

Favorite films

  • Funeral Parade of Roses
  • By Hook or by Crook
  • Fresh Kill
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Recent reviews

  • Tekkonkinkreet Pilot

    Tekkonkinkreet Pilot

    I actually really like the way this looks, has a kind of uncanny feeling and a dynamism that matches the manga for me. Personally prefer this to the style they went for in the feature. But i have a soft spot for early CG stuff.

  • White Roses, Fall!

    White Roses, Fall!


    i personally found some parts to be very endearing, but it wasn’t quite coherent enough to love.

Popular reviews

  • Queer



    i was expecting nothing from this one, and even in the first quarter i was considering walking out because i assumed that id feel as bored as i did watching challengers for the whole duration, and i’m still not convinced that i even thought this film was that good-
    but somehow as credits rolled i found myself moved by this film. I still can’t place exactly what part of this film moved me- or what it even moved inside of…

  • Made in Hong Kong

    Made in Hong Kong


    A bleak film with a lot of heart, a portrait of youth and doomed fate.  I was holding back tears in the ICA- glad I caught it there though on a big screen, it was truly beautiful
