RS-232 Export Protocol Infinity Network MS28819 Rev12 En
RS-232 Export Protocol Infinity Network MS28819 Rev12 En
RS-232 Export Protocol Infinity Network MS28819 Rev12 En
Infinity Network
Table of contents
Infinity Network
Monitor Systems
1 General ...................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General notes ................................................................................. 4
1 General
This chapter contains general notes and definitions that are important for the use of
this documentation.
1.1.3 Definitions
A WARNING statement provides important information about a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious
A CAUTION statement provides important information about a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in personal injury or
property damage.
A NOTE provides additional information intended to avoid inconvenience during
operation or service of the product.
Term Definition
Service All measures (inspection, maintenance, repair) intended to
maintain or restore the functional integrity of a product
Inspection Measures intended to determine and assess the current state
of a product
Term Definition
Maintenance Regular specified measures intended to maintain the func-
tional integrity of a product
Repair Measures intended to restore the functional integrity of a
product after a failure
Danger due to servicing work that is not carried out regularly or carried out
Service activities that are not carried out, carried out incorrectly or by non-
experts can lead to personal injury or property damage. If the safety,
functionality and condition of the product are not checked during servicing
work, risks can go undetected.
– Observe the servicing information contained in the instructions for use.
– Service activities must be carried out regularly and correctly by the user
group named for the respective activity.
– Only perform service activities and only connect the service PC if no
patient is connected to the product.
– Whenever servicing work has been performed, check the product
according to the test instructions.
Danger due to an untested product
Failure to check the safety, function and condition of the product when
performing servicing work may result in risks remaining undetected and
subsequently in personal injury, property damage, or environmental
When performing servicing work, check the product according to the test
Danger due to non-compliance with test values
If test values do not conform to specifications, the patient’s safety may be
put at risk.
– Do not put the device into operation if test values do not conform to
– Contact your local service organization.
Danger due to improper installation or configuration
If software is improperly installed or configured, the product may not function or it
may malfunction.
Installations or configurations must be performed by the user group which is
designated for the respective activity.
Power supply interrupted during software download
If the power supply of the device is interrupted during the software download, the
software download cannot be completed and the device stops working.
Connect the device to an external power supply before downloading software.
Lack of software compatibility
If, after replacing a component, the software version of the component is not
compatible with the device software version, device malfunctions or damage to the
device may occur.
Check the software compatibility and download software to establish software
compatibility if required.
Danger due to malware
Malware can cause product malfunctions.
Take precautions against malware.
Risk of data loss during software updates
Take precautions against data loss (e.g., download data and store it externally).
Parameter Value
Baud rate 19200
Data size 8-bit
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Handshake None
2.3.3 Checksums
Checksums are used in all messages as a check on message integrity. The
checksum is calculated as the byte-wide sum of all bytes in the message up to but
not including the checksum itself.
One of the purposes of this exchange is to test the communications link: If the
server does not respond, the client must assume that either
– the server is disconnected
– the server is set to a different baud rate, so the client may want to change baud
rate and try again
– the server is turned off
– there is a hardware problem, which does not allow the two systems to
For Gamma, Gamma XL and Vista monitors, the BREAK character is only needed
on the first command sent to the monitor ... this is usually the status (50h)
command. If the monitor doesn't reply, the BREAK character must be used (before
each command) until the monitor responds, and then the client device should stop
using the BREAK character. If the client device does not send a (keep-alive)
request for a period longer than 15 seconds, the monitor will "fall asleep". A similar
result will also occur if the physical connection is interrupted for a period longer than
15 seconds. In both cases, the monitor will need a BREAK character to wake it up
again but, once it is awake, it does not need to see another BREAK character.
To request the software ID and Server Status string, the following message is
specified. The client must first send a ‘break’ character and then will send...
All character fields are null (double byte 00) terminated - not included in character
count. The length (len) is the number of characters, or 1/2 the number of bytes.
As shown, each field has a Field ID, Field Length and associated information. If the
server does not support the field type, or has no information for that field, the entire
field is not transmitted.
No Alarm 0x00
Advisory Alarm 0x01
Serious Alarm 0x02
Life Threatening Alarm 0x03
Alarm Active 0x04
Alarm Latched 0x08
Alarm Silenced 0x0C
All Alarms Off 0x80
0xA5h Sync
0x02h Length low
0x00h Length high
0x57h Transaction code
0xFEh Checksum
0xA5h Sync
0x02h Length low
0x00h Length high
0x77h Transaction code
0x1Eh Checksum
15-22 Reserved
23 Reserved
24 PMNUMB Number of PARAM subpackets to follow
25-?? PARAM 1 PARAM subpacket; one of these for each PARAM
??-?? PARAM 2 The layout for each subpacket is given below
??-?? PARAM N
?? Checksum Delta Product (Delta, Kappa, DeltaXL, VistaXL, and Gamma XXL)
If a particular parameter does not have a specific code for a specific Unit of
measure, the value will get changed depending on the device UOM configuration,
but the parameter code will remain the same.
Example: Delta with temperature UOM set to°C (Default) will send the following
code and value for Ta:
Param code: 0080 - Group: TEMP Param: Ta UOM: C
Parameter value: 21.1
Result: The UOM for code 80h is °C and the value is in °C
Example: Delta with temperature UOM set to F will send the following code and
value for Ta:
Param code: 0080 - Group: TEMP Param: Ta UOM: CParameter value: 70.4
Result: The UOM for code 80h is °C but the value is in F
If the IACS is configured for SDC, there are no changes to the IACS export
protocol in VF7.x software versions.
The parameter UOM will remain the same even if the unit of measurement is
changed on the monitor.
Example: IACS with temperature UOM set to °C (Default) will send the following
code and value for Ta:
Param code: 0080 - Group: TEMP Param: Ta UOM: C
Parameter value: 35
Result: The UOM for code 80h is °C and the value is in °C
Example: IACS with temperature UOM set to F will send the following code and
value for Ta:
Param code: 0080 - Group: TEMP Param: Ta UOM: C
Parameter value: 35
Result: The UOM for code 80h is °C and the value is in °C but the monitor will
display the value in F.
The current alarm status is encoded in the parameter status byte as follows:
The current parameter display status is encoded in the parameter status byte as
Delta IACS
Parameter over-range ‘^^’,010h,0 "+++^^"\0
The arrhythmia parameter is non-numeric. Refer to the Parameter Code Table for a
list of Codes.
The 2nd and following param codes will contain the values for specific
measurements such as; MED, SEF, BETA, ALPHA, etc. The first subpacket will
contain; MED, BSR and THETA. The second subpacket will contain; SEF, POWER,
DFh ENUMERATION Device KION ENUM 1-6 Ventilation Mode has values of;
1. HAND - Manual Ventilation
2. VCTRL - Volume Control
3. PSUP - Pressure Support Mode
4. VSUP - Volume Support Mode
5. PCTRL - Pressure Control Mode
6. PRVC - Pressure Regulated Volume Control Mode
E0h 'EEG1' Pod EEG ENUM Table 8.4 First Channel See Table 8.4
E1h 'EEG2' Pod EEG ENUM Table 8.4 Second Channel See Table 8.4
E2h 'EEG3' Pod EEG ENUM Table 8.4 Third Channel See Table 8.4
E3h 'EEG4' Pod EEG ENUM Table 8.4 Fourth Channel See Table 8.4
E4h 'MED' Pod EEG Hz 0.5 - 30.0 Median Frequency
E5h 'SEF' Pod EEG Hz 0.5 - 30.0 Spectral Edge Fre- quency
E6h 'TOTAL' Pod EEG dB 40 - 100 Total Power
E7h 'BETA' Pod EEG % 0 - 100 BETA Power as per- cent of Total
E8h 'ALPHA' Pod EEG % 0 - 100 ALPHA Power as per- cent of Total
E9h 'THETA' Pod EEG % 0 - 100 THETA Power as per- cent of Total
EAh 'DELTA' Pod EEG % 0 - 100 DELTA Power as per- cent of Total
EBh 'BSR' Pod EEG % 0 - 100 Burst Suppression Ratio
Ech NOT USED - - - - -
EDh NOT USED - - - - -
EEh NOT USED - - - - -
Delta, Delta Unit of
Code Dräger label Gamma XL, IACS Source Range Parameter description
XL, Kappa measure
EFh NOT USED - - - - -
F0h - - - - -
F1h - - - - -
F2h DAY,HO UR,MIN, - - - - - Time of Day
F3h NOT USED - - - - -
F4h 'E' MIB VENT unitless 1-10 Expiration (part of I:E ratio, see DDh)
F5h 'ICP2' X BP mmHg -5 - 300 Intra-Cranial Pressure
F6h 'CPP2' X BP mmHg -5 - 300 Central Perfusion Pres- sure
F7h 'SPO2*' X MICROII+ [IACS % 1 – 100 pulse oximeter Spo2
External device]
F8h '∆SPO2 %' X MICROII+ [IACS 0 – 100 pulse oximeter delta Spo2%
External device]
FED7h 'FG V'Air' x Device MEDIBUS.X mL/min -3199.9 – 3199.9 Air fresh-gas flow
See Note Note: For IACS VG7 and above
The new range is -31999 - 31999
FED8h 'FG V'O2' x Device MEDIBUS.X mL/min -3199.9 – 3199.9 Oxygen fresh-gas flow
See Note Note: For IACS VG7 and above
The new range is -31999 - 31999
FED9h 'etO2' x Device MEDIBUS.X % -31999 – 31999 End-tidal oxygen con- centration
FEDAh 'inN2O' x Device MEDIBUS.X % -31999 – 31999 Inspiratory N2O concen- tration
FEDBh 'etN2O' x Device MEDIBUS.X % -31999 – 31999 End-tidal N2O concen- tration
FEDCh 'Leak BS M/S' x Device MEDIBUS.X mL/min -3199.9 – 3199.9 Leakage of breathing system, bag and hoses in
Connectivity Man/Spont
FEDDh 'Cbs+hose' x Device MEDIBUS.X mL/hPa -3199.9 – 3199.9 Compliance of the breathing system including patient
Connectivity circuit
FEDFh 'Chose' x Device MEDIBUS.X mL/hPa -3199.9 – 3199.9 Compliance of the breathing hoses
FEE0h 'xMAC' x Device MEDIBUS.X N/A -3199.9 – 3199.9 MAC multiple derived from expiratory concen- trations,
Connectivity xMAC
FEE1h 'inHal' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 Inspiratory halothane concentration
FEE2h 'etHal' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 End-tidal halothane concentration
FEE3h 'inEnf' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 Inspiratory enflurane concentration
FEE4h 'etEnf' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 End-tidal enflurane con- centration
FEE5h 'inIso' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 Inspiratory isoflurane concentration
FEE6h 'etIso' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 End-tidal isoflurane con- centration
FEE7h 'inDes' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -3199.9 - 3199.9 Inspiratory desflurane concentration
FEE8h 'etDes' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -3199.9 - 3199.9 End-tidal desflurane concentration
FEE9h 'inSev' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 Inspiratory sevoflurane concentration
FEEAh 'etSev' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 End-tidal sevoflurane concentration
FEEBh 'inAgent' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 Inspiratory concentra- tion of primary agent
FEECh 'etAgent' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 End-tidal concentration of primary agent
FEEDh 'in2Agen t' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 Inspiratory concentra- tion of secondary agent
FEEEh 'et2Age nt' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -319.99 – 319.99 End-tidal concentration of secondary agent
FEEFh 'inCO2' x VG2.2 Device MEDIBUS.X % -3199.9 – 3199.9 Inspiratory CO2 concen- tration
FEF0h 'etCO2' POD CO2 (M11.1) kPa -3199.9 – 3199.9 End-tidal Carbon Dioxide
FEF1h 'etCO2' POD CO2 (M11.1) % -3199.9 – 3199.9 End-tidal Carbon Dioxide
FEF3h 'inCO2' POD CO2 (M11.1) kPa -3199.9 – 3199.9 Inspiratory CO2 concentration
FEF4h 'inCO2' POD CO2 (M11.1) % -3199.9 – 3199.9 Inspiratory CO2 concentration
FEF5h 'SVV' Device SvO2 % 0-100 Stroke volume variation
Delta, Delta Unit of
Code Dräger label Gamma XL, IACS Source Range Parameter description
XL, Kappa measure
FEF6h 'T Airw' Device Medibus Classic °C -3199.9 – 3199.9 Gas Temperature
FEF7h 'MVe' x Device MEDIBUS.X L/min -319.99 – 319.99 Expiratory minute volume
FEF8h 'PAW' x Device MEDIBUS.X mbar -31999 – 31999 Airway Pressure
FEF9h 'Mvi' x Device MEDIBUS.X L/min -319.99 – 319.99 Inspiratory minute volume
FEFAh 'MVespon' x Device MEDIBUS.X L/min -319.99 – 319.99 Spontaneous expiratory minute volume
FEFBh 'Rpat' x Device MEDIBUS.X mbar/(L/s) -3199.9 – 3199.9 Patient airway resistance
FEFCh 'MVemand' x Device MEDIBUS.X L/min -319.99 – 319.99 Mandatory expiratory minute volume
FEFDh 'CO2 slope' x Device MEDIBUS.X mmHg/L -31999 – 31999 Increase of measured CO2 value in phase III of the
Connectivity capnogram
FEFEh 'O2-CGS' Device MEDIBUS.X mbar -3199.9 – 3199.9 O2 central gas supply pressure
FD00h Not Used - -
FD01h 'CO2 slope' X Device MEDIBUS.X kPa/L -31999 – 31999 Increase of measured CO2 value in phase III of the
Connectivity capnogram
FD02h 'CO2 slope' X Device MEDIBUS.X Vol%/L -31999 – 31999 Increase of measured CO2 value in phase III of the
Connectivity capnogram
FD03h 'FlowDev' X Device MEDIBUS.X L/min -319.99 – 319.99 Average device flow
FD04h 'Gas cons' Device MEDIBUS.X L -3199.9 – 3199.9 Accumulated gas consumption of the device
FD05h 'Tplat' X Device MEDIBUS.X s -31999 – 31999 Plateau time
Connectivity (Second)
FD06h 'Flowipeak' X Device MEDIBUS.X mL/s -31999 – 31999 Inspiratory peak flow
FD07h Vtspon' MEDIBUS.X L Spontaneous Tidal Volume
FD08h 'Hal tot' X Device MEDIBUS.X mL -3199.9 – 3199.9 Total halothane uptake
FD09h 'Des tot' X Device MEDIBUS.X mL -3199.9 – 3199.9 Total desflurane uptake
FD0Ah 'Iso tot' X Device MEDIBUS.X mL -3199.9 – 3199.9 Total isoflurane uptake
FD0Bh 'Sev tot' X Device MEDIBUS.X mL -3199.9 – 3199.9 Total sevoflurane uptake
FD0Ch 'Enf tot' X Device MEDIBUS.X mL -3199.9 – 3199.9 Total enflurane uptake
FD0Dh T Airw' X Device MEDIBUS.X °C -31999 – 31999 Gas Temperature
FD0Eh 'Batt. cap.' X Device MEDIBUS.X % -31999 – 31999 Battery capacity
FD0Fh 'O2bias' X Device MEDIBUS.X % -31999 – 31999 Insp. O2 accuracy
FD10h 'TCe' X Device MEDIBUS.X s -31999 – 31999 Expiratory time constant
Connectivity (Second)
FD11h 'RSB' X Device MEDIBUS.X 1/mL*min -63998 Rapid Shallow Breathing index
FD12h 'Ti' X Device MEDIBUS.X s -31999 – 31999 Inspiratory time
Connectivity (Second)
FD13h 'Tadapt' Device MEDIBUS.X min -31999 – 31999 Adaption Time
FD14h 'etCO2' X MGM kPa -3199.9- 3199.9 End-tidal CO2 concentration
FD15h 'inCO2' X MGM kPa -3199.9 – 3199.9 Inspiratory CO2 concentration
FD16h 'etCO2' X MGM % -3199.9- 3199.9 End-tidal CO2 concentration
FD17h 'inCO2' X MGM % -3199.9 – 3199.9 Inspiratory CO2 concentration
FD18h 'RRtrig' X MEDIBUS.X 1/min -31999 – 31999 Respiratory rate of triggered, mandatory breaths
FD19h 'Rhose' X MEDIBUS.X mbar/(L/s) -3199.9 – 3199.9 Resistance of breathing hoses
FD1Ah 'ΔVT' X MEDIBUS.X mL -31999 – 31999 Difference between inspired and expired tidal volume
(VTi - VTe)
FD1Bh 'inDes' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 100 Inspired Desflurane
FD1Ch 'etDes' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 100 End-tidal Desflurane
FD1Dh 'inSev' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 80 Inspired Sevoflurane
FD1Eh 'etSev' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 80 End-tidal Sevoflurane
FD1Fh 'inHal' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 20 Inspired Halothane
FD20h 'etHal' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 20 End-tidal Halothane
FD21h 'inEnf' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 40 Inspired Enflurane
FD22h 'etEnf' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 40 End-tidal Enflurane
Delta, Delta Unit of
Code Dräger label Gamma XL, IACS Source Range Parameter description
XL, Kappa measure
FD23h 'inIso' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 25 Inspired Isoflurane
FD24h 'etIso' Scio MGM kPa 0 - 25 End-tidal Isoflurane
FD25h ‘AOR X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Aortic Pressure - systolic
FD26h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Aortic Pressure - diastolic
FD27h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Aortic Pressure - mean
FD28h ‘GP3’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 3 - systolic
FD29h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 3 - diastolic
FD2Ah X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 3 - mean
FD2Bh ‘GP4’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 4 - systolic
FD2Ch X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 4 - diastolic
FD2Dh X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 4 - mean
FD2Eh ‘GP5’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 5 - systolic
FD2Fh X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 5 - diastolic
FD30h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 5 - mean
FD31h ‘GP6’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 6 - systolic
FD32h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 6 - diastolic
FD33h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 6 - mean
FD34h ‘GP7’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 7 - systolic
FD35h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 7 - diastolic
FD36h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 7 - mean
FD37h ‘GP8’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 8 - systolic
FD38h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 8 - diastolic
FD39h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 General Purpose BP Channel 8 – mean
FD3Ah ‘UAP X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Umbilical artery pressure - systolic
FD3Bh X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Umbilical artery pressure - diastolic
FD3Ch X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Umbilical artery pressure - mean
FD3Dh ‘FEM’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Femoral arterial pressure - systolic
FD3Eh X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Femoral arterial pressure - diastolic
FD3Fh X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Femoral arterial pressure - mean
FD40h ‘BRA’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Brachial arterial pressure - systolic
FD41h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Brachial arterial pressure - diastolic
FD42h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Brachial arterial pressure - mean
FD43h ‘AXL’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Axillary arterial pressure - systolic
FD44h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Axillary arterial pressure - diastolic
FD45h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Axillary arterial pressure - mean
FD46h ‘RAD’ X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Radial arterial pressure - systolic
FD47h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Radial arterial pressure - diastolic
FD48h X BP mmHg −5 - 300 Radial arterial pressure - mean
FD49h ‘FEM V’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 Femoral venous pressure
FD4Ah ‘ESO’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 Esophageal pressure
FD4Bh ‘UVP’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 Umbilical venous pressure
FD4Ch ‘GPM’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 General purpose Mean only pressure
FD4Dh ‘ABD’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 Abdominal pressure
FD4Eh ‘APP’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 Abdominal perfusion pressure
FD4Fh ‘BDP’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 Abdominal bladder pressure
FD50h ‘BPP’ x BP mmHg −5 - 300 Abdominal bladder perfusion pressure
FD51h ‘TOral’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Oral temperature
FD52h ‘TEso’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Esophageal temperature
FD53h ‘TNasal’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Nasal temperature
FD54h ‘TRect’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Rectal temperature
FD55h ‘TBlad’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Bladder temperature
FD56h ‘Tcore’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Core body temperature; this label is intended to be
used with Draeger Tcore™-sensor
FD57h ‘TBld1’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Blood temperature in addition to C.O. Tblood
FD58h ‘TBlnkt’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Blanket temperature
FD59h ‘TSkin’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Skin temperature
FD5Ah ‘TR’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Temperature, right side of body
FD5Bh ‘TL’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Temperature, left side of body
FD5Ch ‘T1Oral’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Oral temperature
FD5Dh ‘T1Eso’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Esophageal temperature
FD5Eh ‘T1Nasal’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Nasal temperature
FD5Fh ‘T1Rect’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Rectal temperature
FD60h ‘T1Blad’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Bladder temperature
FD61h ‘T1core’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Core body temperature; this label is intended to be
used with Draeger Tcore™-sensor
FD62h ‘T1Bld1’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Blood temperature in addition to C.O. Tblood
FD63h ‘T1Blnkt’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Blanket temperature
FD64h ‘T1Skin’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Skin temperature
FD65h ‘T1R’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Temperature, right side of body
FD66h ‘T1L’ X Temp °C −5.0 - 50.0 Temperature, left side of body
FD67h ‘SPV’ X Calc mmHg 0-100 Systolic Pressure Variation
Delta, Delta Unit of
Code Dräger label Gamma XL, IACS Source Range Parameter description
XL, Kappa measure
FD68h ‘PPV’ X Calc % 0-100 Pulse Pressure Variation
Directive 93/42/EEC concerning medical
MS28819 – 6013.033 en
© Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA
Revision: 12 – 2022-05
Subject to change without notice.
Will not be replaced in the event of