let's sneak in from the cheap seats, honey

@pisshandkerchief / pisshandkerchief.tumblr.com

🌚Lexi/Lex🌝he/it🌚white🌝Cowboy, 19 Yrs. Horse Kicked🌚will occasionally post untagged NSFW🌝

Places to donate to help Palestine

PCRF.net - They did over a 100 medical missions in 2022 (Palestine Children’s Relief Fund)

Middle East Children's Alliance - A Non-profit organization fighting for the well-being and rights of Middle Eastern Children. They also have a link to a 'tool kit' to help spread information about the Gaza Genocide. I'm linking to it directly HERE

Anera: Where Hope Finds a Way - They provide everything from food, medicine and hygiene kits. $30 equals 16 blood bags - an essential thing for helping doctors help people survive horrible physical trauma.

UNICEF.org - Link to where you can donate to help UNICEF get aid to those suffering in Palestine.

And because I know damn well that lots of people don't have the extra funds to donate money - you can help by simply clicking here once a day. It donates ad revenue. Click to help Palestine

[I wanted so much to find other places people could donate that weren't in the US or Canada, but I was having problems figuring out how to ensure that they were reputable. If anyone knows of any, please reblog and add the links!]

And some basic informational sources for those who want to understand what's really going on other than the misleading information from the media.

BDS - The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians. Offers actual news about what's happening.

Decolonize Palestine - In depth information about the history and origins of Palestine. Also has a great 'debunked myths' section that lists almost all of all the lies the Media has been peddling.

Mondoweiss - An independent website devoted to informing readers about developments in Israel/Palestine and related US foreign policy. (Be aware: Some articles show disturbing images of the horrors happening in Gaza.)

Petitions I found with reputable track records (there are a LOT of fakes out there)


Independant Jewish Voices Canada - Gaza on the Brink Ceasefire Now! - Prewritten letter to Justin Trudeau and Mélanie Joly calling for an immediate ceasefire, and for an end to the collective punishment of Palestinians. Just sign your name and it sends a letter!

There are several other ways (Including email addresses to various people/companies, as well as physical addresses you can mail letters to) listed here.

DON'T send threats/hate mail. That does nothing but make them double down on their current stances. Be polite. You don't have to take a happy tone, but be polite.

United States:

USA - Tell Congress: Stop Fueling the Gaza Genocide - Demanding an immediate ceasefire and for Humanitarian Aid to be allowed into Gaza.

Jewish Voice for Peace - You can use their form for send a letter to Congress to demand that they should focus on de-escalation instead of sending money and weapons to Israel so they can continue their genocidal war against Palestinians.

Jewish Voice for Peace (part 2) - Fill out this form and inform President Biden that he should call for a ceasefire and stop supplying money and weapons to Israel.


there's nothing wrong w being cis but I do genuinely think if u like want to actually engage w feminism or anti racism or really any type of meaningful framework like that you need to start breaking down your ideas of gender and what it means to you bc if you're still stuck on gender shit you learned as a 2nd grader you like genuinely just can't grasp a lot of the things that need to be talked about in these settings

Save our life !!❤️🥹
Note/ A few days ago, I lost my campaign suddenly. The gofundme decided to close it after it had reached $110,000. I only got $44,000 and lost about $70,000. It was not easy after I worked day and night to collect the amount in order to save my family from the war and treat my father. I will now start from scratch and need your support. 🙏🏻💔

Hello again, I am Aseel from Gaza, I live in war, fear and destruction, we have been living for almost a year now but we do not know how long, we have been displaced from our home more than 11 times,

every time I was displaced to another place I prayed that this would be the last, but then came the idea of ​​​​forced exit to search for safety where there is no safety, we got very tired and our bodies were exhausted, we no longer had the energy to continue, we lived hunger, thirst, cold and all the difficult conditions that humans cannot imagine,

we did not imagine that a day would come when we would live all of this, I lost my family and my childhood home, even my friends are no longer there, I was left alone!! I am looking for salvation from death, I fear death and I dread it, the idea is terrifying to leave your dreams, ambitions and the life you planned for and go from this world, we do not deny death but we do not want to live it now,

I had a beautiful life, suddenly I do not know how I lost my life, we live in a tent that can only accommodate 3 people, made of nylon that no human can bear, just standing in it for more than two minutes during the day is enough to melt you, in addition to insects, diseases and lack of privacy, imagine all this!! Can you live??

In addition, my father had a stroke due to the loss, and my mother also needs care due to chronic diseases and the lack of treatment, and her condition is getting worse. I am the only one who takes care of them. I really fear loss and I do not want to lose, as I lost a large part of my family, my home, my work, and my entire previous life.

Things here are more difficult than you imagined, reality is painful

We wake up every day to the smell of death, I have been surrounded by tanks and helicopters more than 4 times, each time I do not know how to survive? It seems that my death has not come yet

I do not want to die!! 🥺

Please help me save my life and get out of here, life is impossible

Your donation will save my life, it is the only way, hand in hand we can achieve the goal please

My campaing vetted by


1. If you are not silly, it is vital you become silly

2. If you are silly, you must stay silly

2. If you used to be silly but have stopped, you must make all efforts to return to silliness

2. Help the people around you to be silly

Excellent addition!


are you uncomfortable from your hands being dry? if you apply lotion, you can instead be uncomfortable with how greasy they are now. Subscribe for more tips!

Anonymous asked:

would you give me a high five

hell yeah sure


I was transed by the eye-witness book about mummies.

Okay, but they had this blurb about this mummy that they found from first-century Alexandria that they thought was female because its wrappings are clearly designed to suggest a woman's body, but then they x-rayed it and determined that it was biologically male, and as a kid it just got my brain working about why anyone would do that and how I kind of wanted them to do that with my body after I died and why did I kind of want that and...

Yeah. I got my egg cracked by the mummified corpse of a transgender woman who lived and died 2,000 years before I was born.

“if future archaeologists dig up your bones they’ll know you were born a -“ haha yeah they better! I’m gonna crack someone’s egg in the year 3320 and nobody can stop me!!


if you don't know the beatles lore like I do you might be tempted to say "well surely john lennon wasn't actually gay..." he was. john lennon was a deeply repressed bisexual man who grew up in the 50's and the toxic, violent masculinity he adopted was mostly a front he put up to disguise that, along with his myriad of mental health issues. this is accepted historical fact at this point. he is documented to have had sex with several men and likely had sex with more. doesn't excuse his behavior obviously but it does make him a much more interesting person imho


john lennon voted time's problematic bisexual of the century

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