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2014, International Studies Review
6 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
The analysis critically examines the different perspectives on neoliberalism as presented by Flores-Macías and Chalfin. It contrasts Flores-Macías's focus on economic policies and institutionalization of party systems with Chalfin's ethnographic studies, emphasizing the significance of socioeconomic structures and the impact of globalization. The discussion highlights the inadequacies in Flores-Macías's analysis, advocating for a more nuanced understanding of neoliberalism as a deep structural change rather than merely a government policy, and recommends Chalfin's work for its rich insights into the complexities of neoliberalism in practical contexts.
At the beginning of the 21st century a new political stage opened in Latin America, giving rise to governments opposed to neo-liberalism that had been hegemonic until then. Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, plus Nicaragua, El Salvador and, briefly, Paraguay, set up a new regional political map whose main features (progressive, post-neoliberal, leftist, of "popular national consensus", neo-developmental, neo-extractive) were and remain the subject of debate. We opted to call this stage the "cycle of impugnment/contesting/challenging to neo-liberalism" (CINLA), to include common and more characteristic features which comprise all cases, beyond their national specificities. With this characterization we want to emphasize the idea of process, moment of hegemonic dispute and not a completed stage. Naming matters: the "post" approach (as in post-neoliberalism) does not help us to advance in the understanding of what is going on, it just means that one period or cycle comes after the other. This "post" framework also risks of falling into determinism. If the emphasis is put on the end of the commodities super-cycle, the conclusion will be the end of the contesting government. But reality is much more complex than this, and the features that singularize it are linked with political and social specificities, as well as economic. The differences in the policies implemented by governments in the region during the CINLA are related with the depth of the crisis that originated them in each case and with the political viability of projects that attempted new political experiences, autonomous of neo-liberalism and its most prototypical beneficiaries. However, such policies did not transcend the stage of neoliberal accumulation, whose main features are the prevalence of global financialization and the intensification of the exploitation of natural resources (extractivism). This does not mean to ascribe to the hypothesis that the continuity of the
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas
In this article we critically engage with the term and concept of “post-neoliberalism”, delineate different meanings in the literature and arrive at the conclusion that the term leaves more questions open than it answers. We therefore draw on literature that investigates the departure from (or persistence) of neoliberalism on a careful study of social power relations, i.e. Barry Cannon`s work on the rise of the right in Latin America. In taking his arguments further we present and examine transnational neoliberal think tank networks that are active in Latin America. We show the extent to which these networks have been developed across borders, investigate the key linkers within these networks are and situate the main currents within the contemporary constellation of right wing political ideologies. The article strengthens a relational perspective in the study of neoliberalism and its counter-forces and indicates research desiderata in the field of transnational ideological power str...
Latin American Politics and Society, 2011
These four books combined offer a wealth of interesting, rich ethnographic data and novel analysis of contemporary Latin America ¶s leftist political parties, social movements, and civil society. During the past 20 years they cover, the region underwent important changes as neoliberalism stormed throughout Latin America in the wake of the military dictatorships that paved its way. The authors of these volumes focus on the innovative, bold, daring, and clever initiatives of social actors in the public sphere, who can be credited with, if not altogether stopping neoliberalism, certainly altering its course, forcing changes, advancing democracy, and in some cases, even overthrowing corrupted national governments. This essay will offer a brief summary of each book, take a look at its research methodology, analyze how the different pieces ³talk´ to each other, and assess their contributions to the field.
Perspective on Politics
gion. That the left has been on the rise is incontrovertible. What it does once in power, however, is a subject that time is only now permitting us to answer, albeit in very preliminary fashion. Yet the prominence of the left is not solely a function of its presence in the halls of government. A key message of this book is not only that the Latin American political landscape has shifted leftward, but also that this shift emerges from and affects the underlying logics of political interactions that matter above and beyond what takes place inside the state apparatus. The long-term effects of the left turns, and their likely durability, can only be a matter of debate. Latin America's pink tide in part manifests itself in the succession of elections in which leftist presidential candidates have either won or performed nearly well enough to take office. Hugo Chávez's 1998 victory at the polls in Venezuela marked a trend that continued with the leftward shift in the Concertación in Chile-the triumph of Socialists Ricardo Lagos in 2000 and Michelle Bachelet in 2006; the rise to power in Uruguay of Tabaré Vásquez and the Frente Amplio, and that of Néstor Kirchner during that same year (with Kirchnerismo prolonged with the 2007 victory of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner). Further advances included those of Evo Morales in Bolivia in 2005, Rafael Correa and Daniel Ortega in Ecuador and Nicaragua during the following year, Álvaro Colom's ascent to the presidency of Guatemala in 2007 and, in 2008, that of Fernando Lugo in Paraguay. 1 The Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) presidential candidate Mauricio Funes won the election that took place in El Salvador in March 2009 and (albeit in rather different circumstances) Honduras's José Manuel "Mel" Zelaya also attempted to shift his government toward the left before being overthrown in June 2009. 2 Furthermore, it is notable that Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Ollanta Humala, and Ottón Solís nearly won the vote in 2006 presidential balloting in Mexico, Peru, and Costa Rica, respectively, and that even where the left has failed to reach office at the level of the executive, it frequently has made important advances in legislative and subnational arenas. Such was the case in Mexico and Colombia in 2006 and 2007, respectively, to cite but two examples. But well beyond cases where the left has occupied the corridors of government, we see an underlying trend toward the emergence and mobilization of social and political currents variously protesting against the current political order, affirming or seeking recognition for subaltern groups, and demanding social and cultural change as well as political citizenship (Schaefer 2009; Schiwy 2008). Not only are popular movements making new demands, but as Benjamin Arditi maintains in his contribution to this book, they are doing so with greater efficacy than at any other moment since the arrival in Latin America of the third wave of democratization. In part this can no doubt be attributed to the cumulative effects of a quarter century of democratic politics, as well as to widespread dissatisfaction with what Peter Smith has termed "the
Monções: Revista de Relações Internacionais da UFGD
The main objective of this essay is to analyse neoliberalism as an alternative for political administration. According to a theory developed in Brazil, political administration encompasses both macro- and micromanagement principles to represent the interests and agenda of a social class, or some fraction of it. The main findings are that the neoliberal rationale and its management principles—efficiency, accountability, performance, and competition—are employed to reprogramme entire societies to transfer wealth to rentier capital. That is why wherever it takes root, neoliberalism brings unemployment, impoverishment, economic instability, exhaustion of natural resources, and income inequality.
Socialism and Democracy, 2005
Today the specter haunting capitalism journeys through Latin America. The region's ongoing social and political upheaval-be it through the ballot box or direct mass action-threatens the hegemony of global capital and neoliberal ideology. In an unprecedented cycle of strikes, mass mobilizations, and popular insurrections extending from the early 1990s to the present, the marginalized, exploited, and despised subaltern classes have drawn on deeply rooted traditions of struggle to bring down corrupt and authoritarian regimes closely identified with the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and Washington. Important electoral victories have been achieved in Argentina, Brazil, Venezuela, and Uruguay. Mass direct action has toppled governments in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Argentina. Government proposals to privatize public services have been soundly defeated in Uruguay, Peru, and Bolivia. In Mexico, the peasants of San Salvador Atenco blocked plans to build a new airport on their agricultural lands, and in Peru the peasants and provincial authorities in Tambo Grande kept agricultural land from being taken over by a multinational mining company. Confronted by the retrenchment of the state from its most basic social duties, many popular movements and organizations mobilize to address such aspects of everyday life as housing, nutrition, childcare, education, and productive work. One thinks here of the communal kitchens in Peru, squatter organizations in Uruguay, cooperatives of unemployed workers in Argentina, landless peasants in Brazil, and the autonomous municipalities and Juntas de Buen Gobierno (Good Government Councils) in the territories in Mexico controlled by the EZLN (Zapatista National Liberation Army). Driven by principles of solidarity, self-respect, collective participation, and communal interest, these popular institutions constitute a powerful challenge to the individualism, self-interest, and exclusion that are the core values
Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, 2016
Linguistik Online, 2022
Publicado en revista Territorio Teatral N°19, 2019
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European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 2023
Chung Yang Yen Chiu Yuan Li Shih Yu Yen Yen Chiu So Chi K'an /Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica, 2022
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A Educação no Brasil e no Mundo: Avanços, Limites e Contradições 5, 2020
Planning, Land Ownership, and Settler Colonialism in Israel/Palestine, 2022
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2019
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri), 2023
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