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Since the launch of the unlock boot loader site, we have received a lot of really great feedback. The Sony Ericsson Developer Program wants to continue to build on this open dialogue with external developers. Developers and advanced users can now unlock the boot loader, which is the first step to be able to flash your own image. Now we have seen quite a few comments in different forums like the XD
SIM-Unlock Utility v0.9.5 As being pointed out by more and more users regarding scamms, I have to clarify: THIS APP IS FREEWARE! DO NOT TRUST ANY EBAY/WHATEVER-SITE SELLER! If you've been asked money and you paid for it, try to get a refund by mailing both Ebay/Paypal/middleman and get them shut down. This is the only site I endorse! Commercial use is forbidden! The summer holiday brought me som
■編集元:スマートフォン板より「Androidのホーム画面を晒すスレ Part6」 1 名無しさん@名無し変更投票、詳しくは議論スレへ :2010/12/18(土) 21:43:32 ID:TmQH2nsG 自分のAndroid端末のホーム画面を気ままに晒すスレです □スクリーンショットの撮り方 〇PCと接続して撮る場合 1. のAndroidSDKをフルインストール 2.環境パスにSDKをインストールしたフォルダの中にある\toolsを登録 3.本体の設定>アプリケーション>開発>USBデバッグを有効化 4.本体とPCをUSB接続しSDKの\tools\ddms.batを起動 5.Name欄に表示されているデバイス名をダブルクリック 6.メニューのDevice>Scr
Hi All, After applying the S-OFF method ( I noticed that the Splash screen changed from the white screen with HTC on it to an image with The Joker (from Batman) on it. Although I do like Batman movies, I wanted to change the splash screen. For those who don't know, the splash screen has nothing to do with the bootanimation, which comes after the splash
This is a custom recovery based on Cyanogen's recovery source with a lot of things added by me. The purpose of this recovery is to avoid using adb by accessing all features directly from the menu. This recovery is for the HTC GSM Desire only, if you have a : - HTC Dream/G1 you should go here. - HTC Magic/MT3G you should go here. - HTC Hero you should go here. - HTC Sprint Hero you should go here.