


2013-11-03 12:25:02 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe is a currency saint but an egregious demand sinner
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International business editor
Telegraph: 5:20PM GMT 02 Nov 2013
This year's burst of euro strength has brought crisis closer and baked a lot of future damage into the 17-nation bloc


Be careful what you wish for. The euro's founding fathers dreamed of a superpower currency that could stand toe-to-toe with the dollar, freeing Europe from US monetary hegemony.


France's Charles de Gaulle liked to grumble that America enjoyed an "exorbitant privilege" as holder of the world's reserve currency, able to get away with economic murder. Now they have such a trophy themselves, only to discover what Washington learned the hard way: it is an exorbitant burden, and at times a curse.


China's central bank has been buying fistfuls of euros as it accumulates a world record $3.7 trillion in foreign reserves, and its motives are not entirely friendly. So have the central banks of Russia, Brazil, and the Mid-East oil sheikdoms, all aiming to cut reliance on the US dollar, part of a $9 trillion build-up in reserves that has flooded into the euro with tidal force.


In China's case, the government is deliberately driving down the yuan to capture export share. You could say China is exporting excess manufacturing capacity to Europe, or in plain talk exporting unemployment.


This is why the euro has long been too strong for its own good, though there are many other reasons. By forcing banks to raise capital buffers too quickly, in a pro-cyclical fashion at the wrong moment, the EU authorities are unwittingly causing many of them to sell assets across the world. It is hard to find figures on repatriation flows but Morgan Stanley estimates that the sums have been large enough to drive the exchange rate.


The euro surged a further 9pc against the dollar from June to early October before hitting the wall this week. It has risen by 30pc against the Japanese yen in a year. This is a bizarre state of affairs for a currency bloc struggling to emerge from recession, badly lagging the rest of the world. Weak prospects normally mean a weak currency, but there is nothing normal about the mechanisms of Europe's monetary union.


The euro exchange rate is too high for two thirds of the euro states that use it, and cripplingly high for a third of them. It is pushing Europe's crisis economies into incipient 1930s deflation, making it almost impossible for Italy, Spain, and Portugal to dig their way out of debt traps. It is partly why unemployment keeps going up, reaching an all-time high of 12.2pc in September -- 26.6pc in Spain, and over 22pc in Italy if properly counted.


Note that unemployment in the US and the Eurozone were similar during the Lehman crisis. Both sides of the Atlantic had much the same credit shock in 2008-2009, yet the aftermath speaks of two different destinies. The Americans printed money a l'outrance, and the jobless rate has fallen steadily to 7.2pc. The Europeans let money atrophy, and have been paying the price ever since. Such is the power of central bank stimulus in a tight corner.


Some insist that the euro is not overvalued, citing the bloc's current account surplus, €53bn over the last quarter and heading for €200bn a year. But as the US Treasury said in its blistering critique on Thursday, this is largely due to crushed internal demand (austerity) and the structural "export dependence" of the German economy.


Washington said Germany now has a bigger surplus in absolute terms than China, reaching 7pc of GDP earlier this year. This has "hampered rebalancing" in the eurozone at a time when the South is being forced to slash demand. "The net result has been a deflationary bias for the euro area, as well as for the world economy," it said.


"In 2012, the euro area, in aggregate undertook one of the most aggressive fiscal consolidations of the advanced economies despite having the smallest cyclically-adjusted fiscal deficits and weak growth prospects," it said. The US Treasury is being polite. What they really mean is that the pre-Keynesian, pre-monetarist, zero-sum Malthusians running EMU policy are a danger to the world.


Europe may not be a currency manipulator but it is most certainly a demand manipulator. This can be worse, even if Europe itself is the chief victim of its economic crime.


The IMF joined the fray on Friday, calling on Germany to cut is surplus to an "appropriate rate". Germans tend to react with consternation to such criticism, asking why they are rebuked for being good exporters. But this is our old friend the "household fallacy", as if economies should somehow resemble hard-working thrifty families. The word used in the German political and media debate for fiscal cuts is "Sparen", meaning to save. The confusion is embedded in the language, and therefore by the 'Sapir–Whorf hypothesis' in German thought as well.


Whenever a country has a chronic surplus, there are always deep structural reasons. The legal and commercial system is invariably geared towards generating such surpluses, and over time this comes at the expense of workers in other countries. You don't have to scratch far below the surface in Germany to find such structures. Why do German households have to pay a premium on their electricity bills to cross-subsidise much cheaper energy for industrial exporters? Why is it even allowed under global trade rules? It obviously compresses internal demand.


Normally, we all turn a blind eye. But in a deformed world of deficient demand and excess capacity, a trade depression of sorts, such surpluses are a very sore subject indeed. This is what the 1930s was all about. Trade disputes were behind much of the conflict leading up to World War Two, especially in the Far East.


Let us hope that Europe is at last waking up to the dangers of its contraction policies after last week's shock, a fall in EMU-wide inflation for October to 0.7pc. This is worse than it looks. Once austerity taxes are stripped out, prices have been falling in ten of Euroland's 17 states over the last four months, including Italy, France, and Spain. They are one shock away from outright deflation


France's industry minister Arnaud Montebourg asks why Europe is permitting this euro asphyxiation, alone in refusing to protect its societies while rivals steal a march. The US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have averted deflation traps by printing money, nudging down their currencies in process. The Bank of Japan has torn up the rule book altogether, and quite rightly so. The Swiss have quietly trumped them all, boosting the central bank balance sheet to 80pc of GDP to cap the franc.


"Every 10pc rise in the euro costs France 150,000 jobs,"said Montebourg. "Britain, the US, Japan, all have a strategy of monetary stimulus, but in the EU we have nothing but hard money and hard budgets. The currency doesn't belong to bankers, and it doesn't belong to Germany, it belongs to all members of the eurozone, and we have something to say about this,"


Is that a threat to invoke Article 219 of the Lisbon Treaty giving EMU ministers the final say over the exchange rate, a power that lets them dictate monetary policy by the back-door, provided the Commission plays ball?


A Deutsche Bank study said the euro "pain threshold" for Germany is $1.79 to the dollar. It is $1.24 for France, and $1.17 for Italy, a staggering difference. The euro ended last week at $1.35. This means Germany is sitting pretty, and it is Berlin that dominates the policy machinery. It has not felt much pain, though as you can see in the chart, it has not done that well wither. Its industrial output is still below its 2008 peak.


Meanwhile Italy is screaming with pain, its industrial output 26pc below the peak, a much bigger fall than during the Great Depression. I was in the room with a panel of Italian businessmen at Lake Como in September when Italy's EU commissioner Antonio Tajani warned of "a systemic industrial massacre" and demanded immediate action to force down the euro. The hall erupted in applause.


The North-South split has many causes needless to say. Germany sells high-tech machines and prestige cars with a fat profit margin. They are not sensitive to price. Southern Europe competes lower down the chain, often in mass markets, against China, Turkey, or Poland.


Yet it is also because Germany screwed down wages in the early years of EMU -- when the world was booming, and such a feat was possible -- gaining 25pc in labour cost competitiveness against Club Med. Yes, Germany did carry out its famous Hartz IV labour reforms, but this tale is overblown. The gains were largely the result of an "internal devaluation" within the euro. Whatever the original intentions, it became a beggar-thy-neighbour policy over time.


How this happened is by now an old story. But the consequences are very much alive and toxic, so toxic that Francois Heisbourg, French head of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, is calling for the euro to be "put to sleep" in order to save the European Project. "We must face the reality that the EU itself is now threatened by the euro," he said.


Mr Heisbourg is ardently pro-European. His point is that bitterly conflicting narratives of the crisis are emerging, pitting creditor and deficit states against each other. He compares this to the birth of black legends after World War One, when twisted views fed an ideological backlash. He fears it will end in "a nervous break-down and an uncontrolled disintegration of the euro ".


This year's burst of euro strength has baked a lot of future damage into the pie and brought that crisis closer. The European Central Bank has the apparatus to head off the deflation risk and force the euro back down at any time. All it needs to do is to end its contraction policies, meet its own 2pc inflation and 4.5pc M3 money targets, and fulfil its primary EU treaty obligation to promote "balanced economic growth", "employment", and "general interest" of the Union.


In my view, ECB is in breach of the treaties. It should be taken to the European Court. Its governors should be called to account by the European Parliament. If the Parliament cannot rise to the greatest and most urgent challenge since its creation in 1979, then we might as well dynamite the Hemicyle in Strasbourg and replace it with a monument to the millions of blighted lives in Mediterranean Europe.


The Latin governors and those of other states in various degrees of distress -- making up most of the eurozone population -- have so far been acting like the rabbits in the headlights, frozen as the juggernaut hurtles down upon them, unwilling to say boo to the German Bundesbank. We will find out this week if the ECB's cowed majority is at last willing to take charge of monetary policy and act in the "general interest" of the Union.


Watching from the sidelines, you want to tear your hair out, whatever your views on the European Project. The debt-deflation crisis in Southern Europe could be so greatly mitigated by lifting EMU inflation to 2pc. A littler higher would be even better.


"We all know what has to be done, inflation in the periphery should rise to 1pc, and Germany should have a few years of 3pc inflation. That would change everything. It makes me angry that this is not happening," said an ex-ECB governor last week. Nothing could be easier, yet nothing is done, and the reasons are entirely political.


Let us praise Europe for carrying the exorbitant burden of reserve currency status. It has not intervened for trade advantage. But the effects of this good behaviour have been overwhelmed by the collateral ruin. The damage done from the triple shocks of fiscal, monetary, and exchange rate tightening is enormous, and it is Southern Europe that is bearing the full brunt.


We can only live in hope that the great, gallant, and generous nation of France will stop moaning, get a grip, assert leadership, and restore basic sanity to European affairs before it is too late. Only Paris has the moral command to pull this off.


Would the late Charles de Gaulle have stood so oddly passive if he were at the Elysee today? He may not have understood currencies, but surely he would have seen straight through the Maginot Line of EMU fiscal fortresses.



2013-11-03 09:47:21 | Telegraph (UK)
Europe moves nearer Japan-syle deflation trap with shock price falls
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 7:11PM GMT 31 Oct 2013
ECB warned it must take immediate and pre-emptive action to head off he risk of full-blown deflation by next year.


All key measures of eurozone inflation fell dramatically in October, stunning the markets and leaving the region dangerously close to a Japan-style deflation trap.


Consumer price inflation (CPI) plunged from 1.1pc to 0.7pc, the lowest since the financial crash in 2008-2009. "This is a massive downward surprise," said Gizem Kara from BNP Paribas.


A string of debt-crippled states are now sliding into deflation, with Italy buckling over the late summer. The underlying rate is even lower once austerity-linked tax rises are stripped out


The shock data came as EMU-wide unemployment jumped to a record 12.2pc in September, with a further 74,000 people losing their jobs. Youth jobless rates reached 40.2pc in Italy, 57.6pc in Greece and 56.6pc in Spain.


"This is playing out in a very similar way to Japan in the early 1990s," said Albert Edwards from Societe Generale. "All it needs now is an unexpected recession and Europe will slide into outright deflation. The risk is a trade shock from Asia. That is when the markets will start to panic."


The euro tumbled a cent to below $1.36 against the dollar as investors began to price in a quarter-point rate cut by the European Central Bank as soon as December.


A former ECB governor said the bank's passive stance over the past few months was a "disaster" for Italy and Spain. The time-lag effects mean that serious damage has already been done.


"It is incredible that they have missed their 2pc target by so much. This risks driving the periphery into protracted depression and could destroy the eurozone. Credit conditions are far too tight. The ECB should cut rates to zero, extend thee-year financing for banks and relax collateral rules," he told The Telegraph.


"What scares me is that the ECB seems to be formulating policy for Germany without any regard for everybody else. It has been captured by Germany. What is so bizarre is that the old Bundesbank would not have let this happen," he said.


Even German inflation is at a three-year low of 1.4pc. Prices fell 0.4pc in Bavaria and 0.3pc in Saxony in October. While the Bundesbank has been fretting about a local house price boom, the average rise in property has been less than 3pc over the past three years.


Julian Callow from Barclays said the fall in the eurozone's core inflation rate (without energy and food) to 0.8pc is evidence of powerful forces at work in the world economy. "China's fixed capital investment reached $4 trillion last year. The sheer scale of this is leading to huge over-capacity in manufacturing and is transmitting a deflationary impulse through the global system," he said.


"The ECB has to be very alive to the risks. Its treaty mandate is to support the 'general economic interests of the Union'. This means giving equal weight to jobs as the US Federal Reserve is doing."


Mr Callow said the failure to act is allowing the euro to punch too high against the dollar, yuan and yen, exacerbating the deflationary effects and tightening the screw for struggling exporters in Southern Europe. The Bank of Japan has succeeded in driving down the yen with a blitz of monetary stimulus.


A report by the Bruegel think-tank in Brussels said the slide towards deflation may push Italy and Spain into a "runaway debt trajectory". It lowers nominal GDP growth, causing debt costs to rise faster than the economic base, the "denominator effect".


Bruegel said each one percentage point fall in inflation forces Italy to increase its primary budget surplus by an extra 1.3pc of GDP to stabilise debt. Italy is already targeting a sustained surplus of 5pc, a feat that no country except oil-rich Norway has pulled off in half a century.


The latest inflation data show Italy's CPI rate fell by 0.3pc in both September and October, despite a rise in VAT taxes that should have pushed it higher.


Over the past three months, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia and Latvia have all seen price falls once extra taxes are stripped out. It is a similar pattern in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic, with Poland and Denmark close behind. The entire region risks sliding into a deflation trap if recovery falters.


Hans Redeker from Morgan Stanley said the "Japanisation effect" in Europe is having perverse effects. The fall in inflation is automatically raising real interest rates, tightening the vice further in a vicious circle. "Deflation accidents usually happen when things seem cosy for while and central banks do nothing. Europe is now in a deflationary equilibrium but this could turn bad if there is any outside shock. We think this could come from Asia, probably a credit squeeze by China's central bank," he said.


"Japan was able to cope with deflation in the 1990s because it had a positive global income flows of 3pc of GDP. Europe does not have that advantage. The flows are negative," he said.


Morgan Stanley said the ECB must take immediate and pre-emptive action to head off he risk of full-blown deflation by next year. Japan's travails over the past 20 years show that is very hard to shake off the virus once it becomes lodged in the system.
