

I call all movies films.
I'm not pretentious enough to call them pictures but I'm working on it.

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • Le Trou
  • The Wages of Fear
  • Victoria

Recent activity

  • The Whale


  • State of Play


  • The Incredible Shrinking Man


  • Countdown


Recent reviews

  • The Whale

    The Whale


    Obvious play structure here where the couchbound central character gravitationally pulls in all secondary characters. They appear in such quick succession through his front door it feels like a compilation of Kramer entrances. Charlie is shown gorging food in moments of weakness but still consumes less than a Brad Pitt monologue. Refreshing to see the fat suit played with dramatic effect. I hope other traditional comedy tropes are treated with the same respect. Give the child in propeller cap with oversized lollipop their shot at an Oscar!

  • State of Play

    State of Play


    I never really understood these reporters risking it all to get the big scoop type films. They're doing 80 hour work weeks, putting their lives in danger and jeopardizing their personal relationships for one article. That newspaper will be used to housetrain pissing puppies by the end of the week. True journalism gives people what they want like an update on what the cast of The Goonies looks like now.

Popular reviews

  • The Dawn Wall

    The Dawn Wall


    One of the greatest climbing achievements in history. Last night I slept on the couch because I couldn't motivate myself to climb into bed. We're supposed to be the same species.

  • Surge



    Not since Crank has a main character had such a consistently high heart rate. Statham needed to electrocute himself. Whishaw only had to get in the way while his Dad moved a washing machine. Watching him try to buy a HDMI cable was more tense than most million dollar car chase scenes.
