The humor here is of the 'throw the kitchen sink at the wall and see what sticks' school, and is understandably hit and miss. The misses are worthy of a thousand cringes and the hits are glorious!
Would recommend, but only after at least 2 beers.
The humor here is of the 'throw the kitchen sink at the wall and see what sticks' school, and is understandably hit and miss. The misses are worthy of a thousand cringes and the hits are glorious!
Would recommend, but only after at least 2 beers.
Ok, not sure how Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships when Hector, Paris, and Achilles are all hotter than her - and I say this as a straight man.
Plenty of things from here kind of come across as meme-worthy now, but when I watched it in the theaters it was a really intense and oddly sincere experience. Mostly popcorn fluff and occasionally rises above that level, I'd definitely give it another watch.
The people behind this dared to ask the question "What if The Break-up was good?"
This movie has a lot going for it, but it has what was ultimately a dealbreaker for me.
The premise of this movie: the government decides to tackle the nationwide problem of rebellious teens by randomly-selecting a single class of students to participate in a battle to the death once a year. Killing your own people is a stupid thing for any government to do, but maybe they think it'll make a useful deterrent to would-be delinquents. Except no, one…