Federal prosecutors are trying to piece together the complex web of influences that transformed a young man with no confirmed militant training or links, apparently acting with only the assistance of his younger brother, into a brutal bomber prepared to kill and maim in pursuit of a cause that remained largely unarticulated. Tamerlan Tsarnaev has become the focal point of a global FBI investigatio
After 22 years on death row, Debra Milke is close to freedom. A jury convicted the Arizona woman, now 49, of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, child abuse and kidnapping on October 12, 1990, less than a year after her 4-year-old son was found dead. A judge sentenced her to death a few months later. But those convictions and the related sentence were tossed out Thursday by a federal appeals cour
OAK CREEK, Wis. — Federal authorities are investigating the fatal shooting of six people Sunday at a Sikh temple south of Milwaukee, an incident that shocked members of the nation's close-knit Sikh community. During a religious service, police said, a man entered the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek and sprayed automatic-weapon fire, killing four people inside the building and two more outsid
A nine-month investigation suggests that the late Palestinian leader may have been poisoned with polonium. Read more It was a scene that riveted the world for weeks: The ailing Yasser Arafat, first besieged by Israeli tanks in his Ramallah compound, then shuttled to Paris, where he spent his final days undergoing a barrage of medical tests in a French military hospital. Eight years after his death
対中進出した日系企業が訴えるトラブルは、ヒト、モノ、カネのあらゆる面にわたる。そんな「チャイナリスク」の中でも急増中なのが「盗難リスク」という。被害に遭って通報はしても、失敗例として社外に公表することなど、なかなかできない。そこで、いくつか実例をご紹介しよう。(フジサンケイビジネスアイ) 中国で20年近く警備や防犯業務を手がけている上海セコムの山口忠広最高顧問は「警備員リスク」を指摘する。ある日系企業の工場内から盗まれた重さ数百キロの金属素材は、堂々と正門からトラックで持ち出されていた。警備員が窃盗犯を手引きしたのは明白だが、こうしたケース以外にも、工場内の鍵を複製して窃盗犯に売る、企業秘密の書類を深夜にコピーして売りさばくなど警備員が犯罪に手を染めるケースが多い。 「性善説」で考える日本人は、純朴そうな地方農村出身の警備員がまさか、自ら犯罪に走るとは想定していないらしい。 警備員に限らず
The UK is setting up a special rapid deployment unit to collect evidence on mass rape used as a weapon during global conflicts, as part of a broader initiative to be launched on Tuesday to combat sexual war crimes of the kind seen in the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, central Africa, and now in Syria. The team of experts being created by the Foreign Office will be drawn from a pool of British police,