hooptober, hooptober, we call Tobe over.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
KASA 4.0 | Film #4 | Documentary
The movie did a good job telling the true story, and I was surprised by the limited number of embellishments taken. Remarkable that he survived.
Pretty much nonstop carnage on this epic father/son revenge tale.
Favorite moment and honorable mention: see in comments (spoiler).
“Honestly, I don’t give a fuck”
Pretty much sums up my feelings on Micky 17. Sucks writing this because I’m a big fan of Bong Joon Ho‘s work, but this is a miss. Pattinson does what he can with the role, and the accent wasn’t a problem for me like some reviewers have pointed out, but none of it matters. It’s painfully dull, and it’s a long two hours. I’m struggling to even talk about it at all. It’s surprisingly forgettable.
Release the Bong rip!