MySQLのAES_ENCRYPT/AES_DECRYPT互換の方式でActiveRecordの属性を透過的に暗号化/復号するRubyMySQLActiveRecord Ruby on Rails (DBはMySQL) で開発をしている某案件で 運用の都合上、アプリ外から SQL でデータベースの内容を直接参照できる必要があるので、センシティブなデータは AES_ENCRYPT 関数で暗号化して、アプリ以外からも復号できるようにすること という要件がありました。 単に暗号化すればいいだけなら attr_encrypted gem などを使って透過的に Ruby 側で暗号化/復号すれば楽に実装できますが、いちいち MySQL 側で AES_ENCRYPT/AES_DECRYPT させるとなると、かなり実装が面倒です。 そこで、Ruby 側で MySQL の AES_ENCRYPT/AES_D
License 7-Zip is free software with open source. The most of the code is under the GNU LGPL license. Some parts of the code are under the BSD 3-clause License. Also there is unRAR license restriction for some parts of the code. Read 7-Zip License information. You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including a computer in a commercial organization. You don't need to register or pay for 7-Zip. The main
The Stanford Javascript Crypto Library is maintained on GitHub. For more information, visit the project's new homepage. SJCL was started by Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg and Dan Boneh at Stanford University. Special thanks to Aldo Cortesi and Roy Nicholson for reporting bugs in earlier versions of SJCL. A whitepaper on SJCL by Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg and Dan Boneh was published in the 2009 Annual Co
ファイルの暗号化に使えるのは openssl enc コマンドで、そのヘルプは openssl enc help で見ることができる。
cryptico.js cryptico-min.js documentation Generating an RSA key pair & public key string Sam wants to send Matt an encrypted message. In order to do this, he first needs Matt's public key string. A public key pair can be generated for Matt like this: // The passphrase used to repeatably generate this RSA key. var PassPhrase = "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress."; // The length of the RSA key, in bits.
Java Simplified EncryptionJasypt is a java library which allows the developer to add basic encryption capabilities to his/her projects with minimum effort, and without the need of having deep knowledge on how cryptography works. High-security, standards-based encryption techniques, both for unidirectional and bidirectional encryption. Encrypt passwords, texts, numbers, binaries...Transparent integ