Presidential Decision Directive on Conventional Arms Transfer Policy (PDD-34), February 17, 1995. Joel Johnson “Clinton’s ConventionalArms Export Policy: So Little Change,” Arms Control Today, (May 1995). Federation of American Scientists Arms Sales Monitor F-15 William D. Hartung, And Weapons for All (New York: Harper Perennial, 1995), pp. 279-280. Robert E. Harkavy, The Arms Trade and Internatio
This data visualization was produced by Google as part of the Google Ideas INFO (Illicit Networks, Forces in Opposition) Summit with support from the Igarape Institute and data provided by the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) small arms database. The visualization includes >1 million individual import and export data points from annual custom reports and maps the transfer of small arms, light
See Google's Beautiful Interactive Visualization of Global Gun Trade When Google announced last month it would be using technology to take on "drug smugglers, arms dealers and human traffickers," it wasn't clear how it would achieve that goal. Now at least one part of its strategy has become known: creating beautiful, interactive, data-based visualizations to inform the world about those issues. G