Simon Reid

Simon Reid

Illustrato & author

Favorite films

  • Kind Hearts and Coronets
  • Stalag 17
  • The Last Picture Show
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark

Recent activity

  • Bait


  • Frozen II

  • Tangled


  • The Godfather


Recent reviews

  • If It Ain't Stiff, It Ain't Worth a Fuck

    If It Ain't Stiff, It Ain't Worth a Fuck


    Ian Dury was convinced that this shambolic rock doc of the 'Live Stiffs' package tour would 'never see the light of day', and perhaps it would have been better trapped in legal limbo. He's one of the few to come out of it fairly well, along with Costello, who stays aloof throughout.

    There are some decent live clips included, with the Blockheads particularly strong form, on the cusp of New Boots and Panties. But a lot of backstage and bus footage pads out the performances, not all of it that interesting. The behaviour on show ranges from embarrassing adolescent banter to, appallingly, some casual sexual assault.

  • Porco Rosso

    Porco Rosso


    The dogfights are dazzling and the alternate-history Adriatic makes for splendid scenery, but behind all that elaborately quirky, pulpy world-building, it's quite empty and aimless.

    This is a film I've wanted to see for a very long time, but turns out to be my least favourite Ghibli so far. It certainly suffers from coming after something as soulful as Kiki.

Popular reviews

  • Elvis: The Rebirth of the King

    Elvis: The Rebirth of the King


    Brief but focused documentary on how Elvis dug himself out of his mid-1960s rut. The '68 Comeback Special, the seminal recordings with Chips Moman at American Studios, and the live peak of his early Vegas shows (far more ambitious and thrilling performances than they are generally given credit for) are all covered.

    I didn't need to be convinced of this film's argument (From Elvis In Memphis is one of my favourite albums and I'll regularly rewatch That's The Way It…

  • The Chase

    The Chase


    With a cast including Brando, Duvall, and Redford, this has an awful lot going for it, but it's not quite the neglected mid-60s gem you'd hope for.

    Brando holds the whole thing together as the virtuous but reluctant sheriff Calder, who really wants to get back to being a farmer, but has to spend his time dealing with all these pissed-up small-town racists. Duvall is good too, against type as a weedy bank clerk turning a blind eye whilst his…
