


2009-02-28 19:41:12 | Telegraph (UK)
Japan's exports collapse as crisis deepens in Asia
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:26 Feb 2009
Japan's exports plunged 46pc in January from a year earlier in the latest sign of a catastrophic implosion of trade across Asia and the wider world. Sales fell 55pc to Britain, 65pc to Russia, and 67pc to Spain.


The ferocity of the slide adds to fears that the world's second biggest economy is tipping into a self-feeding spiral after contracting at annual rate of 12.7pc in the fourth quarter. A deflation 'mind set' has begun to gain a grip on the Japanese psyche once again. The government said land prices have fallen by an average 12pc in Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya since October.


"We don't sees any signs of an early recovery," said Takeshi Minami, chief economist for the Norinchukin institute. "Exports to Asia and especially China have crumbled just as badly as those to the US. That tells us that China's economy is most likely wilting."


The data confirms the picture emerging across the Pacific Rim that shipments to China from every country are in free-fall. It is hard to reconcile this with the optimism of commodity funds betting that a V-shaped rebound in Chinese industrial demand will soon lead to a fresh cycle of rising metal and oil prices. Much of the Chinese monetary stimulus over recent weeks appears to have leaked into speculation on the Shanghai bourse rather than stimulating consumption.


Pascal Lamy, the head of the World Trade Organisation, said yesterday in Tokyo that the global economy was "not even half-way through" the crisis. "Never before have we seen an economic shock of this magnitude. Japan is particularly vulnerable because trade is so central to the economy."


The car industry has been ravaged. Global production has fallen 54pc at Mitsubishi, 54pc at Nissan, 39pc at Toyota, and 33pc at Honda.


Japan's trade deficit has risen to a record $10bn. This is the fourth consecutive month of deficits, a traumatic turn of events for a country that has staked its destiny on industrial exports. The Japanese government has limited room for manoeuvre. Public debt is the highest in the world at $8.7 trillion, or 160pc of GDP, making it risky to attempt a US-style fiscal blitz. Interest rates are already at 0.1pc, tantamount to zero. The Bank of Japan is buying commercial paper to support the credit markets. It is under heavy pressure from senators to purchase bonds on a huge scale to flood the money to stave off "hyper-deflation" but officials are reluctant to go that route - at least yet.


While Japanese investors have net overseas assets of $3 trillion - the world's biggest stash of wealth - this is making matters worse in the short-term. The mood of crisis has caused big repatriation flows, driving up the exchange rate of the yen. The currency has risen 30pc on trade-weighted basis since the credit crunch began, though it has at last begun to weaken. Exporters have been asphyxiated. Japan is suffering the unexpected curse of the creditor state.



2009-02-28 19:40:53 | Telegraph (UK)

Debt markets take fright at 'EU bond'
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:26 Feb 2009
The capital markets have become increasingly uneasy over proposals to use the European Investment Bank as an all-purpose fireman to prop up weaker regions of the eurozone or come to the rescue of Eastern Europe.


The borrowing cost on the EIB's 10-year bonds has risen to 90 basis points above the benchmark German Bunds. The yield is now closer to the borrowing costs of Spain and even Italy, suggesting that investors already suspect the bank will be used to issue "EU bonds" for rescue purposes – whatever its original mandate.


The EIB, the world's biggest multilateral lender, was able to borrow for years at rates that were almost the same as the German government – or even lower – enabling the entire EU to take advantage of the Germany's credit-rating for project finance. The change has been abrupt.


The bank said this week that yields had been pushed up by the avalanche of sovereign bond supply as governments around the world tap investors for $3 trillion (£2.1 trillion) of fresh money. But EIB debt has been hit surprisingly hard.


Among the plans rattling the bond markets is a proposal by Centre for European Policy Studies in Brussels to convert the EIB into a vast stability fund to shore up European banks and prevent the crisis in the ex-Soviet bloc from mushrooming out of control.


Daniel Gros, the group's director and an influential figure in EU circles, said EIB borrowing should be "massively" increased. "With a gearing of 4:1, the EIB could expand its loan portfolio up to €1 trillion (£890bn). It could triple its activities without any additional capital increase," he said.


Michael Klawitter, a currency strategist at Dresdner Kleinwort in Frankfurt, said enthusiasts for such plans are up against the ever attentive bond vigilantes. "This idea is never going to fly. The yields on EIB bonds could rise above the average cost of borrowing for the member states," he said. This may in fact be happening.


The EIB is already a powerful – if little-known – arm of EU economic policy. Its mandate is to provide co-finance for projects that "further EU objectives". In the past this has meant anything from fish farms to airports and high-tech ventures. It uses its AAA credit rating to access cheap capital on the global bond markets, just like the World Bank.


Much to the unease of its own officials in Luxembourg, the EIB is already being asked to take on an ever-greater role in Europe's rescue programmes. EU leaders agreed to beef up its capital by €67bn to €232bn in December. Lending is to rise by 30pc to over €60bn this year with extra spending on green vehicles – which some say is a disguised bail-out for the car industry – as well as energy projects and small businesses.


The Maastricht Treaty forbids any direct rescue of eurozone states by the European Central Bank. There is no treaty mechanism for the sort of "EU bond" proposed by Italy's finance minister Giulio Tremonti, but the EIB could take on the role quite easily with a tweak to its mandate and little creativity by EU lawyers.


Phillipe Maystadt, the EIB's president, played down talk this week that the bank was being pushed into galloping mission-creep. "What we can do is provide finance as intensely and rapidly as possible for investment. That's what we're doing and we aim to do more, better and faster," he told Reuters.


Marc Ostwald, a bond expert at Monument Securities, said the EIB has been a major casualty of state guarantees for bank debt. "There has been a massive repricing. Why buy EIB debt if you can get a government guarantee on the banks?" he said.



2009-02-28 19:40:33 | Telegraph (UK)
German CDS debt spreads hit record as economy crumbles
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:24 Feb 2009
The cost of bankruptcy protection on German debt has reached an all-time high on spill-over from the financial crisis in Eastern Europe and mounting concerns about the stability of Germany's banking system.


Credit default swaps measuring risk on five-year sovereign debt touched 90 basis points on Tuesday and looks poised to rise above French debt for the first time.


The spike follows a warning by Deutsche Bank that Germany’s economy will contract by 5pc this year as industrial exports collapse at the fastest pace since the Great Depression.


Norbert Walter, the bank’s chief economist, said there was a risk of an even deeper slump if the economy fails to stabilize by the summer. “A bigger contraction can’t be ruled out,” he said.

同行のチーフ・エコノミストNorbert Walterは、経済が夏までに安定しなければより深刻な不況のリスクがあると語った。

The state governments of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein agreed on €3bn (£2.7bn) cash rescue on Tuesday for Landesbank HSH Nordbank, the world’s top source of finance for shipping, raising the public stake to 80pc. The bank has already drawn on a €10bn guarantee from the government’s bail-out fund Soffin. HSH lost €2.8bn last year, mostly on credit instruments and fall-out from the Lehman debacle.


“Of course these costs will weigh on the budget. We had no choice,” said Peter Harry Carstensen, the premier of Schleswig Holstein. He denied press reports that his own state was facing bankruptcy.


There are eleven state-owned Landesbanken in Germany and most are in trouble. While their mission is to boost regional industry and finance the family Mittelstand firms, they strayed disastrously into almost every form of leveraged excess through off-books `conduits’, many based in Dublin.


“The entire Landesbanken system is rotten,” said Hans Redeker, currency chief at BNP Paribas.”Credit will collapse if they are allowed to fail so they have to be recapitalized. But it is not just the banks in trouble: Germany’s entire export structure has been hit drastically.”


“German CDS spreads are going massively higher. German bank exposure to Eastern Europe, although less than Austria, is still very high. The markets have started to price in a de facto bail-out of Eastern Europe and they think that Germany that will have to pay the bill,” he said.


The rating agency Standard & Poor’s said in a report on Tuesday that the region was “shuddering to a halt”, with a number of countries were “crumbling under the weight of high foreign currency debt.” It is unclear whether they can roll over debts as Western banks retreat to their home market.


S&P said foreign debt is 115pc of GDP in Estonia, 103pc in Bulgaria, 93pc in Hungary, all far above danger level. “All the ingredients of a major crisis are in place,” said Jean-Michel Six, the group’s Europe economist.



2009-02-28 19:40:13 | Telegraph (UK)
EU agrees hedge fund controls
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:23 Feb 2009
European leaders have agreed on draconian measures to crack down on hedge funds, rating agencies and all financial instruments, going beyond proposals by Prime Minister Gordon Brown for soft regulation designed to avoid stifling free enterprise.


The move to regulate hedge funds poses a potential threat to an industry that has been a mainstay of London's financial growth over the last decade. The only restriction imposed so far is an obligation to disclose all "short" positions on equities.


German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who hosted yesterday's summit of German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch and British leaders in Berlin, said the sort of rampant speculation and misuse of leverage that occurred in the credit bubble would not be tolerated.


"We have today underscored our conviction that all financial markets, products and participants must be subject to appropriate oversight or regulation, without exception and regardless of their country of domicile. This is especially true for those private pools of capital, including hedge funds, that may present a systemic risk," she said.


The purpose of the gathering was to thrash out a common EU policy in advance of London's G20 summit in April, when world leaders aim to set the foundations of a new financial order for the 21st century.


The exact details of the accord will not be released until all EU states have reviewed the text but the proposals are clearly more radical than the UK Treasury's plan for calibrated measures.


Diplomats say Mr Brown agreed to restrictions on hedge funds in order to clear the way for an accord.


Speaking afterwards, Mr Brown said the summit backed efforts to boost the fire-fighting reserves of the International Monetary Fund.


"We need international action to help, for example, in central and eastern Europe, where a number of foreign banks have withdrawn to their home banking territories and where it is difficult to recapitalise the rest of the banking system. So we are proposing today a $500bn (£346bn) fund that enables the IMF not only to deal with crises when they happen but to prevent crises," he said.


The EU communique also called for punitive action against tax havens. "A list of uncooperative jurisdictions and a toolbox of sanctions must be devised as soon as possible," it said.


French president Nicolas Sarkozy said Europe would not accept a "cheap fix" on financial regulation. "We want regulation of hedge funds, and we're not going to put up any longer with the bonus reward system of traders and bankers. Sanctions are key. Without sanctions, new regulations are meaningless," he said.


The concerted attack on hedge funds is ominous for the City, which commands 21pc of global hedge fund business and four-fifths of Europe's total. While the UK's 900 funds have taken a beating over the last 18 months, they have fared better than banks. Their average leverage is far lower, and though down 19pc last year, they easily beat global stock indexes.



2009-02-28 19:39:48 | Telegraph (UK)

ECB faces mutiny from national bank governors as recession deepens
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph:23 Feb 2009
The European Central Bank is capitulating.


For months the ECB held sternly to the high ground of orthodoxy as the US, Japanese, British, Canadian, Swiss and Swedish central banks slashed rates towards zero and embraced quantitative easing, but a confluence of fast-moving events is now forcing it to move.


The credit default swaps that measure bankruptcy risk on the debts of Ireland, Austria and a clutch of Latin Bloc states have vaulted to dangerous levels. In the case of Ireland, the slump is spilling on to the streets. Some 120,000 marched through Dublin over the weekend to protest austerity measures.


The slow fuse on Eastern Europe's banking crisis has detonated, leaving Austrian, Belgian, Italian and other West European banks with $1.5 trillion (£1 trillion) in exposure.


It is happening just as industrial output collapses in the eurozone's core states. Germany's economy contracted at 8.4pc annualised in the fourth quarter. ECB president Jean-Claude Trichet said on Monday that "a process of negative feedback" has set in where the banks and the real economy are pulling each other down in a self-reinforcing spiral. Eurozone credit is contracting. Banks are rationing credit as deleveraging gathers pace.


Rob Carnell, global strategist at ING, said the ECB has been painfully slow to acknowledge the global deflation tsunami sweeping across Europe.


"It seems divorced from reality. It is clearly nonsense to talk about inflation now: it has been negative on average for six months. The eurozone purchasing managers' index has fallen twice as fast as in the US, so the ECB should be acting even faster than the Fed," he said.


Mr Trichet said the ECB has increased its balance sheet by €600bn (£525bn) since the Lehman collapse in September. The bank is providing "unlimited liquidity" in exchange for a wide range of collateral, including mortgage bonds issued for the sole purpose of extracting ECB funds.


But the ECB's leading voices have adamantly refused to contemplate going to the next stage: buying bonds and other assets with "printed money". They see that as the Primrose path to hell. This week the tone has abruptly changed, suggesting that a majority of the 16 national bank governors on the ECB council are having second thoughts.


The apparent ring-leader is Cypriot member Anastasios Orphanides, a former Fed official and a world authority on deflation traps. He said on Monday that the ECB may have to go beyond "zero-bound" rates and revealed that an "internal discussion" was under way.


Italy's Mario Draghi is in the "activist-easing" camp. "The experience in the US in the 1930s and Japan in the 1990s suggests that it is necessary to fight, in the early phases of the crisis, the tendency for real interest rates to rise," he said.


Finland's Erkki Liikanen is of the same opinion. "We are facing the worst financial crisis in our time. It is important not to exclude, ex ante, any measures."


Julian Callow from Barclays Capital said 10 ECB governors are now doves.


This amounts to a mutiny against the Bundesbank-dominated executive in Frankurt. It is no great surprise. They have to answer to their democracies. The plot is thickening.
