good excuse とはどういう意味ですか?
a good excuse is often made to change the mind of people, example if you don't want to go to school, you must give a good excuse to stay home or else your parents will send you to school
keep motivated no excuses とはどういう意味ですか?
Pozostań zmotywowany*, żadnych wymówek!
* "pozostań zmotywowany" to dosłowne tłumaczenie i wiem, że może brzmi troszkę dziwnie po polsku, ale przynajmniej sens jest zachowany 😜 może lepiej brzmiałoby "nie poddawaj się" czy coś takiego 😉
* "pozostań zmotywowany" to dosłowne tłumaczenie i wiem, że może brzmi troszkę dziwnie po polsku, ale przynajmniej sens jest zachowany 😜 może lepiej brzmiałoby "nie poddawaj się" czy coś takiego 😉
excuse me とはどういう意味ですか?
Com licença
to devise excuse とはどういう意味ですか?
To come up with a reason why you can't do something. It usually implies an invalid reason.
For example:
- She devised an excuse for why she didn't finish her homework.
For example:
- She devised an excuse for why she didn't finish her homework.
I was given one excuse after another とはどういう意味ですか?
You were given many excuses
excuse m could I get side please? excuse me could you move aside please? both are sentences here which one current を使った例文を教えて下さい。
The first sentence is not correct. You would say ‘excuse me, could I get past please?’.
excuse me, in the song name’s “What I like about you - Jonas blue” has lyric “I got you under my skin”. Please explain for me を使った例文を教えて下さい。
It's one of those poetic phrases.
It just means that you love someone so much, that you have them literally inside of you.
In another context, if you says "ugh he gets under my skin sometimes," it means that the person is extremely annoying.
It just means that you love someone so much, that you have them literally inside of you.
In another context, if you says "ugh he gets under my skin sometimes," it means that the person is extremely annoying.
excuse me を使った例文を教えて下さい。
"Excuse me, may I sit here?"
"Excuse me please."
"Would you please excuse me."
"Excuse me, may I borrow that pen?"
"Excuse me please."
"Would you please excuse me."
"Excuse me, may I borrow that pen?"
excuse me , hi , thanks を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Excuse me, which way I should go to the cinema?
Hi Ania! How are you?
I very like you! Thanks Adam!
Hi Ania! How are you?
I very like you! Thanks Adam!
excuse me を使った例文を教えて下さい。
Excuse me, can you tell me where the bank is?
excuse と justification はどう違いますか?
An excuse is something you say to lessen the blame or the negative feeling, usually it's seen as untrue or something you do for yourself. A justification is an attempt to justify something as necessary and is usually seen as a good thing. They are very close in meaning and often used together. For example, if I drove over a hole in the road and broke the wheel of your car I could say, "Well, it wasn't my fault! It was the road! Your car was cheap!" - They are excuses. I could also say, "There was a hole in the road and when I drove over it your wheel broke" - That is a justification. Also, excuses are usually given for repeated bad behavior (넌 핑계꾼이야. 저번에도 늦었잖아!) and justifications are usually given in more important situations. (이는 정당할 만했다!)
excuse と sorry はどう違いますか?
You wouldn't say "excuse" you would say "excuse me." Excuse me is used when interrupting someone. For example, they're talking to someone and you need to talk to them, you would say "excuse me, I need to talk to you for a second". Sorry is used for when you've done something wrong. For example, "Sorry I'm a bit late." Sorry is also used when you don't understand what someone is saying. For example, "sorry, I didn't quite understand." You could also just say "sorry?" And people will understand 😊
excuse me と pardon me はどう違いますか?
pardon meと言うのはexcuse meと言うより礼儀正しい。
excuse me と sorry と quiero saber si tienen el mismo significado はどう違いますか?
Podríamos decir que tiene que ver con la intención y el contexto. Yo considero que sorry tiene culpa, mientras que excuse me es una forma de «excusarse».
Sorry es perdón.
Mientras que Excuse me es Disculpa.
Por ejemplo.
It’s my fault, sorry.
(Es mi culpa, perdón).
Excuse me, what did you say?
(Disculpa, ¿qué dijiste?).
Sorry es perdón.
Mientras que Excuse me es Disculpa.
Por ejemplo.
It’s my fault, sorry.
(Es mi culpa, perdón).
Excuse me, what did you say?
(Disculpa, ¿qué dijiste?).
excuse me と sorry and apologize はどう違いますか?
If you burp or fart near someone 'excuse me'
If you want to get past someone 'excuse me'
If you are late for work 'I am sorry I'm late'
If you forget your friend's birthday 'I am sorry I forgot'
To apologise you say 'Sorry.'
When you say 'sorry' you make an apology.
If you want to get past someone 'excuse me'
If you are late for work 'I am sorry I'm late'
If you forget your friend's birthday 'I am sorry I forgot'
To apologise you say 'Sorry.'
When you say 'sorry' you make an apology.
excuse me ,how long does it take to bumper cars? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Exscuse me, How long does it take to ride the bumper cars?
excuse me,can u tell me what this means? は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
Yes! That's right! This is a fringe, and a fringe is always on the edges. So the flowers "decorate the edge"
A fringe also "lines the edge" but since this part of the poem is about pretty flowers "decorates the edge" is a better translation.
A fringe also "lines the edge" but since this part of the poem is about pretty flowers "decorates the edge" is a better translation.
excuse me may I ask you something は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
excuse me can you help me は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
excuse me は 英語 (アメリカ) で何と言いますか?
I don't want to hear your excuse anymore. この表現は自然ですか?
× I don't want to hear your excuse anymore.
✓ I don't want to hear your excuses anymore.
✓ I don't want to hear your excuses anymore.
He excused why he was late. この表現は自然ですか?
× He excused why he was late.
✓ He explained why he was late.
✓ He explained why he was late.
You don't want to make any excuses after this party is over, so my suggestion about that is to own up to what you said.
Please correct me more natural!
Please correct me more natural!
Overall this is very natural.
You don't want to make any excuses after this party is over, so my suggestion is to own up to what you said.
“My suggestion is to...” is a standard way of saying this phrase. I would remove “about that”.
You don't want to make any excuses after this party is over, so my suggestion is to own up to what you said.
“My suggestion is to...” is a standard way of saying this phrase. I would remove “about that”.
Please excuse me again
@soreiyu sorry for the wrong translation the correct one should be 失礼します /Shitsureishimasu
I'm really sorry for being lazy
I'm really sorry for being lazy
Why are you good at making excuses?
How come you're good at making excuses?
Are these expressions natural?
How come you're good at making excuses?
Are these expressions natural?
Yes they are natural expressions
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