Adam Yaw

Adam Yaw

I have no idea what I'm talking about
Logged only since 4/15/19

Favorite films

  • Stalker
  • PlayTime
  • August in the Water
  • I've Heard the Ammonite Murmur

Recent activity

  • A Scanner Darkly


  • Pulp Fiction


  • The Night of Copernicus


  • Apparition's Moment


Recent reviews

  • A Scanner Darkly

    A Scanner Darkly


    Absolutely incredibly acted, especially by rdj, which is a hilarious thing to say about an animated movie but hey that’s Linklater rotoscoping baby. The animation is wildly effective even if not as vividly beautiful as it would grow to be in Waking Life. The narrative takes a bit to get there but the end is so effective (followed by Dick’s afterword which is devastating) that I think it’s worth its time. Loved the suicide attempt scene

  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    “What it really means is that you’re the weak and I’m the tyranny of evil men

    But I’m trying

    Only the second half but god what a movie

Popular reviews

  • Ping Pong the Animation

    Ping Pong the Animation


    Finding it very hard to write about this even though I’ve basically been thinking about it non stop for days now. Very possibly the best written show I’ve ever seen. A remarkably good soundtrack. One of the coolest animation styles you’re going to encounter. Effortlessly juggling the development of at least five characters in only eleven episodes. Just marvelous.

    The pilot is unbelievable. Sets up a great dynamic of Peco being the shining star with Smile as the underdog who’s…

  • Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

    Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury


    The peaks in this show are incredible and make me want to scream and the valleys are devastating and make me want to die

    One of those where it feels like it keeps getting better. Maybe the prettiest robots I’ve ever seen, exhilarating soundtrack, great voice acting, intriguing politics, brutal, love-filled, gay, what’s not to love? The ending is somewhat rushed and we could’ve used an extra 6 episodes or so but it’s not enough to damper the greatness on…
