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Indian Knowledge (IKS) Generic All Faculty 2024-25_06092024

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U.G. History- Year-I, Sem- I Syllabus [Level 4.

Course Indian Knowledge System (IKS) Credits-2 Weeks-15
Type (Theory) Hours-30
IKS History of Knowledge Production in Int. Marks Ext.Marks
101HIS India (Generic) 15 35

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the nature of knowledge.
2. To understand the evolution of the scientific approach in the Indian subcontinent.
3. To study contributions made by different people to the various branches of
knowledge before modernity evolved in India.

Course Outcomes:
1. The concept of the ancient intellectual knowledge tradition will be understood.
2. Developments in science from ancient times will be introduced.
3. Information about human development will be understood.

Unit 1. Introduction to Indian Knowledge System 06

a. Definition, Scope and importance of knowledge
b. nature of Indian Knowledge System
c. Evolution of scientific approach

Unit 2. Development of Sciences 12

a. Astronomy- Aryabhatta, Varahamihira, Sawai Jaisingh
b. Medicine- Ayurveda and Yunani
c. Metallurgy- Copper, Iron, Bronze & alloys

Unit 3. Development of Humanities 12

a. Language - Prakrit, Sanskrit, Farsee
b. Philosophy- Vedic, Lokayat, Buddhist, Jaina
c. Education system in ancient India – Takshashila, Nalanda, Valabhi University
d. Architecture

1. Abdur Rahman, Science and Technology in Medieval India: A Bibliography of

Source Materials in Sanskrit, Arabic, and Persian, Indian National Science
Academy, New Delhi, 1982.
2. Chattopadhyaya, Debiprasad, History of science and technology in ancient India:
the beginnings, Firma KLM Pvt. Ltd. 1986.
3. Dasgupta Surendranath, A History of Indian Philosophy, Cambridge University
press, 1922.
4. Gopal L. and V. C. Shrivastava, History of Agriculture in India (Upto 1200 A. D.),
Concept Publishing, New Delhi, 2008.
5. Irfan Habib (ed.), People's History of India – Vol 20 : Technology in Medieval
India, c. 650–1750, Aligarh Historians Society and Tulika Books, 2016.
6. Jan Gonda, A History of Indian Literature, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1975.
7. PadmanabhaThanu (ed.), Astronomy in India : A Historical Perspective, Indian
National Science Academy, Springer, New Delhi. 2014.
8. Sohoni Pushkar, Introduction to the History of Architecture in India, IISER, Pune,
9. Tripathi Radhavallabh, Vāda in theory and practice : studies in debates, dialogues
and discussions in Indian intellectual discourses, IIAS, Shimla, 2016.
1. अळतेकर सदािशव अनतं , ाचीन भारतीय िश ण प ती, नागपरू , १९३५.
2. कोसंबी दा.ध., ाचीन भारतीय सं कृ ती आिण स यता, डायमंड काशन, पणु े, २०१६.
3. कोसंबी दा. ध. संतापजनक िनबंध, लोकवा य गृह, मुंबई, २०२१.
4. गायधनी र.न. व राहरकर व.ग., ाचीन भारताचा सां कितक इितहास, कॉि टने टल पणु े,
5. मेहदं ी, ाचीन भारत समाज आिण सं कृ ती, ा पाठशाळा मंडळ, वाई, २००१.
6. शमा आर. एस., ाचीन भारत, के सागर काशन, पणु े. १९९७.
7. िसंग उिपंदर, ाचीन भारत- िवरोधाभासांची सं कृ ती, सनय काशन, २०२४.

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