Ryan Clark

Ryan Clark

Favorite films

  • Network
  • Blade Runner
  • Sherlock Jr.
  • The Green Knight

Recent activity

  • Pitch Black


  • The Five Venoms


  • Radioactive Dreams


  • The Sword and the Sorcerer


Recent reviews

  • Pitch Black

    Pitch Black


    when i was in the first grade my best friend was also name ryan. we agreed this was the best movie of all time because his name also started with R.

    this movie looks like shit. random cuts to nauseating aspect ratio changes for no apparent reason, embarrassing editing, even when it does it's colors gimmick it looks ugly. but damn is it cool.

    the strength here is the amount of world it implies. the mere existence of islamic pilgrim…

  • Radioactive Dreams

    Radioactive Dreams


    we are what we pretend to be says vonnegut

    we are our parents says freud

    we are what our circumstances make us says the wise man

    it's important to note that all you can do is find a thing and run with it. you can be a pulp fiction private dick you can be a post nuke new wave greaser you can do anything you want they can stop you of course but that doesn't mean you can't do it.

    pyun is quickly becoming a favorite director of mine glad to have taken this one in

Popular reviews

  • The Substance

    The Substance


    this movie has a lot to love in it. if you like this movie i am not going to be a dick about it i promise.

    it just made me wish i was doing something else the whole time

    built around a fantastic sci fi concept that it didn't really seem interested in engaging with seriously, it's efforts went instead towards the more grounded themes that are explored effectively (if not ham fistedly). lots going on here for women horror…

  • I Saw the TV Glow

    I Saw the TV Glow


    watched this one on a plane racing the sun over the atlantic through terrible turbulence so that every ten minutes the movie would be interrupted by an announcement of danger in turkish which really added to the madness of the whole thing.

    very cool movie. a nice touch of the typical horror imagery to keep you locked in but the real terror is so much more grounded. the whole paths not taken thing really acends the queer text of the…
