これは何? del.icio.usに特定のタグを付けて一発ブックマークするブックマークレットを作ります。 複数タグはスペース区切りでいけます。notesには選択文字列が入ります。 なんかウィンドウ開かなくてもimgタグでポストできちゃうみたいなんだけど…!
これは何? del.icio.usに特定のタグを付けて一発ブックマークするブックマークレットを作ります。 複数タグはスペース区切りでいけます。notesには選択文字列が入ります。 なんかウィンドウ開かなくてもimgタグでポストできちゃうみたいなんだけど…!
IoT Inc: How Your Company Can Use the Internet of Things to Win in the Outcome Economy Whoa! That's a long title for a book, isn't it? But I guess that Bruce Sinclair has something on his mind when he chose it... What did you first think when you heard about the Internet of Things? To tell you the truth, I was confused and (I'll admit it)
By clicking "Get Price" you agree to BuyDomains' Terms of Use and Privacy Notice. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Do Not Sell My Personal Information Cookie Settings You also agree to have your personal information transferred and stored in the United States, which is necessary to provide you with the services under our agreement with y
An online tech community is the most exciting place for a software developer to spend their time. It not only offers the chance to work and interact remotely, but also helps in honing one’s own skills and becoming a well-rounded programmer. Whether you are a budding software developer or simply passionate about technology, here are the best online software development communities you can join. The
extispicious, a. [L. extispicium an inspection of the innards for divination; extra the entrails + specer to look at.] Relating to the inspection of entrails for prognostication. After one too many redesigns of del.icio.us, this project is no longer active as of 2011. extisp.icio.us text gives you a random textual scattering of a user's tags, sized according to the number of times that they've use
del.icio.us を徘徊してて気付いたんだけど、Tag にアステリスク( * )を使っている人がいる。どうやら Rating、つまり、そのブックマークに対する評価をアステリスクで表しているってことらしい。最高評価は五つ星( ***** )で、人によってはちゃんと星 1 個から 5 個までで評価している人や、五つ星のみを付けている人も居たりと使い方は色々。 五つ星が付けられているブックマーク del.icio.us / tag / ***** ブックマークに対するメタな情報として、Rating を付けるってのは結構面白いアイデアだなあって思った。もちろん、感じ方、見方は人それぞれ違うんで他人から見たら必ずしも同じ価値を感じるとは限らないんだけど、Rating を一つの指標として参考にするのは有りかなと。例えば、ギークな人が五つ星を付けていたら注目すべき事なんじゃないか、とかね。
Access the New Flock 2 Getting Started Simply type "about:flock" into the addressbar and hit enter. Download Flock 2 What are you waiting for? Flock 2 is powered by Firefox 3 (faster, more secure, more stable), contains MySpace integration in the People Sidebar and has lots of other goodies. DOWNLOAD FLOCK! Version: 2.0.3 This button will download Flock 2. Once the download is complete, you must c
Nov 12 2005 what is web 2.0? There has been lot of discussion about what Web 2.0 really is, so we thought we’d use the power of Web 2.0 itself to come up with the answer, and here it is: 42. Just kidding. What we actually did was take a look at all the tag data going back to February 2004 (the month of the first use of Web 2.0 as a tag on del.icio.us), and analyzed all the bookmarks and tags rel
I’m just going to get on the ameche and tell my blue serge I love her. She’s in the hen coop at the moment so I may as well kick the gong around. Nerts! This is wonderful. 41. Jack: another name for money. (Other words for money: “rubes,” “kale,” “mazuma.”) 42. Johnson Brother: a criminal. 43. Kick the Gong Around: to smoke opium. 44. Knee-Duster: a skirt. 45. Lalapazaza: a good sport. 46. Lens Lo