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Computer Networks I

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Networks I

In Tis Chapter

10.1 Introduction 10.4 Network Devices

10.2 Computer Networks AN Introduction 10.5 The Cloud
10.3 Types of Netvworks 10.6 Internet of Things (loT)

In the
history of mankind, networking
in any form has always
given better results, better
outcomes and better utilization of resources. For instance,
you always have benefitted from
human networks e.g., you warnt to
buy a certain book, which is not available at the bookshop near
you. But your friend, who lives in a different part of the city, says he can buy it for
book is available in the you as this
bookshop near his house. You happily agree to this and the next day in
school, he hands over the book to you and you pay to him the book-price. Both are
happy-he is
happy to help; you are happy to get the book and to have a helping friend. :), See, networking

souseful; in fact, networking is useful in all forms -

Computer networking is no
Connections among humans make exception.
human network and connections
among computers make
computer networks.
In this
chapter, we shall talk about the basics of computer networks, their structures, types
devices, protocols etc.



Two or more autonomous' computing devices connected to COMPUTER NETWORK
one another in order to exchange information or snare A computer network is a
resources, form a computer network. For example, if in your collection of interconnected
autonomous computing devices
home, you can connect your smartphone, your laptop with your so as to exchange information or
smart TV, gaming console and a
printer simultaneously ether share resources.

using cables or through WiFi, it will be termed as a Computer

Figure 10.1 shows a sample computer network.


to internet Computer 1
connection) Ethernet or
USB cable
Ethernet Wi-Fi
cable WiFi
Touter Computer 2
Printers Ethernet

Entertainment Computer 3

Advontages of Networks Dissdvoagss oi Neworks

* Shareresources:such Can share software * The systems are more I f software and files are
as printers and scanners. Software can be installed sophisticated and complex held centrally, it may be
This is cheaper than centrally rather than on to run. This can add to costs impossible to carry out
buying equipment for each machine. Metering andyou may need specialist any work if the central
each computer. software can then be used staff to run the network. server fails. People become
to limit the number of copies reliant on the communications
being run at any one time. if these fail, it can cause havoc.
This is much cheaper than
buying licenses for every

* If networks are badly *File security is more

Share storage being * Improve communications
able to access files from Messages can be sent managed, services can important especially if
become unusable and connected to WANs e.g
any machines on the network e.g., internal email .
can share data. productivity falls. protection from viruses.

Fiqure 10.1 (a) A sample computer network. (6) Advantages and disadvantages of computer networks.
Computer networks are very useful in many ways. They
facilitate resource sharing (resources such as
storage, NOTE
software etc. on the network can be shared), enhanced
communication (communicating with devices on a Please note that now onwards, we snall
network is easier), cost reduction(resource sharing cuts use the terms 'computer network and

on costs) and so forth. Figure 10.1(b) shows some 'network interchangeably

advantages and disadvantages of computer networks.

1, It means that no computing device on a network can start, stop or control other device(s).
Chopter 10

10.2.1 Components
of a Computer Network
Merely by joining two computers with a cable won't forma network. In fact, there are many
components that together make a network. We are briefly discussing below, the major
components of a computer network.

Major components of a Computer Networks are:

() Hosts/Nodes (such as PC, laptops, smartphones etc.)
(b) Servers
(c) Client

d) Network hardware (such as NIC, router, switch, hub etc.)

()Communication channel (such as cables, radio-links etc.)
)Software (such as protocols, network operating system etc.)
() Network services (such as BNS, File-sharing etc.).

Let us talk about these, briefly.

(a) Host or Nodes. The term host or node refers to the NOTE
computers that are attached to a network and are seeking to A computer becomes a workstation
share the resources of the network. Of course, if there were of a network as soon as it is
no nodes (also called workstations), there would be no attached to a network.
network at al.
So your PCs, laptops, smartphones etc. when connect to a
network become hosts. SERVER

Server A computer that facilitates

(6) Server. A Server is a very important computer in a the sharing of data, software, and
network. A server is responsible for making the networking hardware resources (e.g., printers,
tasks happen. In other words, a server facilitates networking modems etc.) on the network, is
tasks like sharing of data, resource-sharing, communication termed as a Server.
among hosts etc.
On small networks, sometimes, all the shareable stuff (like files, data, software etc.) is stored on
the server. A network can have more than one server also. Each server has a unique name on the
network and all users of network identify the server by its unique name.
On big networks, there can be servers dedicated to specialized tasks e.g., a file server only
handles files' related requests ; a printer server only handles printing requests and so on.

)Clients. Client is a related term. A client computer is a host computer that requests for
Some services from a server. In other words, a server computer serves the requests of client
(d) Network Hardware. Other than hosts and wiring, a network requires specialized
hardware to carry out various roles, such as establishing corrections, controlling network trattic
etc. There are many different types of hardware that are required in a network. Some examples
of network hardware are
NIC (Network Interface Unit). It is a network card attached to a host so as to establish
network connections.
Hub, switch, router. These are connectivity deVices.

many others.
with other hosts and server(s
Communication channel. Hosts in
network interact
) The
channel or communication medium.
tnrough a communication

can either be wired or wireless: with

are connected one
When hosts and
Wired Communication channels.
called a wired communication
network cables, it is
another through guided media like are: twisted-pair cables
communication media
channel/medium. Examples of wired
coaxial cables, firbre-optic cables.
connected with
hosts and server(s) are one
Wireless Communication channels. When called wireless
satellite etc., it is
like radio waves,
another through unguided media communication media are
Communication channel/medium. Examples of wireless
laser etc.
Microwaves, radio waves, satellites, infirared waves,
Ihese comprise
network make networking
) Software. The software layers of a
of network protocols, network operating system etc. network connect and
which all parties of a
A protocol refers to a pre-decided set of rules using
interact with one another.
handle networking tasks.
Anetwork operating system is a specialized operating
system that can
to the applications
that provide different functionalities
(g) Network Services. These refer VolP (Voice over IP) and
o v e r a network, such as DNS (Domain
Name System), File sharing,

many more.
networks, let us further our discussion by
Armed with this basic knowledge of computer
about types of networks.


'networked' computers i.e., computers that are linked

A computer network means a group of
A network can mean a small group of linked
by means of a communication system.
chain of a few hundred computers of different types (e.g., PCs, minis,
computers to a

mainframes etc.) spread around the world. Thus, networks vary in size, complexity and

geographical spread.
Let us discuss types of networks based on these parameters.

10.3.1 Types of Networks based on Geographical Spread

Based on network span or geographical spread, networks can be divided into two basic
(i) LAN (Local Area Network)
(i) WAN (Wide Area Network)

10.3.1A Local Area Network (LAN)

Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area (eg, an office, a building or a
factory) are known as Local Area Networks (LANs). The key purpose of a LAN is to serve its users
in resource sharing. The hardware as well as software resources are shared through LANS. rO
instance, LAN users can share data, intormation, programs, printers, hard-disks, modems e
Fig. 10.1(a) shows a Local Area Network.
Chapter 10:
In a typical LAN cofiguration, one computer is
caftware that controls the network, as well as thedesignated
file server. It stores all
of the
software that can be shared
attached to the network.
connected to the
by the computers
server are called workstations. On most LANs, cables
used to connect the network interface cards in each
are NOTE
Computer. Traditionally, LANs are said to have
Figure 10.1(a) that you have seen earlier shows a LAN. geographical spread of upto 1 km.

10.3.1B Wide Area Network (WAN)

The networks spread across countries or on a
very big geographical area are known as WANs.
A Wide Area Netrwork (WAN) is a of
group computers that are separated by large distances and
tied together. It can even be a
group of LANs that are spread across several locations and
connected together to look like one
big LAN. The WANs link computers to facilitate fast and
efficient exchange of information at lesser costs
and higher speeds.
Computers connected to
wide-area network are often connected
telephone system. Sometimes they can be connected throughpublic
such as the networks,
leased lines" or
satellites. The largest WAN in existence is the
Figure 10.2 shows you a LAN and a WAN.

Site office


Regional Eastern
office states office
Head office

Head office

Figure 10.2 LAN vs. WAN.

There has been
traditionally another type of networks The Internet is a giant WAN. The web is
MAN (Metropolitan Area Network), which refers to a
also a WAN. Please note that Web
network that is spread over an area as big as a city. But
(World Wide Web) is a part of the
these days, this term has become redundant. Internet, not the complete Internet.

2. As
Ver 1s a computer that just serves the requests of doing some tasks, made by other computers in its network. A file server
V s the requests related to file sharing, storing etc. A print server serves the printer related requests, and so on.

network interface card (NIC) provides the physical connection between the network and the computer workstation.
edSed line is a permanent telephone connection between two points set up by a govermment-regulated organization that
PIOVIdes telecommunications
services to the public.

LAN and WAN.

Folowing table (10.1) lists some basic differences between

able 10.1 LAN vs. WAN


. It is spread over a small area. It is spread over a very large area.

It costs higher to set it up.

2. It usually costs less to set it up.
It is usually a network of many networks.
3. I t is usually a single network.

10.3.2 Types of Networks by Component Roles

Another parameter based on which you can classify networks is the role played by network
computers in the network operation. On the basis of this, there can be two types of computer
() Peer to Peer networks
(i) Client/Server Networks.

Let us talk about these network types one by one.

10.3.2A Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Networks

Peer refers to someone with equal standing, eg, look at these example sentences

The staff is trained by peers.

Peer group of children is really important.

The peer-to-peer network literally implements the mearning of the word 'peer, ie., each
computer on a peer-to-peer network is equal. That is, each computer can play the role of a client
or a server. In other words, there is no computer designated as in charge of network operation.
Each computer controls its own information and plays role of either a client or a server
depending upon what is needed at that point of time.
The computers that serve on a peer-to-peer computer are often termed as non-dedicated servers.
On small networks, a workstation that can double up as a
server, is known as non-dedicated server since it is not
completely dedicated to the cause of serving. Such servers popular as
Peer-to-peer networks are
can facilitate the resource-sharing among work-stations on a home networks and for use in small

proportionately smaller scale. Since one computer works as companies as they inexpensive and
are limited
a workstation as well as a server, it is slower and requires easy to install, but they
difficult to secure.
more memory. Recall that the (small) networks using such scope and are

a server are known as PEER-TO-PEER networks.

Typically a peer-to-peer network has upto ten computers (an accepted limit).

10.3.2B The Client-Server Networks

do this
Unlike peer-to-peer networks, bigger networks prefer to have centralized control. i
by clearly designating servers and clients. Such networks are called client-server ne
even master-slave networks.
Chapter 10:
On bigger network installations, there is a
computer reserved
for the server's job and its
iob is tohelp workstations access data, software and hardware resources. It does only
as a workstation and such a server is known as dedicated not
server are known server. The networks using such
as MASTER-SLAVE networks. a

On a network, there may be several

servers that allow
workstations to share specific resources.
there may be a server example, NOTE
exclusively for serving files-related
requests like storing files, deciding about their access A dedicated server
operates solely as a
privileges and regulating the amount of space allowed for server on network while a non-
each user. This server is known as dedicated server can shuttle between
there may be printer server and modem
file server. Similarly, the client as well as server roles.
server. The
server takes care of the printer
printing requirements of a number
of workstations and the modem
network users use a modem to transmit helps a group of
long distance CLIENT COMPUTER
The key point about a client-server A Client computer (or a
client) is a
model is that the client Computer or other device on the
dependent on the server to provide and manage the network that requests and utilizes
information. For example, websites are stored network resources. A Server is a
on web
servers. A web browser is the client computer on network, dedicated to
which makes a request
to the server, and the processing client requests.
server sends the website to
able 10.2 Differences between
Client-server and P2P Networks
Client-server P2P
Security The server controls security of the network.
| No central control over
Management The server
manages the network. Needs a No central control over the network.
dedicated team of people to manage the can set up.

Dependency Clients are dependent on the server. Clients are not dependent ona central server.
Performance The server can be upgraded to be made If machines on the network are
slow they
more powerful to cope with high demand. will slow down ther machines.
Backups Data is all backed up on the main server. Each computer has to be backed up. Data
easily be deleted by users.
T0.3.3 Type of Networks based on Communication Channel
Computer networks are formed when computers are connected with one
another. The
Connections among the hosts are established using specific communication media. Based on
this parameter, the
computer networks can be categorized as these
() Wired Computer Networks (i) Wireless Computer Networks.
Let us
quickly talk about these computer network types.
T0.3.3A Wired Computer Networks
AS Clear by the name, in wired computer networks, the hosts and other devices are interconnected
through wiring or cables. Most wired computer networks are of LAN type. Although, there are
Wireless LANs too and there are bigger networks that use wireless media too.
Most commonly used cables in wired networks are one of the following three types

() Twisted Pair Cable. A twisted pair cable is a pair of insulated wires that are twisted
together to improve electromagnetic capability and to reduce noise from outside sources

Ihese are available in various forms such as CAT1, CAT2, CAT3, CAT4, CAT5, CAT6
(1) Coaxial Cable (Coax). This type of cable consists of a solid wire core surrounded by one
or more foil or wire shields, each separated by some kind of plastic insulator. The to
coaxial cables thicknet and thinnet.
most commonly used types of are

(i) Fiber Optic Cable (or Optic Fiber Cable). A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of
glass threads, each of which is capable of transmitting messages modulated onto light
waves. Common types of Fiber Optic Cables are single node and multi-node.

Twisted Pair Cable Coaxial Cable (Coax) Fiber Optic Cable

10.3.2B Wireless Computer Networks

The computer networks that use environment or air as the media, through which information
is transmitted without requiring any cable or wires or other electronic conductors, rather by
using electromagnetic waves like IR (Infrared), RF (radio frequencies), satellite, etc. are wireless
computer networks.
For example, if you connect all smartphones of your house and your laptop through the
common Wi Fi, it is a wireless computer network (a wireless LAN). WANs can also be formed
using wireless media such as satellites.
Most commonly used transmission media in wireless networks are:
() Microwave. Microwave waves are high frequency waves that can be used to transmit
data wirelessly over longdistances The microwave transmission consists of a transmitter,
receiver and the atmosphere. Microwave radiation can be used to transmit signals such as
mobile phone calls.
(i) Radio waves. Radio waves are used to transmit television RADIO
and radio programmes. All radios today, use continuous Radio wave can be classified by

sine waves to transmit information (audio, video, data). frequency and wavelength. When
the frequency is higher than 3 GHz,
WiFi that has become a common word today also used
it is named microwave.
radio wave to transmit data among connected devices.
(ii) Satellite (Satellite Microwave). Satellite communication is a special case of microwave
system. communication use the synchronous satellite to relay the radio
signal transmitted from ground station.
A number of communication satellites, owned by both governments and
organizations, have been placed in stationary orbits about 22,300 miles above theeartn
surface. These satellites act as
relay stations for communication signals. IT mit
accept data/ signals transmitted from an earth station, amplify them, and reta
them to another earth station. Using such a setup, data can be transmittea to
side of the earth in only one
Some other wireless communication media are infrared and laser waves.
Chapter 10:COMPUTER

Network Topologies

The pattern of interconnection Gf nodes in a network is called the Topology or the Network Topology.
Many topologies have been developed, but major ones are:

theStar topology;
theBus topology;
the Ring or
circular topology
theMesh topology
the Tree topology

1. The Star Topology

This topology consists of a central node (concentrator) to which all other nodes are connected
by a single
path. (see Fig.). It is the topology used in most existing information networks involving data processing or
voice communications. A variation of star topology is the Tree

Central node
Nodes (Concentrator)

Star Topology

Advantages of a Star Topology

A It is easy to install and wire.
A No disruptions to the network take place while connecting or removing devices.

A It is easy to detect faults and to remove parts.

Disadvantages of a Star Topology

It requires more cable length than a linear topology.
AIf the hub, switch, or concentrator fails, nodes attached are disabled.
AIt is more expensive than linear bus topologies because of the cost of the hubs, etc.

2. The Bus or Linear TopologY

This topology consists of a single length of the transmission medium (normally coaxial cable) onto which the
various nodes are attached (see Fig.). The transmission from any station travels the length of the bus, in both
directions, and can be received by all other stations. At each end, there are terminators which remove the
travelling data token from the network.




Bus Topology

Advantages of a Linear Bus Topology

AIt is easy to connect computer
a or peripheral to a linear bus.
It requires less cable length than a star topology.
Disadvantages of a Linear Bus Topology
Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable.
Terminators are both ends of the backbone cable.
required at

It is more difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down.
It is not meant to be used as a stand-alone topology in a large building

3. The Ring or Circular Topology

In this topology, each node is connected to two and only two neighbouring nodes. Data is accepted from one
of the neighbouring nodes and is transmitted onwards to another (see Fig.). Thus data token travels in one
direction only, from node to node around the ring. After passing through each node, it returns to the sending
node, which removes it.

Advantages of Ring Topology

Transmitting network is not affected by high traffic or
by adding more nodes, as only the nodes having tokens
can transmit data.
It is
comparati vely cheaper to install and expand.
Disadvantages of Ring Topology
Troubleshooting is difficult in ring topology.
Adding or deleting the computers disturbs the network Ring Topology
Failure of one computer disturbs the whole network.
4. Mesh Topology

In this topology, each node is connected to more than one node to

case the host is either down or too provide an alternative route in ne

busy. The mesh topology is excellent for long distance

because it provides extensive
back-up, rerouting and pass-through capabilities. networkg
between any two nodes on the network Communication is possibDE
either directly or by
distributed networks. passing through. This is also 1ded



Mesh Topology

Advantages of Mesh Topology

Each connection
carry its own data load.

I t is robust and provides security and privacy.

AInthis topology, fault diagnosis is easy.
Disadvantages of Mesh Topology
Its installation and configuration is difficult.
Cabling cost is more for mesh topology.
ABulk wiring is required for mesh topology

5. Tree or Expanded Star Topology

A tree topology combines characteristics of linear bus and star topologies. It consists of groups of

Star-configured workstations connected to a linear bus backbone cable (see Fig.).

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Mesh Topology
Advantages of a Tree Topology
It uses point-to-point wiring for individual segments.
A It is supported by several hardware and software venders.

Disadvantages of a Tree Topology

A Overall length of each segment is limited by the type of cabling used.

I f the backbone line breaks, the entire segment goes down.

t is more difficult to configure and wire than other topologies.



In the smooth functioning of a computer network, other than computers and wiring, man
devices or specialized hardware play inmportant roles. In this section, We are discussing about

these network devices/hardware.

10.4.1 NIC (Network Interface Card)

A standalone computer (a computer that is not attached to a network) lives in its own world
and carries out its tasks withits own inbuilt resources. But as soon as it becomes a workstation,
it needs an interface to help establish a connection with the network because without this, the
workstations will not be able to share network resources.
The network-interface-card is a device that is attached to each of the workstations and the server,
and helps the workstation establish the all-important connection with the network. Each
network-interface-card that is attached to a workstation has a MAC ADDRESS
unique number identifying it, which is known as the node The MAC address refers to
address. The NIC is also called Terminal Access Point (TAP). the
physical address assigned by NIC
Different manufacturers have different names for the interface. manutacturer.
The NIC is also called NIU - Network Interface Unit.

The NIC manufacturer assigns a unique physical address to each NIC card this physical
address is known as MAC address. (Media Access Control Address)

MAC Address
The NIC manufacturer assigns a unique physical address
to each NIC card ; this physical address is known as Media
Access Control address (MAC address). A MAC address is
a 6-byte address with each byte separated by a colon e.g., a
sample MAC address could be:
10 B5:03 63: 2E FC NOTE
So, now you know that this MAC address is actually the The NIC manufacturer assigns a unique
number assigned to the network card of your computer. physical address to each NIC card; this
The first three bytes of MAC address are the
manufacturer-id physical address is known as Media
(assigned to the manufacturer by an international Access Control address (MAC address
organization namely IEEE) and the last three bytes are the
card-no (assigned by manufacturer) (see Fig. 10.3 below).
Manufacturer-id (This code is assigned to manufacturer by IEEE)

10 B5 : 03 63 : 2E: FC Each MAC address is unique

for each network card.

Card-no (assigned by the manufacturer)

Figure 10.3 Sample MAC address.
10.4.2 WiFi Card
A WiFi card is either an internal or ireless
external Local Area Network adapter with a
buii ret
radio and antenna. The most common
WiFi cards used in desktop computers arer
WiFi cards made to fit the
card slots on the motherboard.
The primary
a WiFi
card in
is that it Radidla
desktop computer
allows you to setup your
workstation or home office
without considering the
proximity or availability of
PCMCIA WiFi Card Express Card WiFi Card USB WiFi Card
hard line network access.
Figure 10.4 Various types of Wifi cards.
10.4.3 Hub
A hub is a hardware device used to connect several computers together. A hub contains
multiple independent but connected modules of network and inter-networked equipment. A
similar term is concentrator. A concentrator is a device that provides a central connection point
for cables from workstations, servers, and peripherals.
Basically, hubs are multi-slot concentrators into which a number of multi-port cards can be
pugged to provide additional access as the network grows in size. Hubs can be either passive or
Active hubs electrically amplify the signal as
it moves A hub is networking device having
from one connected device to another. Active
multiple ports that are used for
concentrators are used like repeaters? to extend the
length of a network. connecting multiple computers or
segments of a LAN together.
Passive hubs allow the signal to pass from onecomputer
to another without any change.
10.4.4 Switch
A switch isa device that is used to segment networks into different subnetworks called subnets or
LAN segments. Segmenting the network into smaller subnets, prevents traffic overloading in a
A Switch is
responsible for filtering i.e., transforming data in a specific way and for forwarding
packets (a piece of message being transmitted) between LAN segments. Switch can support any
packet protocol. LANs that are segmented through switches are called Switched LANs.
How a Switch functions
o insulate the transmission from the other ports, the switch establishes a
Onnection between the source and destination, and then terminates the connection once the
conversation is done.
SWitch would be like a phone system with private lines in place of the hub's party line. For
ance, Meira Sen at the Maurya Hotel calls Ibrahim Soz in another room, and the operator or
One switch connects the two of them on a dedicated line. This allows more conversations at any
one me thereby allowing more guests to communicate.

5. A repeater
LEvice that electrically amplifies the signal it receives and rebroadcasts it.

10.4.5 Bridge
A bridge is a device that lets you link two networks together. Bridges are smart enough to know
which computers are on which side of the bridge, so they only allow those messages that need
toget to the other side to cross the bridge.
Bridges can handle networks that follow same protocols.

10.4.6 Router
A device that works like a bridge but can handle different protocols, is known as a router. For
example, a router can link Ethernet to a mainframe. The router is responsible tor forwarding
data from one network to a different network.

If the destination is unknown to a router it sends the traffic ROUTER

bound to unknown destination) to another router (using A Router is a network device that
logical addresses) which knows the destination. Based on a forwards data from one network to
network road map called a routing table, routers can help another. A router works like a
ensure that packets are travelling the most efficient paths to bridge but can handle different
their destinations. If a link between two routers fails, the protocols.
sending router can determine an alternate route to keep
traffic moving
A router differs from a bridge in a way that former uses logical addresses and the latter uses
physical addresses.
10.4.7 Gateway
A gateway is a device that connects dissimilar networks. A
A Gateway is a network device that
gateway is actually a node on a network that serves as an
connects dissimilar networks. It
entrance to another network. In enterprises, the gateway is
establishes an intelligent con-
the computer that routes the traffic from a workstation to nection between a local network
the outside network that is serving the Web pages. In and external networkS with
homes, the gateway is the ISP that connects the user to the completely different structures
In enterprises, the gateway node otten acts as a proxy server (a machine that is not actually a
server but appears as a server) and a firewall (a system designed to prevent unauthorized access
to or from a private network). The gateway is also associated with both a router, which use
headers and forwarding tables to determine where packets are sent, and a switch, which
provides the actual path for the packet in and out of the gateway.
10.4.8 Access Point
An access point (AP), also called wireless access point (WAP), is a hardware device that
establishes connection(s) of
computing devices on wireless LAN with a fixed wire networs.
The AP is connected to a fixed wire network
and it then
broadcast wireless signals that AcCESS PoINT
Wi Fi cards can detect;
computing devices having
using these wireless signals, the An access point (AP), also called
computing devices get connected to fixed wired network wireless access point (WAP), is a
via AP and use network as needed. hardware device that establishes
So, you can say that an
access point is a station that bf computing
transmits and receives data connection(s)
devices on wireless LAN with
(thus sometimes referred to as a
transceiver). fixed wire network.
Please note that every access point has a
range (up to 150 feet for home based APs) and nly the
devices within this range can
connect to the network
of this range, its connection with AP using AP. The moment a device moves out
(and with the network) breaks.
Similarly, every AP also
has a limit on number of
devices it can attach to
Different types of wireless access points are available
that are
suitable to different types of users with different
needs, e.g., an NOTE
AP at home is different from an AP at a
large enterprise or
college campus. Wireless routers can function as
access points, but not all access
Advantages of access
points include: easier installation, easier points can work as routers.
maintenance, bigger network coverage, stable signals, and ense of work.
So by now you know that in bigger networks (WANs) there are
multiple servers employed where actual storage and actual NOTE
work happens per the requirements of workstations/host.
The cloud is a generic term used
Generally, the servers are placed at safe, secure, isolatedd for Internet.
place(s) and end users work on their workstations at separate
places. The term cloud was coined to refer to the collection of

In modern days, the cloud refers to the Internet.

Cloud comptuting is Internet-based computing, whereby shared resources, software, and

information are provided to computers and other devices on demand, like the electricity grid. A
basic definition of cloud computing is the use of the Internet for the tasks you perform on your
computer for storage, retrieval and access. The "cloud" represents the Internet. Cloud computing
is a new name for an old concept: the delivery of comnputing services from a remote location.
Cloud computing services are delivered through a network, usually the Internet.

Cloud Computing

Servers Virtual 'Software

desktop platform Applications Storage/Data
os O0

A network device A network device


Figure 10.5 Cloud and Cloud computing.


10.5.1 Types of Clouds

Ihere are different types of clouds that you can subscribe to depending on your needs.
As a a

home user or small business

owner, you will most likely use public cloud services.
can choose to deploy applications on Public, Private or Hybrid clouds.
Enterprisee es

deployment models of clouds are:
1. Private Clouds
These the clouds for exclusive use
by a single organization and typically controlled.
managed and hosted in private data centers. The
hosting and operation of private clouds may
also be outsourced to a third
party service provider, but a private cloud remains for the
exclusive use of one
2. Public Clouds
These are the clouds for use by multiple organizations (tenants) on a shared basis and
managed by a third party service provider. hosted
3. Community Clouds
These are the clouds for
use by a
group of related organizations who wish to make use
cloud computing environment. For of a
different branches of the example, a community might consist of the
military, all the universities in a given region, or all the suppliers to a
large manufacturer.
4. Hybrid Clouds
When a single
order to take
organization adopts both private and public clouds for single application in
advantage of the benefits of both. For
example, in cloudbursting scenario, an
organization might run the steady-state workload of an

when a
in workload occurs, such as at the end of the
application on private a
cloud, but
holiday season, they can financial quarter
burst out to use or
computing capacity from a public cloud, then
those resources to the
public pool when they are no longer needed. return


You have been
hearing stories like
now smart :
automatically add items to your online shopping list refrigerators are available in narket that zeoula
refrigerator. Modern day manufacturing machines canby sensing which item(s) is less in quantity in the
update about their status. connect with one another and
Smart vehicles the managers and
can connect with one another and interact.
All these
examples are using a revolutionary
loT is
that connects the
technology called Internet of
Things (lol).
Here the
Things could refer things to the Internet over
wired or wireless
to smart device of connectior
smartphones to home appliances,every
today's age, i.e., from computers and
consumables etc. You vehicles, factory machines, to
allows people and
say that the Internet of tagged animais a
with Anything and
things to be connected Anytime, Things loT
Anyone, ideally using Any Anyplace,
and Any service. path/network lOT is a phenomenon that
Connects the things (the smart
In thissection, the word "Thing" will devices) to the Internet over
devices that connect to form loT.
always refer to the smart Wired or wireless connections.
10.6.1 Enabling lechnologies for loT
JoT is a
phenomenon that can connect
different technological concepts are variety of devices to Internet. To make it
implemented together. possible
These enabling technologies are
(RFID (Radio Frequencies Identification). This
technology is designed to use radio waves to read and
capture information stored on a
tag, called an RFID tag,
attached to an object. Every device
an RFID tag. (the thing) on loT has

An RFID tag is a small

identifies and tracksmicrochip
attached to an antenna.
the data
of the "
things". This
technology is composed of one or more readers READER

and RFID
tags that communicate with one another.
(ii) Sensors. A sensor is a device that is able to
is able to measure a detect changes in an environment. A
form it into an electric
physical phenomernon (like temperature, pressure, and

signal. The sensors enable us to collect data about the status ofon)the
so trans-
Modern age IoTs contain different
of sensors for
types variety of applications. Most common
typesof used in loT are
sensors, humidity sensors, motion detection temperature sensors, proximity sensor, pressure sensor, optical
sensors, smoke sensors, gas sensors, and
ii) Smart many other types.
and have other
Technologies. Smart technologies include additional
functionality to take action
can connect with the
capabilities as per the
requirements. For example, smart controllers
smart devices and act
upon them also as per the need of the hour,
turning off or on a device, stopping a vehicle, e.g.,
temperature of an oven and many more such actions. Smart
a door,
adjusting the
interact with smart nano devices as well. technologies of IoT are able to

(io) Software. The software part is equally important in the success of

Sottware provides the reusable solutions for any technologies. The
connecting, taking actions and solving issues that
may arise.
() Efficient Network connectivity. JoT is formed through interconnections of
the Internet. Hence the connectivity is very important. Modern devices to
age efficient network
echnologies play an important role in lol.
0.6.2 Devices that can torm loT
Any device that has an RFID tag can be a part of an loT. RFID
technology has been used with a
ariety of devices such as the ones listed below and many more.
Home appliances. fridges, cookers, coffee makers, heaters, HVAC, TVs, DVD
hghts, doors, windows etc.
Wearables. Clothes, shoes, hats, watches, heart monitors etc.
Vehicles. Cars, buses, bicycles, trains etc.
ractories. Machines, robots, warehouse shelves, parts within machines, tools etc.
Agriculture. Biochip transponders on farm animals and plants, farm humidity and

temperature sensors etc.

Food. bensors for monitoring the condition of food.

Energy engagement
Smart cities Gridautomation
Wireless grid communication
Water distribution
Waste management
Smart homes Smart watches
Smart door lock Fitness and activity monitor
Smart bulbs
Smart thermostat
Home appliances
Healthcare LOT Coffee maker
Heart rate and blood Air conditioner
Pressure monitor Water heater

Transportation Agriculture
Smart farming
Trafficmanagement Climate monitoring and forecasting
lOT makes easy parking
Vehicle location monitoring Crop monitoring

Smart manufacturing Cars

Industrialcommunication Automotive cars
Production flow monitoring Engine management
Improve field service scheduling

Figure 10.6 IoT devices.

10.6.3 Challenges and Risks

loT has made many things easier and possible but there are many challenges and risks
associated with it. Most important and critical challenge and risk is the security of loT.
How secure the data is and how immune an loT is, is a critical
question. Like other networks,
cyber-attacks, hackers, and unauthorized intruders can attack loTs as well. With billions of
"Things" connected to the Internet, it could also mean that by unauthorized access one can
create disasters something that is
With this, we have come to the end of this chapter. Let us quickly revise what we have learnt in
this chapter

A network is a collection of interlinked computers by means of a communication system.
The nertworks facilitate resource sharing, increased reliability, reduced costs, and increased and fast communication.

On the basis of geographical spread, networks can be clasified into LAN (Local Area Network), and WAN (Wide
Area Network).
Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area e.g., an office, a building etc., are called LANS.
A WAN Is a group of computers that are separated by large distances and tied together. It can even be a groupof
LANs that are spread across several locations and connected together to look like a big LAN.
Onthe basis of component roles, networks can be
classified into : a
peer-to-peer network and a client-server network
AClient computer (ora client) is a computer or other device on the network that requests and utilizes networs

A Server is a computer on network, dedicated client requests.

to processing
Ina peer-to-peer network, all computers a r e equal; each can double up as a client as well as a non-dedicated rver.
Chapter 10:
A client/server network has computer(s) designated as server(s) and these are dedicated servers. Clients do
and the servers serve the requests of the clients. own job
A hub is a hardware device used to connect several computers
together. Hubs can be either active hubs or passive hubs.
A switch is a device that is used to segment networks into different subnetworks called subnets or LAN segments.
A bridge is a device that links two networks together.
A router is a device that works like a bridge but can handle different protocols.
A gateway is a device that connects dissimilar networks.
An access point (AP), also called wireless access point (WAP), is a hardware device that establishes
of computing devices on wireless LAN with a fixed wire network.
The cloud is a generic term for
the Internet.
loT is a phenomenon that connects the smart
devices to the Internet over wired or wireless connections.
IoTtechnology uses other technologies like RFID, sensors, smart technologies like controllers and
specialized software.

jective Type Questions

Mulfiple Choice Questions
1. Two devices are in network if
(a) process in one device is able to exchange information with
process in another device
(6) a process is running on both devices
C) the processes running of different devices are of same
(d) none of the mentioned
2. What is a
stand alone computer ?
a) A computer that is not connected to a network
(6) A computer that is being used as a server
C) A computer that does not have any peripherals attached to it
(a) A computer that is used by only one person
Lentral Computer which is powerful than other computers in the network is called as
() Client (b) Server c) Hub (a) Switch
Network in which every computer is capable of playing the role of a client, or a server or both at
same time is called

(a) peer-to-peer network (b) local area network

() dedicated server network (d) wide area network
peer-to-peernetwork, each computer in a network is referred as
(a) server (6) client (C) peer (d) sender
hich transmission much
media is capable of having a higher bandwidth (data capacity) ?
(a) Coaxial (b) Twisted pair cable
(c) Untwisted cable (d) Fibre optic
typetype of
o transmission media is the least expensive to manutacture?
(a) Coaxial (b) Twisted pair cable
(c)CAT cable (d) Fibre optic

nese components is internal to a computer and is required to connect the computerto

network ?
(a) Wireless Access Point Network Interface card
(c) Switch (d) Hub
A device that forwards data packet from one network to another is called a

(a) Bridge (6) Router (c) Hub (d) Gateway

l0. Which of the following is the fastest media of data transter
(a) Co-axial Cable (6) Untwisted Wire
()Telephone Lines (d) Fibre Optic
11. Hub is a

(a) Broadcast device (b) Unicast device

(c) Multicast device (d) None of the above
12. Switch is a
(a) Broadcast device (6) Unicast device
(c) Multicast device (d) None of the above
13. The device that can operate in place of a hub is a:

(a) Switch (b) Bridge (c) Router (d) Gateway

14. A repeater takes a weak and corrupted signal and
(a) Amplifies (6) Regenerates
(c) Resembles (d) Reroutes
15. Which of the following is not of cloud ?
(a) Private (b) Public (c)Protected (d) Hybrid
16. Which of the following is correct statement for IoT ?
(a) It is a collection of networks
(b) It is a collection of protocols
(c) It is network of physical objects or "things" embedded with
(d) None of these
chips, sensors etc.

Fill in the Blanks

1. A computer network that spans a

relatively large geographical area is called
2. WAN stands for
3. Wired networkS use an access method called
4. Wireless networks use an access method called
is a
protocol which allows users to download E Mail messages from mail
server to a
Computer. loa
is a
protocol that allows to
send/upload email message from local
computer to an mail
server. c
7. A network of networks is known as

8. In a network, a machine is identitied

by unique address called
Chapter 10: 405
9, The physical address assigned by NIC manufacturer is called address.
10. A MAC address consumes bytes or bits.

1 is an example of Public cloud. IC BSE Sample 'aper 2019 201

12 is a network of physical objects embedded with electronics, software, sensors and network
connectivity. ICBSE Sample P'aper 2019 201

True/False Questions
1. A LAN is connected to large geographical area.
A client is the

computer that asks for the action in a network.

3. A computer is identified by 64 bit IP address.

4. Every object on the Internet has

unique URL. a

5. A stand alone computer may also be referred to as host.

Big networks can be of peer-to-peer types.
7. MAC address is a 48 bit address.

8. A switch can work is

place of a hub.
9. A gateway is like a modem.

10. The cloud is a generic term used for Internet.

NOTE Answers for OTQs are given at the end of the book.

Solved Problems
1. What is network ? is it needed ?
Solution. A network is an interconnected collection of autonomous computers that can share and
exchange information.
Major reasons that emphasize on the need of networks are:
) Resource Sharing. Through a network, data, software and hardware resources can be shared
irrespective of the physical location of the resouroes and the user.
1) Reliability. A file can have its copies on two or more computers of the network, so if one of
them is unavailable, the other copies could be used. That makes a network more reliable.
(1in) Reduced Costs. Since resources can be shared, it greatly reduces the costs.
(70) Fast communication. With networks, it is
possible to exchange information at very tast speeds.
What is a Hub ?
1ution. A hub is a hardware device used to connect several computers together.
Eaplain in brief the
capabilities and services supported by LAN.
n.Small computer networks that are confined to a localised area (eg., an otfice, a building or a
OTY) are known as Local Area Networks (LANs). The key purpose of a LAN is to serve its users in
urce sharing. The hardware as well as software resources are shared through LANS. For
C e , LAN users can share data, information, programs, printer, hard-disks, modems etc. One
Drintusaprinter connected to it and other nodes on the LAN can communicate with it in order to
a n d hence allowing expensive peripherals to be shared among number of users.

What are routers?

Solution. A device that works like a bridge but can handle different protocols, is known as a router.
For example, a router can link Ethernet (ethernet is a very popular and widely accepted method of
linking local stations to one another (i.e., a LAN) for sharing data, program and equipment
resources.) to a mainframe.
lf the destination is unknown to a router it sends the traffic (bound to unknown destination) to
another router (using logical addresses) which knows the destination.
A router differs from a bridge ina way that former uses logical addresses and the latter uses physical
5 What are major types of networks and explain ?
AServer-based network
Peer-to-peer network
Server-based networks provide centralized control of network resources and rely on server computers
to provide security and network administration.
Peer-to-peer network, computers can act as both servers sharing resources and as clients using the

6. What is the purpose of using router ?

Solution. A router can work like a
bridge and can also handle different protocols. A router can locate the
destination required by sending the traffic to another router, if the destination is unknown to itself.

Govt. of Delhi has

computer networks inside each of its buildings. It has now interconnected the networks of
Administration building and of Student center building. The networks so formed are marked below as
numbers. Mention which types of networks is each of these?

Student center

Science building
Administration building

Network number Type of network
1, 2, 3 LAN
4 WAN (it is connecting only networks 2 and 3)
. What is NIC?
Solution. NIC stands for Network Interface Card. It is also known as Network Adapter. It is in the
form of add-in card and is installed in a computer so that the computer can be connected to a network.
Each NIC has a MAC address which helps in identifying the computer on a network.

What is the difference between Hub, Switch, and Router?

Hub Switch Router
Hub is the least expensive, least Switches work similarly like Hubs| The router is smartest and most
intelligent and least complicated| but in a more efficient manner. It complicated out of these three. It
of the three. It broadcasts all data Creates connections dynamically Comes in all shapes and sizes.
to every port which may cause and provides information only to | Routers are similar like little
serious security and reliability the requesting port. computers dedicated for routing
concern. network traffic.
In a Network, Hub is a common Switch is a device in a network | Routersare located at gateway
connection point for devices which forwards packets in a and forwards data packets.
connected to the network. Hub | network.
contains multiple ports andis
used to connect segments of LAN.

10. What are the enabling technologies of IoT systems ?

Solution. IoT system has been enabled through following technologies majorly
() RFID (Radio Frequencies Identification)
(ii) Sensors
(ii) Network connectivity
(io) Smart technologies
11. What are the security concerns related to loT ?

Solution. Data security and privacy are major concerns related to loT. These devices are vulnerable
to hacking and cloud could be used
endpoints hackers to attack
by servers
12 What is the diference between working of switches and outers?
Solution. The switches are found within LANs where there is a single path from source to the
The routers connect LANs and these can be multiple paths from source to destination when data is
travelling via routers.
oftoare Development Company has set up its new center at Raipurfor its office and web based activities.It
has 4 blocks ofbuildings named BlockA, Block B, Block C, Block D.
CBSE Sample Paper 2019-20]
Number of Computers

Block A 25

Block B 50
Block C 125

Block D 10

dhortest distances between various Blocks in meters:

Block A to Block B 60 m

Block B to Block C 40 m

Block C to Block A 30m

Block D to Block C 50 m

() Suggest the most suitable place (i.e., block) to house the server of this company with

suitable reason.
(7) Suggest the type of network to connect all the blocks with suitable reason.
(n) The company is planning to link all the blocks through a secure and high speed wired
medium. Suggest a way to connect all the blocks.
0)Suggest the most suitable wired medium for efficiently connecting each computerinstalled
in every block out of the following network cables :

Coaxial Cable
Ethernet Cable
Single Pair Telephone Cable.
Solution. () Block C, It has maximum number of
(i) LAN (ii) Star topology (iv) Ethernet cable

Bridge Device that links two networks together.
Gateway Device that connects dissimilar networks.
Hub Hardware device used to connect several
computers fogether.
Internetworking Connection of wo or more networks.
Network An interconnected collection of autonomous
Router Device that works like a bridge but can handle different
Switch Device used to segment networks into different subnetworks called
Transceiver Transmitter/Receiver.

1. What is a network ? What its
goals and applications ?

2. Discuss and compare various types of networks.

3. What are hubs ? What are its
4 What is the role of a switch in a network ?
Briefly discuss the role of following devices in the context of
(i) router (i) bridge
(ii) gateway
6. When would you prefer (1) bridges
over hubs (i) switch over other network devices?
7. When would you opt for a router in a
What are hubs? How active hubs different from

What the facilities

passive hubs?
provided by the SERVER in a Network environment ?
In which network there is no
server ?
11. What is a cloud? What is cloud
12 What
different cloud deployment models?

13. How is a
public cloud different from a private cloud ?
14. What is Internet
of Things?
15. What the
technologies that have enabled loT?
16. What are the concerns related
to lo'TT?

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