Economic Importance of Bryophytes

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. I MSc Botany
Bryophytes as Food:
 During scarcity of food bryophytes can be used as a source of
food for animals.
 Polytrichum and Sphagnum species are consumed by Alaskan
 In some European countries Sphagnum contribute to flavour
scotch and whisky
 Bryophytes have been shown to contain high level of
antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.More research is
needed to determine if these are safe for human consumption.
 There are some historical account of humans using bryophytes
as food, during Potato famine in Ireland in 1840’s some people
ate peat.
Bryophytes as Fuel:
 Liverworts and mosses have been tried and used as a fuel in
countries like Finland, Sweden, Ireland, Germany,Poland etc
 Bryophytes are relatively fast growing so they can be a
renewable source of fuel.
 Peat mosses are best for the production of methane.
 Biofuelproduction: Researchers are developing ways to
convert bryophytes into biofuel such as ethanol and biodiesel.
Microbial fuel cell: Bryophytes can be used in microbial fuel
cells to generate electricity.
This is a small technology that is still developing but it has
the potential to be used in remote areas where other sources
of electricity are not available.
Bryophytes as Medicine
Liverworts like Marchantia polymorpha have been used in
traditional medicine for treating liver ailments and
 Extracts from Marchantia polymorpha have antioxidant
and anti-inflammatory effects, suggesting applications in
liver health and inflammatory conditions.
 Polytrichum commune has been used for its hemostatic
properties,with the ability to stop bleeding and promoting
wound healing.
 Itis also used to cure kidney stone and gall bladder
 Extracts from Polytrichum commune have shown
antimicrobial activity against various pathogens.Including
it’s potential in treating skin infections and wounds
 Peat moss including various species of sphagnum are well
known for their absorbent and antiseptic properties.
sphagnum moss have been used to dress wound and cure
 Certain species of Bryum have been used because of their
diuretic properties helps to prevent urinary infections.
 Foam mosses like Fontinalis species have been used for
treatment of diarrhoea and gastrointestinal disorder.
Bryophytes used in Horticulture
 Landscaping-Mosses are often used in landscaping to create
visually appealing ground covers in gardens,parks and outdoor
 Green roofs-Bryophytes especially mosses are utilised in green
roof systems.They help to regulate temperature reduce Strom
water runoff improve air quality.
 Terrarium-Mosses are used in terrarium and miniature
gardens because of their small size and low
maintenance.They add natural lush aestheic property.
 Vertical garden-Bryophytes can be incorporated into
vertical garden designs also known as green walls or living
Mosses help improve air quality provide insulation and create
a visual appealing.
Moss industry in France manufacture moss carpets in various
 In Srilanka a wide range of Eco friendly products such as coir
pits,coir fibre pith(Coco peat) moss sticks hanging wire basket
and basket liners are made using bryophytes.
 At Kapkot in the himalayas, villagers use moss mats with
shrubs,grasses and bamboo to make a pharki a kind of door.
 The Himalayans also uses mosses as insect repellent when
storing food.
 Land mosses and liverworts are dried made into a coarse
powder that is sprinkled over grains and other goods to be
stored in containers.
 Packing material Dried mosses and bryophytes have great
ability to hold water.Due to this ability the bryophytes are
used as packing material for shipment to cut flowers,
vegetables,perishable fruits,bulbs,tubers etc.
 Fibre Industries Mosses are mixed with wool to make cheap
 They are used in decoration of net bags and other objects.
 Paper making Bryophytes can be processed to extract cellulose
fibres which can be used in paper making processes.They may
not yield as much fibre as vascular plants they could still used
as a component in paper blend.
 Antibiotic Resistance Pates and Madsen 1995 tested antibiotic
activities of four species namely eonocephalum conium
Dumortiera hirsuta,Sphagnum protoricense and S.strictum
 They found first two species active against Candida albicans
 The species of sphagnum inhibited the growth of
Staphylococcus aureus.
 Gupta and Singh reported the petrolium ether extract of two
species of mosses namely Barbula and Timella are
antibiotically active against 33 Bacteria species.
 Bryophytes as Indicator Plants Some species of bryophytes grow
in specialised areas and therefore used as Indicator plants.
 Leucobryum glaucum, Polytrichum indicate the acidity of the
 Tortelltortusa and Neckera crispa grow well on soil rich in lime
or other bases
 Some bryophytes indicate the presence of specific elements in
the soil
Eg:Mielichhoferia elongata , Dryptodan atratus grow well in
 Use in experimental Botany Liverworts and mosses have
played an important as research in the various fields such
as genetics, experimental morphology and physiology.
 Peat formation Peat consists of vegetable matter which
have accumulated in bogs and swamps and slowly
decomposed becoming some what carbonise and compact.
 They are brown or dark colour.
 Peat are used as fuel in Ireland, Scotland, Netherlands and
Northern Europe.About 3600 pound of peats produce as
much as heat as 2000 pounds of superior coal.
 Itis also used in production of Paraffin, Acetic Acid,peat
tar,Ammonia,montan Wax ,Lignin
 Bryophytes have the ability to accumulation heavy metals and other
pollutants makes them valuable tools for environmental assessment and
 Sulphur dioxide is a significant industrial pollutant.Some bryophytes are
highly tolerant of SO2 are the mosses Funaria hygrometrica and Bryum
 Bog succession Weaver and Clements 1938 remarked that mosses play
an important role in bog succession from open water to climax forest.
 The mosses especially the peat mosses grown on banks and other
especially the peat mosses grown on banks of lakes and other water
bodies extend inwards and grow over the surface of thick mats.This
thick moss mats act as suitable Substratum for germination of
hydrophyte plants.
 Soil Conservation Mosses grow in dense mats over the surface
of soil.They bind the soil particles and prevent soil erosion.
 Formation of soil The lichens and moss play a very important
role in formation of soil over the bare Rocky surfaces.
 Lichens are the pioneers to grow on barren rocks.
 Theysecrete Some acid and cause weathering so thin layer of
humus is formed.
 Moss grow on this surface and cover whole area.The dust
particles accumulate between erect moss stem and soil layer
is formed.

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