


2012-08-17 16:30:45 | Etcetera





2012-08-17 16:08:05 | Telegraph (UK)
History wars in North-East Asia: Ripping yarns
エコノミスト: Aug 18th 2012 | SEOUL AND TOKYO | from the print edition
A revived spat between Japan and South Korea unsettles the United States


IT IS that time of year again: the anniversary of the end of the second world war in North-East Asia, when wound-opening patriots take the sticking-plaster laid over historical grievances and give it a hard tug. This year the top prize goes to the president of South Korea, Lee Myung-bak.


On August 10th Mr Lee visited Dokdo, a group of islets in the Sea of Japan. Here the welfare of fragile marine and bird life comes second to nationalist sensitivities in the face of a rival claim to the rocks by Japan, which relinquished control of Korea after its defeat in 1945. The islets’ two permanent residents, an octopus fisherman and his wife, are joined by a supporting cast of coastguards, installers of mobile-phone masts, South Korean tourists and planters of exotic trees—which for the purposes of territorial claims help distinguish an island from a mere rock.


Back on the mainland, Mr Lee berated Japan for not redressing the grievances of Korean women forced into military prostitution during the war. He also declared that the Japanese emperor, Akihito, “did not need to come” to South Korea unless he apologised deeply for colonial rule (this after extending the emperor an invitation in 2008). So much for the “forward-looking” diplomacy Mr Lee once said would help the region to end its historical rows. Since then, the president’s popularity has slumped, and his party faces a tricky presidential election in December. Tub-thumping over Dokdo cuts across party lines.


Japan has often displayed a tin ear to South Korean sensitivities over the island, which it calls Takeshima, having acquired it in the process of annexing Korea. Yet since the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) came to power in 2009 Japanese policy had been conciliatory. One DPJ prime minister, Naoto Kan, offered a fulsome apology on the centenary of the Korean annexation. The emperor has long been in the admirable habit of apologising for Japanese aggression. More substantively, Japan’s new defence white paper talks up the importance of regional security and co-operation. It identifies South Korea as the country “that shares the closest relationship with Japan historically and in areas such as economy and culture”.


Yet few senior South Koreans have the courage to acknowledge this in public. Mr Lee’s unprecedented stunt—no South Korean president had ever visited the rocks—means that much of the DPJ’s good work risks unravelling. On August 15th, the anniversary of Japan’s surrender, two Japanese cabinet ministers visited Tokyo’s Yasukuni shrine, where war dead, including condemned war criminals, are revered. These were the first visits by high-ranking officials in three years. In protest at the Dokdo visit, Japan recalled its ambassador to Seoul. Its foreign minister, Koichiro Gemba, said Mr Lee’s provocation gave Japan little choice but to take the case to the International Court of Justice.


The threat is hollow. The court will not adjudicate unless two sides agree that a dispute exists. South Korea does not, just as Japan says its claim over some other rocks, the Senkakus, claimed by China (which calls them the Diaoyu Islands) is not in dispute. This week 14 hyperventilating patriots from China, Hong Kong and Macau steamed to the Senkakus, where Japan’s coastguard promptly arrested them.


Through all this, America watches on. Even as it wants a revamped presence in Asia, it despairs that its chief regional allies cannot get on. It says the Dokdo dispute is for the two countries to sort out. But that is to wash its hands of its own part in the saga. The 1951 San Francisco peace treaty with Japan deliberately overlooked the matter of Dokdo’s sovereignty, for fear the islands might fall into the hands of the Communist north in the Korean war. Acknowledging its role in the history wars, Alexis Dudden of the University of Connecticut argues, might persuade all the protagonists that America really wants to foster a greater sense of Asian regionalism.






2012-08-17 12:52:33 | Telegraph (UK)
Finland prepares for break-up of eurozone
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in Helsinki
Telegraph: 9:00PM BST 16 Aug 2012
Finland is preparing for the break-up of the eurozone, the country’s foreign minister warned today.


The Nordic state is battening down the hatches for a full-blown currency crisis as tensions in the eurozone mount and has said it will not tolerate further bail-out creep or fiscal union by stealth.


“We have to face openly the possibility of a euro-break up,” said Erkki Tuomioja, the country’s veteran foreign minister and a member of the Social Democratic Party, one of six that make up the country’s coalition government.


“It is not something that anybody — even the True Finns [eurosceptic party] — are advocating in Finland, let alone the government. But we have to be prepared,” he told The Daily Telegraph.


“Our officials, like everybody else and like every general staff, have some sort of operational plan for any eventuality.”


Mr Tuomioja’s intervention is the bluntest warning to date by a senior eurozone minister. As he discussed the crisis, the minister had a copy of the Economist on his desk. It had a picture of Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, reading a fictitious report entitled “How to break up the euro”, with a caption: “Tempted, Angela?”


“This is what people are thinking about everywhere,” said Mr Tuomioja. “But there is a consensus that a eurozone break-up would cost more in the short-run or medium-run than managing the crisis.


“But let me add that the break-up of the euro does not mean the end of the European Union. It could make the EU function better,” he said, describing the dash for monetary union in the 1990s as a vaulting political leap in defiance of economic gravity. Finland has emerged as the toughest member of the eurozone’s creditor bloc as it tries to hold together a motley coalition. It has insisted on collateral from both Greece and Spain in exchange for rescue loans.


The coalition government is on thin ice as voters peel away to eurosceptic parties. The True Finns shattered the political order in last year’s election with 19pc support. “Taxpayers here are extremely angry,” said Timo Soini, the True Finn leader.


“There are no rules on how to leave the euro but it is only a matter of time. Either the south or the north will break away because this currency straitjacket is causing misery for millions and destroying Europe’s future.


“It is a total catastrophe. We are going to run out of money the way we are going. But nobody in Europe wants to be first to get out of the euro and take all the blame,” he said.


Like other member states, Finland has a veto that could be used to block any new bail-out measures. However, unlike some states, its parliament would have to approve each future measure of the eurozone rescue, including a full bail-out of Spain.


The issue of euro break-up may come to a head in October as EU-IMF Troika inspectors report back on Greek bail-out compliance. Pleas from Athens for two extra years to stretch out its austerity regime have run into fierce resistance from creditor powers.


“It is up to Greeks whether they want to stay in the euro,” said Mr Tuomioja. “We cannot force Greece out. We can cut off lending and that would lead to a default. Then we could speculate whether that would entail getting out of the euro. Nobody knows if it could be contained,” he said. Mr Tuomioja said Finland would block attempts to strip the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) or bail-out fund of its senior status at the top of the credit ladder, a move that could greatly complicate efforts to lure investors back into Spanish and Italian bonds. “The ESM loans have priority. That is a red line for us. We are very concerned that the rules of the ESM seem to be changing.”


He voiced deep suspicion of plans by a “gang of four” EU insiders — including the European Central Bank’s Mario Draghi — to ensnare member states into some form of fiscal union. “I don’t trust these people,” he said.


Mr Draghi said two weeks ago that the issue of seniority would be “addressed” as part of his twin-pronged plan for the ECB and ESM to buy bonds in concert. A number of EU leaders and officials claimed there had been a deal on the ESM’s seniority status at an EU summit in late June. Finland, Holland, and Germany all deny this.


The warnings on the ESM were echoed by Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, chairman of the Finnish parliament’s Grand Committee on Europe, who said bail-out fatigue is nearing its limit.

フィンランド議会、Grand Committee on Europe(欧州問題に関する大委員会)のMiapetra Kumpula-Natri委員長は、欧州安定化メカニズムに関する警告を繰り返し、支援疲れも限界に近付きつつあると述べました。

“Our law passed this summer says the ESM has the same priority as the IMF. There was a clear understanding on this. Any change would require a new law passed by the whole parliament, and this would be very difficult because the risks would be much higher.”


The issue of EU senior status has become an extremely sensitive one for markets after the ECB and EU creditors refused to share losses from Greece’s debt restructuring, in which pension funds, insurers, and banks lost 75pc.


Critics say the Greek deal set a fatal precedent, triggering further capital flight from Spain and Italy.


Mrs Kumpula-Natri said Finland can be pushed only so far. “There is a feeling on the street that there has to be a limit. I can’t say whether it is 10pc of GDP, or what. It’s not written. But it is obvious that a small country can’t help big countries eternally.”
