Produce Organic Concoctions and Extracts

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Produce organic

Concoctions and
Prepared by: Jason D. Ramos
Indigenous micro organism

Where you are? there they are! It’s

in the air, soils and our body
IMO1 is decomposer and it balances and control the non
beneficial microorganism

Collect from your fields (rice paddies, sugarcane, banana,

pineapple field) not just from anywhere. Reaction for
using farm soil is IMO1 from soil has “village” of micro

Put soil back in the field, relatives will not fight and this
becomes a village of microbes.

Collect from the forest floor, leaf molds, rice paddy,

bamboo trees
How to collect imo1?
1. Put cooked/ steamed rice in a wooden box that is 8 ½x11x3 or a
length of a bamboo pole open or split open on one side. Make sure
there is enough moisture in the box. Fill the half of the container
with rice. Do not compress with out sufficient supply of air,
anaerobic bacteria will not thrive.
2. Cover the box, tray or bamboo with a clean sheet of paper is used
to allow the air to pass through and tie with a string
• Cover and wrap with plastic to keep out rainwater, protect
from wild rats or small rodents that may come and take it.
• Bury in an area where imo’s abound. Collect from forest
floors or site where many decompose leaf molds are found,
rice paddy or coconut husk.
• Remove after 3 days (cold area) or 5 days (hot area). White
molds will form on top of the rice disregard black molds.
Take note:
 Collecting from your
fields rice-paddy

 Large scale rice

production right after
the harvest threshing put
the box or bamboo inside the
pile of rice straw. Provide
moisture in the area. Protect
from animals that may come
and take it.
It is a cocktail of microbial culture of selected species
of microorganism such as lactic acid bacteria, yeast,
photosynthetic bacteria and actinomycetes (found in
Collect from plastic trays
IMO 1 Crib
Collecting IMO1 from dried
leaves gather from the
forest floors.
How to process imo2?
Mixture ratio: 1:1
1. Fungus on steam rice 1 kg
(Amag at kan-on)

2.mascuvado/molasses 1 kg/l
1.Weigh the Imo1
2.Put it in the container
3.Measure molasses
4.Mix well
5.Cover with manila paper
7.Harvest after 7 days
Ratio of Application
1 tablespoon(TBSP) : 1 L water

• Application:
- Spray on soil and plants
- Prevents offensive odors when used for animal
 IMO is the basis for making fertile land
 Revive soil NuTrients
 Speeds growth of plants
 Hasten decomposition process
 Restore the pristine nature
 Bamboo forest and leaf molds abound in
 Use as treatment applied to the soil in
order to improve soil fertility and health
Fermented plant juice
• How to process fpj?

1kg - use any green color plants with fresh and juicy
succulent leaves are best. young leaves with shoots such as
kangkong, alugbati tops, camote tops, pumpkin (kalabasa)
flowers and leaves are best. Young (3 ft. tall) banana trunk
and banana blossom, bamboo shoots or “labong”. Growth
hormones or enzymes same as the above vegetables.

1 kg - mascuvado or molasses
• Collect young leaves with shoots (kangkong, kamote, kalabasa,
alugbati tops, bamboo shoots and other fast growing plant)
• Chop the 1kg plant about an inch
• Put it in the container
• Mix with 1.5 kg of molasses
• Put the net and rock on top
• Cover the container with a clean sheet of paper
• Tie with a string
• Harvest after 7 days
• Ratio of application :
1 tablespoon(TBSP) : 1 L water
- Apply directly to the leaves of the plants (When sun
is not out)
* Plant material- used as animal feeds / compost
-should have pleasant smell/ sweet tangy taste
•Uses of FPJ on plants
1. speeds the growth of plant
2. promotes greener leaves
3. increase great productivity
4. rich in nitrogen source
Fermented Fruit Juice
• 1 kilo Sweet tasting fruits such as papaya, banana, pineapple,
mango, jackfruit, starfruit, guava, pumpkin etc. (except citrus)
• 1 kilo brown sugar or mascuvado
• For human consumption, you can combine four to five fruits and
use mascuvado (kinugay) instead of molasses. Any fruits except
citrus. You can used only to citrus trees.
Mixture ratio:
1 kilo sweet fruits : 1 liter molasses/ muscovado sugar
(Ferment for 7 days (pitong araw)
• Procedure
1. Prepare 1 kilo sweet fruits
2. Cut into an inch
3. Put in the container
4. Prepare the 1l of molasses
5. mix well
6. Cover
7. Label
8. Harvest after 7 days
• Ratio of application :
1 tablespoon(TBSP) : 1 L water
• Application: for plants
-Apply directly to leaves of the plants when sun is not out
-Add IMO and FPJ mixture spray together to the leaves and
soil (fruit bearing trees, Vegetative, and reprodcutive stage)
*For animals(SAME)
*Good for human consumption
*others: Reduce latrine smell
• 3 tbsp. / 10 liter water (Cleaning)
• 2-4 tbsp (toilet and septic tanks
Usefulness of FFJ (plant hormone)

- To sweeten the fruit (potassium)

- Helps digestion of animal and plant nutrients
- Resist plant nutrients and protects plants from insects
- Increases plant nutrition through leaves and roots
- Speeds harvesting
Oriental Herbal Nutrient
OHN is made from popular oriental herbs such as
garlic (antibiotic and for parasites), ginger (upper
respiratory system and intestinal system), chili (blood
circulations), neem seeds (control pest) OHN is a very
important input in Natural Farming
Mixture Ratio :
-1 kilo crushed ginger and garlic
-1 liter molasses/ 1 kg muscivado sugar
How to process?
• Prepare the ginger and garlic (1kg)
• Cut into an inch (peel the garlic)
• Put in the container
• Mix it with molassess
• Cover and label
• Harvest after 7 days
Ratio of application :
1 tablespoon(TBSP) : 1 L water
- Add IMO and FPJ mixture and spray together on
leaves and soil every week
Uses of OHN
-To develop the immune system of your plant
and animals
-To control crawling pest (ginger)
-OHN-GARLIC is good for toothache
-Natural pesticide and insect repellent
-Use throughout early vegetative, change over
and fruit stages
Fish Amino Acid (FAA)
Fish amino acid is liquid made from fish entrails
gut and gills. It contains abundant amount of
nutrients and various types of amino acids.
How to make Fish Amino Acid
your replacement for UREA
• Mixture ratio:

1 kg fish/Fish entrails/golden kuhol

1 liter molasses/ 1 kg muscovado sugar
• Ferment for 15 days
How to process?
• Prepare the 1 kg of fish
• Cut into an inch
• Put in the container
• Add 1l of molasses
• Mix well
• Cover
• Label
• Harvest after 15 days
Ratio of application :
1 tablespoon(TBSP) : 1 L water
- Apply to the soil and to the leaves.
- can be use as a drinking water for the
Uses of faa
• Speeds the growth of plant
• Rich in nitrogen
• Mix with animal feeds that contains protein content
Lactic acid bacteria serum
It converts waste into organic matter and
basic minerals. LABS thrive and feed on
the ammonia released in the
decomposition normally associated with
the foul odor.
• Mixture Ratio
900 ml Fresh milk : 100 ml LAS (Lactic Acid Serum)

First Culture:
How to make the LAS

1. Save the first rice washing

water ( use 7 inches in depth
container get only 100ml of LAS
after three days)
2. After 7 days it will develop sour smell and it will
form three layer
1) floating compound-rice bran
2) clear –LAS
3) starch
Extract only the clear (middle) layer only using siphon
Second Culture:
- Add to 100 ml (LAS- clear layer ) to 900ml fresh milk.

Ferment: 7 Days (carbohydrate, protein and fat will float

leaving yellow liquid (serum) or whey which contains lactic
acid bacteria)
Remove the cheese like by filtering out
leaving yellow liquid (serum) or whey which contains lactic acid bacteria.
Ratio of Application:
-Mix 1 tablespoons of LABS to 1 liter of water.
1. Improve growth rate on plants
2. improve digestive on animals.
3. Prevent disease development and epidemics.
4. Prevent foul odor.
Calcium Phosphate (Animal

Induced flowering, prevent overgrowth. For older plants, it

Increase calcium factor on roots and leaves since they need
more energy for production. Ca-P helps them produce more.
Calcium Phosphate (Ca-P) is the product which according to
the plants’ lifecycle and can be fast-effective. Ca-P is applied
when the plants are about to flower. For Older plants
How to produce Calphos?
Ratio of application :
1 tablespoon(TBSP) : 1 L water

- Spray when First flowers come

Calcium (Ca)
Strengthen Flowers. Contributes to better utilization of
carbohydrates and protein. It is also a major element in forming a
cell membrane and enables smooth cell division make fruit hard
and sweet. Spray CA on the leaves after the fruits has become
large. They prevent overgrowth and get a sweet hard fruit. Add
seawater, calcium phosphate or OHN for better taste and aroma
of the fruits. It is applied when nitrogen is big. It is the most
important ingredients for flowering.
The usefulness of Calcium
 Strengthen flowers
 Better utilization of Carbohydrates and protein
 Major element in forming cell membrane
 Enable smooth cell division and gets hard and sweet
Ratio of application :
1 tablespoon(TBSP) : 1 L water
- Spray on the leaves After the fruit has become large
- Prevents overgorwth
- Add sea water, Ca-P or OHN for better taste and
aroma of fruits
-Applied when nitrogen is too big
- Most important ingredient for flowering
Natural Attractant for Flying Insects and

1 gallon of coconut vinegar or coconut wine

(tuba) and add ½ kilo of crude sugar before
boiling. Cool and add 1/3 liter of FPJ
• Put some of the mixture in containers and hang on fruit-bearing
DRUNK , FALL AND DIE! Dead insect cannot multiply!
• Put some of the mixture and hang on vegetable trellises.
• Put some of the mixture in a container and place near vegetable
• Note:
- ALWAYS HARVEST(raw materials to be used: Plant) DURING
EARLY MORNING/late in the afternoon or RIGHT AFTER THE
- apply the concoction before sunset (4-6 pm) or early in the
morning (before 6 am)
- place all the concoction in the cool, clean and dark place.
- keep the solution out of sunlight
- label: name of concoction
dp/date process
dh/date harvest
name of the processor

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