8/9 Stop issuing tourist visas to Russians. Visiting #Europe is a privilege, not a human right. Air travel from RU is shut down. It means while Schengen countries issue visas, neighbours to Russia carry the burden (FI, EE, LV – sole access points). Time to end tourism from Russia now
コンドリーザ・ライスの発言にイルヴェス元大統領 nor a stealth operation but for the first time a public Clausewitzean “continuation of policy by other means”, i.e. an act of war. Little Green Botnets.
15日ツイ エストニア特殊部隊は宇 SoF部隊の訓練開始。いつどこでかは秘密。 #Estonian special forces will start training #Ukrainian SoF units, when and where? We'd rather not say.... 0:57 - 2015年10月15日
26日ツイ ガレオッティ ツイ ドンバスは比較的静か.コーヴァー交換.なぜか. NY国連総会プーチン-オバマ会談の前に.露が後ろめたさを最小限にしようという所だろう it's almost as if #Russia is trying to minimize embarrassments 7:33 9月26日
政治と経済 15:57 10.8.2015 A separatist attack on Ukrainian forces in Starohnativka, Donetsk Oblast, resulted into Ukraine gaining 2-3 kilometers of separatist-controlled territory, according to Ukraine's Defense Ministry. : Live Blog: Ukraine In Crisis