I am required by law to give brief yet somewhat informative ratings on the movies I watch.
Loved List = 4/5 or above
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Brendan Fraser falls a lot in this movie, but not as much as I fall for him every time I watch his films.
They disintegrate the Eiffel Tower—now the “I Fell Tower”—and other parts of Fr*nce with fun action scenes throughout, but I already feel G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra retreating into the crevices in the back of my brain, never to be seen again (until the Rock Reviewfest demands it.)
Give orange me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me give eat orange me eat orange give me eat orange give me eat orange give me eat orange me kill you.
“Look what I got!…”
Hot people, lots of bugs, and a freaky mummy who has ailurophobia and can dislocate his jaw.
Fraser and Weisz are great at selling their romantic journey with the ever-spiraling adventure unfurling along the way. It is predictable, yet really fun. Captain Havlock is an entertaining bit character and you can’t help but love him despite his limited screen-time.
The mummy himself is genuinely intimidating at times, but also comically goofy at others. Both have their…