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Goroutines Are Not Significantly Smaller Than Threads Mar 12, 2021 The most commonly cited drawback of OS-level threads is that they use a lot of RAM. This is not true on Linux. Let’s compare memory footprint of 10_000 Linux threads with 10_000 goroutines. We spawn 10k workers, which sleep for about 10 seconds, waking up every 10 milliseconds. Each worker is staggered by a pseudorandom delay up to
Earlier this month, I came back around to seriously considering an attempt at bitsquatting. While the prior link goes into great depth on the topic, I will attempt to give a very high level overview here: If this sort of thing interests you: I tend to do stuff like this weekly. Give me a follow @_mattata When you try to access a site by it’s domain, that domain is stored in the memory of your comp
The run-time speed and memory usage of programs written in Rust should about the same as of programs written in C, but overall programming style of these languages is different enough that it's hard to generalize their speed. This is a summary of where they're the same, where C is faster, and where Rust is faster. Disclaimer: It's not meant to be an objective benchmark uncovering indisputable trut
ReScript, née BuckleScript, is a state-of-the-art compiler that used to target OCaml (and Reason), but is fast moving away from its parent language. OCaml compatibility is high on my list of desirable features, and I've been disillusioned with the direction the project has veered into. So I took matters into my own hands. Read on! What ReScript looks like today The BuckleScript project started out
Qiitaからのお引越し記事です。 目標 ステレオカメラ 概要 特徴 使用製品 パターンプロジェクションカメラ 概要 使用製品 iPhone ゾゾスーツ 工業製品(Ensenso, キーエンス) Time of Flight LiDAR Time of Flightの原理 特徴 スキャン型LiDAR フラッシュ型LiDAR 製品 Velodyne Series 追記 Livox Horizon iPhone iToF LiDAR 目標 通常のカメラは物体の明るさ、色を抽出するのに対し、距離センサは物体までの距離をセンシングします。そのため3DカメラやDepth Sensorなどと呼ばれたりします。 距離を知ることは多様なアプリケーションにおいて重要であり、例えば自動運転では前方車両までの正確な距離を知ることは必須です。またゲームなどのアプリケーションでは人の動作などを距離センサで抽出するK
始めに music21はMITが作ったpythonの音楽情報処理ライブラリです。 musicology(音響学・音楽理論)の研究への利用を目的に作られたそうで、 結構いろいろできるらしいので、勉強がてら触ってみました。 難しいアルゴリズム等の話はほとんどしないので、プログラマでない方も出力結果だけ見て「こんなことができるんだ」と思ってもらえるような記事になればいいな、と思っています。 ちなみに、21というのはMITでの音楽コースに割り当てられた講義番号に由来するそうです。留学したい。 基本的に公式のドキュメントを順に追ってくだけです。ここの内容を実行しながら感想を書く、という記事です。 環境 macOS(10.15.7) python3.8.5 jupyter-notebook Musescore version- Musescoreというのはフリーの楽譜作成ソフトで
While world record holders may have memorized more than 70,000 digits of pi, a JPL engineer explains why you really only need a tiny fraction of that for most calculations – even at NASA. Update: October 24, 2022 – This article, originally written in 2016, has been updated to reflect the latest values for NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft, which continues to venture farther into interstellar space. The
2021/3/16に開催されたJJUG night seminarでの登壇資料です https://jjug.doorkeeper.jp/events/119184
(Disclaimer: Some of this post discusses projects from my job. All opinions and mistakes here are my own.) This is a set of notes on getting to deterministic builds in C, C++ and Rust on Windows. The primary motivation for this is not the lofty goal of a Reproducible Build, but simply improving our Bazel cache hit rates. A Quick primer on Bazel caching At Dropbox, much of our build is powered by B
Hi! You’re reading an old post, and some of might be out of date. Check out this newer post for an update on the state of sd, or jump straight to the GitHub repo for the latest news. ~/sd is my script directory. It looks like this: $ tree ~/sd /Users/ian/sd ├── blog │ ├── preview │ └── publish ├── book │ ├── open │ ├── pdf │ ├── progress │ └── typeset ├── cat ├── dim │ └── visualize ├── edit ├── g
This post is the last in a three-part series about Cranelift. In the first post, I covered overall context and the instruction-selection problem; in the second post, I took a deep dive into compiler performance via careful algorithmic design. In this post, I want to dive into how we engineer for and work to ensure correctness, which is perhaps the most important aspect of any compiler project. A c
Footnotes * abomonation requires a mutable backing to access data † abomonation does not support buffer mutation ‡ do not provide deserialization capabilities, but the user can write their own § supports buffer mutation, but not in the rust implementation Analysis CBOR / serde_json Unsurprisingly, these two had very similar performance because they're almost the same format. CBOR did a bit better
There’s been some discussion about arenas in Rust recently, and I thought I’d write about them. Arenas aren’t something you would typically reach for in Rust so fewer people know about them; you only really see them in applications for various niche use cases. Usually you can use an arena by pulling in a crate and not using additional unsafe, so there’s no need to be particularly skittish around t
Performance comparison: counting words in Python, Go, C++, C, AWK, Forth, and Rust March 2021 Summary: I describe a simple interview problem (counting frequencies of unique words), solve it in various languages, and compare performance across them. For each language, I’ve included a simple, idiomatic solution as well as a more optimized approach via profiling. Go to: Constraints | Python Go C++ C