
Abstract Reality

@seitosokusha / seitosokusha.tumblr.com

For Table Flipping Fun. Writer | Artist. Check the AUs Page

want to find all my writing? the catch all tag is seitowrites

the catch all tag for my art is seitoarts

the catch all tag for my OCs is seitoocs

the catch all tag for WONDERFUL fanart i receive is seitogetsfanart

the catch all tag for graveyard shift is graveyard shift. Don’t forget to visit the askblog!

looking for Ayame specifically?  Ayame/Tier/Asher’s tag is bitsverse (unless obviously belongs to a specific verse like wwbtf)

it’s been awhile but if you remember Hotaru/Seika (and the rest) their tag is abstract reality (yes that’s why my tumblr blog is titled as such)

As of 6/29/2021 I no longer allow translations of my works.

Update 6/8/23: I do not allow my fics/headcanons/tumblr shitposts to be feed to the AI.


If you read the fic, leave the kudos. Leave a comment too, if possible. Just do it. It takes a few seconds of your time and it means the world to the writer.

Sincerely, me who just got told that my writing feels like watching a blockbuster movie. I don't care if they were sincere or not, I'll be thinking about that comment for the rest of my life and every time I feel bad about my art, I'll remember that someone once liked it.

what they said


I liked this post, scrolled for like another minute before I went “SHIT FUCK SHIT” and scrolled back to reblog it

I always reblog this one when I see it on my dash. When someone posts their own art, writing, or music here they are really hoping you will share it.


How come semi trucks in Europe look like “toot toot :)” and in North America they look like “HONK HOOOOOOOONK >:|”

“Henlo I am big twuck pwease give me wots of woom tank u :)”


@trainwreckgenerator why did you hide these in the tags

This suggests that Maximum Overdrive was Jurassic Park for motor vehicles.

I’m sorry, but that is misleading as hell. American and European trucks are bred for different purposes.

American trucks are bred for long hauls on largely straight roads. They can go for hours without a break. A European truck needs more breaks and a lighter load, and they would indeed take great internal damage if they tried to keep up with the Longsnout.

The European Shortsnout is not bred for looks, but for agility! They navigate the windy roads of Europe in a way that would be way too risky for the powerful, but more clumsy American truck. It is true that the European overheats faster at high speeds, that is the very reason that breaks every 4,5 hours are mandatory for both the truck and the handler and a day of driving can never be longer then 9 hours.

So, all in all, appreciate all of our trucks and our shared history, and be the responsible owner that gets the right breed for the right job.

To be fair, the US does have shortnose trucks as well, they’re just a breed kept mainly for very local work where, like the above says, they are working in places with lots of turns, shorter drives, and plenty of stops. I see them used for garbage pickup a lot, where a longnosed Mack wouldn’t be able to fit much less maneuver, and the short nose prevents them from getting rubs (raw skin or even open sores) on their snouts.

I would also like to point out that the tags have got it backwards. The wild trucks (which I’m pretty sure are extinct in the wild now) that all modern breeds stemmed from were shortnose trucks. We had known about automobiles and domesticated several species, but the truck species was not discovered until close to the start of the 1900’s, in Germany, which I BELIEVE was the first country to breed them in captivity, although England was the first country to really start using them for work. I managed to find a photo of taxidermied specimen

As you can see, it resembles both long and short nosed breeds, as well as the far more common house truck used by individuals instead of for commercial work.

As to the aggression, while the mack longnose LOOKS aggressive, they’re generally gentle giants (although please do give them space on the road! not seeing you in their blind spot is NOT the same as aggression!), it is actually the smaller house truck that is often trained by their handler to be aggressive: the keyword being TRAINED, they are also not naturally aggressive. The only time I have seen a mack be commonly aggressive is when they are pulling 2 gravel trailers, and I would be cranky if I was being overworked, too. If you see them hauling that kind of load, just give them space, and you’ll be fine.

I feel like somebody should add something about the Australian variants.

From my understanding of Australian wildlife:

Does anyone know if/how American School Busses are related to trucks? 

Pics for reference:

The classic long-nose schoolbus

But short-nose varieties exist, I remember when they first started appearing in my district!

@dreorzen While school buses ARE in the automobile order, they are actually part of the Van family, not the Truck family, due to their passenger capacity. As you can see in the photos, they have no cargo bed or hookup, and are not really built for object transport. But they DO excel at carrying passengers, particularly children (although certainly not limited to just children)

They’re known to be exceptionally protective of any passengers, and if you look closely on that second image you can actually see a specialized appendage that is (I think) unique to school buses- a small, red, octagonal fan, which they extend when there are small creatures around them that they are acquiring or releasing. Much like an angler fish’s bioluminescent bulb appendage, this fan (along with several bioluminescent patches on top of their faces and on their hindquarters) works to mesmerize any other vehicles in close proximity, to where those vehicles will cease movement until the bus lowers the fan. It’s super fascinating behavior, and little wonder why we trust our children to these gentle, protective giants.

Don’t forget about the bus trucks.

While these vehicles can sometimes be bred by accident (after all, who hasn’t accidentally left the gate open when your school bus is in season), they are usually bred for specific purposes.

These hybrids are bred for both their cargo capacity and their gentle temperments. Especially in a farm setting, there’s a need for many different kinds of vehicles, some of which sometimes don’t get along. Having a vehicle with both the strength and capacity of a large work truck with the amiable nature of a school bus can be a real benefit.

It’s a little unfortunate that these hybrids tend to be sterile, though, since it would be easier if they’d breed true. Also, something to keep in mind… bus trucks are bred from a bus.

Truck buses are bred from a truck and… tend to not be quite as useful as bus trucks, although some people do like keeping truck buses for companionship and as show vehicles.

This website sucks I love it


You know, rivers catching on fire used to be a regular occurrence.

Boring, even. Mundane. People just accepted that rivers had oil slicks floating on them that could be lit by somebody throwing their cigarette in the wrong place. Cities had regular protocols in place on what to do when the river caught on fire.

The modern environmentalism movement wasn’t just started by hippies you know. Regular people cared about this stuff because their rivers caught on fire and existing near farms gave them cancer and by the 1970s they weren’t even seeing that much economic benefit from it.

If you don’t live in a world where rivers regularly catch on fire it’s because of stuff like the clean water and air acts. A lot of rivers in the US that in the first half of the 20th century regularly caught on fire are now safe to swim and fish in.

A lot of environmental damage is reversible if we act. We’ve got a lot of success stories like this actually. A lot of formerly endangered species have come back, fish have returned to American rivers, the ozone layer is being restored.

I’m not sure what’s going to happen next with the environment but I hold out at least a little bit of hope. Because rivers used to catch on fire and now for the most part they don’t.

I want to emphasize this point, because I think a lot is people, like I used to, think "rivers catching on fire" was hyperbole: that was a thing that used to actually, literally happen. Often. Smog used to be a huge problem. White collar workers used to bring spare shirts to change into because the air was so polluted it would soil them.

We fixed all those issues. We fixed the acid rain. We fixed the whole in the ozone layer and saved the whales. Environmental regulations *matter* and they have *meaningful impact*

One of my earth science students asked today during my lecture on fresh water if we’re moving towards more environmental regulations to keep our water safe. I had to be honest and say that environmentalism is not a priority for the current administration. Students get REALLY passionate and ask a ton of questions during this lecture and it’s tough to say “a lot more needs to be done to fix this!”


They are just like me forreal

every time I see film of a platypus I am struck again by how small they are

My problem is that they look like duck-faced beavers, so I expect them to *be* the size of beavers.

Beavers are *huge* -- about 35 to 65 lbs (16 to 30 kg) and 3 to 4 feet long.

See, I always thought platypi were tee-tiny--like, the size of your hand--so the first time I saw one in the zoo, which happened to be a two-footer, I was like THEY ARE GIANTS NO ONE TOLD ME


Me, a known "entire work" afficiando: what

Because that's how chapters are done. It keeps the suspense! The drama! The tension!

Also, if your computer crashes, you know exactly where you were even if your browser resets.

Also: if you go chapter by chapter, you can leave a little comment before you press the button for the next chapter!

You can SHARE your suspense with the author! You can let them know that the cliffhanger in Ch10 really blindsided you and you're RAVENOUS FOR MORE!



“i am a monument to all your sins” is such a fucking raw line for a villain it’s amazing that it came from halo, a modernish video game, and not some classical text or mythos

classic texts have nothing on the crazy people come up with in modern times tbh

“I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.”

– Joshua Graham, Who Is A Fallout New Vegas NPC, Something Most People Throwing This Quote Around Don’t Realize

“If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have.”

– Shadow the Hedgehog in what is widely considered one of if not the single worst game in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise

this is the source for this text and it haunts me on a regular basis

“Pick a god and pray.”
-Fredrick from Fire Emblem Awakening

Huh, it’s almost like art isn’t just fine art…

this is my addition to this ever growing list of raw quotes originating from unexpected sources

this post has gotten so much better since the last time I saw it

I would like to add

“You want to be a hero, Tommy? Then die like one.”

- Technoblade from Dream SMP

We deserve a soft epilogue, my love

- A Stucky fanfiction

Truly the best shit on the internet here.

Ahem @bettinalevyisdetermined could you please do a video with this?

also “you’re not brave, you’ve merely forgotten the fear of death. Allow me to reacquaint you.” Is the rawest line and it’s from dominus ghaul from destiny 2’s vanilla story when it first released.

How can we forget the quote that sums up this entire reblog chain:

Why do you people feel profound thought has to come from high places? The gutter looks at the stars too

“Spare me this mockery of justice!” (A few minutes later, a with a different character) “Silence! Or you shall be held in contempt of court!” “I have nothing *but* contempt for this court!” The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

“For every kid that dreams up the electric lightbulb, there’s one who dreams up the atom bomb.” - Mr. Electric, The Adventures of Sharkboy And Lavagirl (2005).

“I like turtles!” - turtle kid

“Even fate picks its favorites.”



Yes fair adventurer, the name of the foul beast you must slay is “google”, once a fair and honorable wizard, Google has fallen to the dark ways and must be stopped before-

May I bring my beloved companion, Fire Fox, with me to help and provide guidance in this most difficult quest?

I shall send two ducks to go with you on your journey.

But beware! For the honey you could find along the way may look appealing but it has been poisoned by the enemy

I've heard tales of many explorers falling to this fell beast. I only hope you have more of an edge, adventurer.

Alas, the one explorer I knew was too old and too slow for their own good

Be ware of the ones plated in chrome. They claim to stand on their own but they are in truth built from the wizard's very bones. What darkness plagues him can easily spread to them as well.

I once thought a brave one was fair and for a time they were.

But aye the fox is good and has through many helpful friends learned many ways to shield you from wicked trackers, thieves, and vile wyrms.

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