Darcs User Manual
Darcs is a distributed version control system. Being a distributed system, the darcs model is rather different from that of more popular systems like Git or Mercurial and these differences take some time getting used to. One of our goals in writing this guide is to help you get a better grasp of the darcs model. We also hope to provide a useful supplementary guide to using darcs, one which is orie
with cabal: cabal install darcs with stack: stack install darcs Nix (unstable): nix-env -iA nixpkgs.darcs Darcs binaries for many platforms (not up to date though) current release source tarball Darcs is a free and open source, cross-platform version control system, like git, mercurial or svn but with a very different approach: focus on changes rather than snapshots. Darcs offers a freer way of wo
Modular type inference with local assumptions: OutsideIn(X) This epic 73-page paper (JFP style) brings together our work on type inference for type functions, GADTS, and the like, in a single uniform framework. Version 3 (camera ready copy for JFP) is very substantially revised compared to the May 2010 version. OutsideIn(X) - Modular type inference with local assumptions: PDF Related papers (const
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