survey
1.1 Gender; Questionnaire
1.2 Age;
- Observation
1.4 Environment; and
1.5 Work Status? - Library research
2. assess of the respondents
on the early childhood Presentation,
education program in terms
of : Interpretation and
2.1 School factor;
2.1.1 Class schedule; Analysis of Data
2.1.2 Teaching strategies;
2.1.3Classroom Intervention
environment; and
- Frequency Program
2.2 Student Factor
2.2.1 Physical wellbeing; - Percentage
2.2.2 Social Relationships? - Ranking
3. academic performance of
the pupils in Periodical - Weighted Mean
4. significant difference in
the assessment of the
respondents on the early
childhood education in
terms of school factor, class
schedule, classroom
environment, student
Factor, physical wellbeing,
and social Relationships?
5. significant relationship
between the assessment of
the respondents on the early
childhood education in
terms of school factor, class
schedule, classroom
environment, student
Factor, physical wellbeing,
and social Relationships?
Presented in input box are the profile of the respondents in terms of Sex; Age;
Year level; and Civil Status. Also included were the respondent assessment
Observation and Library research. The study also interpreted and analyzed
1.2 Age;
social Relationships.
Basis in intervention program. This study also included the profile of the
Environment and Work Status. This study will assess the early childhood
Students. This study will help them to become their basis on their future
Teachers. The result of this study will help teachers to identify how they will
to plan various programs that will allow students to focus more on academic
Parents: This study will be help to parent to decide what kind of based
learning they want on their children. To ensure they are guiding their
Definition of Terms
comprehending their talent: Exploring the skill and talent of the children.
allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or
physical stress.
intellectually but it also shapes and molds our character. It thus benefits us
growth of children.
Chapter 2
Local Studies
start in learning and predicts higher success in school. Data suggest that
children who received ECE or Early Childhood Education are more likely to
attend primary education at age six, which is the official primary school
starting age in the Philippines, compared to those who did not attend ECE.
good peer relationships; tackles challenging tasks and persists with them;
has good language skills and communicates well and listens to instructions
and is attentive’’. Most of the parents believe that giving their child a early
education is making them ready and molding them to a best version of their-
selves. This statement will support how the parents view the important of
child's development potential” (Antonio, et. al. 2019). Although the parents
make their child enroll in an early years of the children. They also believe the
child to give them space for their studying. Additionally states by Guererro
(2019) mentioned that By playing actively with a child, they are not only
promoting good health and physical development, also the parents are
providing them with the opportunity to develop essential skills that will help
them in their social interactions with peers. Early childhood education not
only introduces kids to schooling but also their parents. These are the years
It is at this point that a parent begins to share the rearing of a child with
Foreign Literature
A good quality of education is best thing that you can give at early
time of your children, this is the best start up for them in the better life.
“High quality early childhood education and care givers children the best
childhood education and care can help your child make friends, develop
integral part of social life. When it’s done with professional guidance,
children can benefit greatly. Giving an early childhood education at early age
of the integral needs of children for their growth. Early childhood care and
social, emotional, cognitive, and physical needs in order to build a solid and
broad foundation for lifelong learning and well-being. ECCE has the
means that early childhood education is a platform where the parents and
the teacher preparing the children in real life world in the future. Where they
childhood education may include ways to deliver information, blend fun and
teaching a 15years old and up. When it comes to early childhood education,
there are several teaching methods that facilitator can use to suit the
styles. Every parent wants the best for their child when it comes to
knowledge learning. But they don’t know what kind of early childhood
education methods that they will going to use. One of the examples
the students blossom through their early childhood education. Since the
children is the one who are studying and learning. Educators must also ask
questions can help boost the language environment. Keep high expectations
for all children and gradually increase the complexity of your questions as
asking the children on their early childhood the educators and parents are
practicing their mind to solve the problem at the same time they are
Local Studies
care and education (ECCE) is more than preparation for primary school. It
physical needs in order to build a solid and broad foundation for lifelong
learning and well-being. ECCE has the possibility to nurture caring, capable,
and responsible future citizens.” It makes sense since the child is they
education at the kindergarten level (age group 5 years) must aim to develop
they will be better prepared to adjust and cope with life situations and the
also give their child to learn a knowledge not only in the school. Student also
to grow and develop some certain skills and talent. Letting them to play
Villanueva (2021) as they play, they will learn to build and sustain positive
can also explore and engage with the environment through play. Additionally,
Through play, they develop physical and discover a wide range of emotional
skills that help them process the world they live in, both positive and
negative aspects. In short, play is essential for the development of little ones
result a bad performance for them in their future endeavor. This statement
makes it strong by Haddow (2020) The report also found that students from
than any other variable group analyzed as part of this baseline report, which
puts them far behind at the beginning of their schooling. Accordingly, these
results suggest they require more support and are at greater risk of failure
than any other group in this study. Their progress and development in
balance life since they are only a child. They can’t handle the stress of
continuous study. So, parent and teacher needs them to teach their child
how to manage their time to study and play. Making them responsible at
their young age. Additionally stated by the website called Effective time
learn to juggle multiple tasks and meet deadlines by managing their time
well. They become more organized and efficient in their daily lives. Time
management is the effective thing that can help to achieve the desired and
should be carried out not only for students but for everyone (Awas, Et, al)
Foreign Studies
and Care. However, the relationship between play and learning is often
taken for granted both in research and teaching practice. Most of the teacher
doing some activity or games inside the classroom to get the attentions of the
students. One of the examples of this when the teacher has an activity like a
problem. After that the teacher ask them how they relate it on their topic.
children’s play and the play frames as described in the research, but the
people know how the children learning through copying the older one. Since
the parent and teachers are the one who the children look up. The parents
social abilities, young children at this stage have great plasticity and strong
teaching style for the children growth with appropriate moral education at
are about the concern with the creation of brand identities of the institutions
and trust the teachers. While the internal institutions are about developing
Additionally, by Alber, (2023) Children are always learning, but that doesn’t
mean it can’t be hard. If children aren’t prepared for the process, they can
lose all their natural enthusiasm. As a result, these kids could have a tough
time in elementary school and beyond. Also, there are more factors that can
their lives for the better, both during their school years and beyond. These
an excellent investment in the future for our society. Providing the student, a
good quality of education and proper guidance can give them a better
school. Data supports those children who receive ECE are more likely to
that ECE aims to enhance children's capacity to develop and learn, fostering
their child's holistic development (Antonio et al., 2019). The quality of early
high-quality ECE provides the best start in life, offering opportunities for
reinforces the idea that ECCE goes beyond preparation for primary school,
Early Literacy Learning, 2023). Local studies from Education South (2021)
and Geneva (2019) echo the importance of ECCE in-nurturing future citizens,
highlights the critical period of childhood for learning, emphasizing the need
for appropriate teaching styles. The researcher suggests that teachers and
parents play crucial roles as role models for children, influencing their
with parents and communities. Finally, Watts et al. (2020) present findings
choices in the long term. The quality of education, diverse teaching methods,
the balance between study and play, and the involvement of parents and
Chapter 3
Research Design
all data from the study. Descriptive correlational designs describe variables
and the natural relationships that exist between them. Predictive correlation
Bhat (2023),
making any claims about cause and effect. It includes collecting and
develop targeted initiatives that maximize their potential and ensure success
the researcher will use the slovin formula sampling technique with a 5%
margin of error and 95% confidence level. In Accordance with Zach (2023),
from that, this formula will also give an idea to the researchers of how large
Consequently, the actual sample size of the study is one hundred thirty-
seven (137) respondents using the simple random sampling technique which
Section 1 45 41 27
Section 2 55 49 30
Section 3 53 47 29
Slovin Formula
Research Instrument
the researchers directly to the participants. They will give a letter to the
school authority to make sure that the researcher can have gather a data
coming from the students. Part I was consisted of Informed Consent that will
Biñan, Laguna; and covers the personal information of the respondents such
as (sex, age, year level, and parent job, parent educational attainment, and
Environment). The part II was consisted of teachers and parents assess the
factors. This scale consists of 35 items describing the how the parents and
teachers assess the student to their early childhood education. It uses a five-
point Likert scale, meaning 1 “very low”, 2 “low”, 3 “moderate”, 4 “high”, and
5 “very high”.
appropriate tool for data collection. The researchers sought consent from the
department of San Vicente Elementary School for this study and asked
about the total population of enrolled and selected 4th grade students from
consent. To avoid mistakes and obtain accurate data, the researcher will
The statistical tools used for this quantitative analysis in this study
were as follows: To answer the sub-problem number one (1), “What is the
were used.
To answer the sub-problem number two (2), “How do the teachers and
parents assess the early childhood education program in terms of: School
the sub problem number (3). “How do the respondents assess the academic
To answer the sub problem six (6) “In terms of school factor, class
To answer the sub problem seven (7) “Based on the findings, what
2 3.40-4.19 High
3 2.60-3.39 Moderate
4 1.80-2.59 Low
2 3.40-4.19 Agree
4 1.80-2.59 Dis-Agree