Economics Letters 117 (2012) 84–87
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Corruption driven by imitative behavior
Elvio Accinelli a , Edgar J. Sánchez Carrera a,b,∗
Facultad de Economía, UASLP, Av. Pintores S/N Fraccionamiento Burócratas del Estado, CP 78263, San Luís Potosí SLP, Mexico
Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Siena, Pzza San Francesco 7, I-53100, Siena (SI), Italy
Article history:
Received 8 June 2011
Received in revised form
20 April 2012
Accepted 25 April 2012
Available online 3 May 2012
One can restructure institutions, but if individual-level motivations for corrupt behavior are not
understood, these restructuring may not be effective. We introduce an evolutionary-game modeling to
deal with the problem of corruption driven by imitative behavior.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
JEL classification:
Corrupt behavior
Evolutionary dynamics
Imitative behavior
Institutions and operations
1. Introduction
Corruption is defined as behavior that deviates from implicit or
explicit behavioral norms with or without legal and ethical connotations ruled out by institutions (see Mishra, 2006). Acemoglu
and Robinson (2005) pointed out that of primary importance for
economic performance is the type of institutions in society, since
they influence the structure of economic incentives and economic
agents’ behavior.
The scourge of corruption in Mexico is a nice real example of
corrupt behavior driven by imitation, i.e. to be corrupt if others
are also corrupt. The tenacity of corruption in Mexico has not kept
politicians from promising to eradicate it, since Mexicans correctly
identify corruption either as the root of Mexico’s development
problems or as the cause of a poverty trap through the cultural
behavior of doing as others do (see Wydick, 2008). Corruption
occurs at all levels of Mexican society, for instance, the legendary
case of the 114 million dollars deposited into Swiss bank accounts
by Raul Salinas, brother of the former President Carlos Salinas
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Economics and Statistics, University
of Siena, Pzza San Francesco 7, I-53100, Siena (SI), Italy. Tel.: +39 3392551833; fax:
+39 055 0944123.
E-mail addresses: (E. Accinelli),,,
(E.J.S. Carrera).
0165-1765/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
de Gortari, who shortly thereafter fled to exile in Ireland. The
money was believed to have came through relationships with
Mexican and Colombian drug cartels during his presidential period
of administration of the Mexican government. Another case of
corruption in Mexico was that in 2004 by Carlos Ahumada, a 40year-old millionaire, who offered million-peso bribes to officials
of Mexico’s left-of-center Partido de la Revolución Democrática
to obtain lucrative sewer-cleaning contracts in Mexico city.1
Corruption appears at all levels in Mexico as a kind of ‘‘cultural
behavior’’, since the word for bribe, mordida, literally means bite,
and getting bitten in Mexico is regrettably common. In Mexico,
mordida permeates every level of society and institutions in which
individuals act because it is a norm, and they just do what others
are doing (whether corrupt or not). Bribes in Mexico are common
and indeed are often deemed necessary for obtaining business
licenses and other types of permit. There is a popular Mexican
saying: el que no transa no avanza, i.e., who does not corrupt does
not move on. Of course corruption is not a norm of behavior in every
country (e.g. New Zealand, Singapore, or Finland; see Transparency
International on the Global Corruption Barometer, 2010),2 but
1 See Wydick (2008, 1) from BBC News, 20 October 1998, and Wall Street Journal,
23 June 2004, respectively.
2 Available at:
E. Accinelli, E.J.S. Carrera / Economics Letters 117 (2012) 84–87
we wonder what accounts for adopting a corruptive behavior or
not. We argue that the answer to this question is influenced by
individual expectations driven by imitative behavior about the
choices of others around to corrupt or not.
We present a novel model to explain why individuals imitate
a corrupt behavior, thinking of it as a kind of rational behavior.
Rational imitation can be explained as follows. An individual, A,
can be said to imitate the behavior of another individual, B, when
observation of the behavior of B affects A in such a way that
A’s subsequent behavior becomes more similar to the observed
behavior of B. An individual can be said to act rationally when
the individual, faced with a choice between different courses of
actions, chooses the course which is the best with respect to his/her
interests, his/her beliefs about possible action opportunities, and
the effects of these potential action opportunities (for a survey on
the notion of imitation see Sanditov, 2006).
In our model, imitation results in individuals performing a
spectrum of tasks ‘‘as others do’’, whether corrupt or not. We
assume that occasionally each individual in a finite population
gets an impulse to revise his/her (pure) strategy choice (either
corruption or non-corruption). There are two basic elements for
1. First, it is a specification of the time rate at which individuals
in the population review their current strategy choice, i.e.,
whether they are currently corrupt individuals or not. This rate
may depend on the current performance of the agent’s pure
strategy and other aspects of the current population state.
2. Second, it is a specification of the choice probabilities of a
reviewing individual. The probability that an i-strategist will
switch to some pure strategy j may depend on the current
performance of these strategies and other aspects of the current
population state, i.e., how large the share of corrupt individuals
currently is, and the types of institution in the economy.
If these impulses arrive according to independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) Poisson processes, then the probability of
simultaneous impulses is zero, and the aggregate process is also
a Poison process. Moreover, the intensity of the aggregate process
is just the sum of the intensities of the individual processes. If the
population is large, then one may approximate the aggregate process by deterministic flows given by the expected payoffs from
corruptive and non-corruptive behaviors. Weibull (1995) and
Björnerstedt and Weibull (1996) studied a number of such models,
in which those individual may imitate other agents in their player
population, and show that a number of payoff-positive selection
dynamics, including the replicator dynamics, may be so derived. In
particular, if an individual’s revision rate is linearly decreasing in
the expected payoff to his/her strategy (or to the individual’s latest payoff realization), then the intensity of each pure strategy’s
Poisson process will be proportional to its population share, and
the proportionality factor will be linearly decreasing in its expected
payoff. If every revising agent selects his/her future strategy by imitating a randomly drawn agent in his/her own player population,
then the resulting flow approximation is the replicator dynamics.
2. The model: institutions and corrupt behavior
Institutions, according to North (1990), are the rules of the
game. This broad definition bundles norms together with institutions and is also favored by Greif (2006): An institution is a
system of rules, beliefs, norms and organizations that together
generate a regularity of social behavior. However, in this paper we
do not consider an ‘‘institution formation’’, since we consider that it
is given from some external (to the individual) form which include
the whole structure of rules, means of detecting violation, and adjudicating punishments. Institutional quality will refer to the extent to which such external elements are effective in detecting and
punishing corrupt activities.
Consider an economy populated by types of institutions, g, from
individuals, i, where individuals must behave as a corrupt or not,
i.e., an individual’s decision type i ∈ {c , nc } is corrupt (c) or not
Let the share of institutions’ type be denoted by the vector
g = (gc , gnc ) normalized to one: gc + gnc = 1. Efficient or good
institutions use mechanisms to punish corrupt individual behavior,
or non-legal activities of its employees, while these mechanisms do
not exist in corrupt institutions. Corrupt individuals may obtain an
extra income from non-legal activities.
Let us assume that the social welfare is measured by a common
good and that all individuals in the society have the opportunity
to use this good in an equalitarian form. So, if the total welfare
in the society is defined by a real positive number, S ∈ R+ , each
individual receives the same quantity of welfare from the society,
s = S /N, where N is the finite size of the population. However, not
all individuals have the same taste for this good.
Suppose also that all individuals in the society are engaged in an
institution, and assume in addition that all individuals receive the
same salary, given by m. The pair (s, m) defines a social state. Hence
an individual’s utility is defined by the function Ui : R × R → R,
i ∈ {c , nc }, i.e.,
Ui (s, m) = sαi · mβi ,
where αi > 0 measures the marginal impact of welfare distribution and βi > 0 measures the marginal utility from monetary payoffs for all behavior i ∈ {c , nc }.
Individual utility is affected by a good institution or a bad one.
Hence, when a corrupt individual matches a bad institution gc ,
Ucgc (s, m) = sαc (m + bc )βc ,
where bc > 0 is the earnings from corrupt activities. When
matching a good institution gnc ,
Ucgnc (s, m) = sαc (m + bc )βc − MPnc (e),
where M > 0 is the cost or punishment for the corrupt behavior
and Pnc (e) ∈ (0, 1) measures a probability of monitoring corrupt
activities or institutional effectiveness in eliminating corruption.
On the other hand, the individual utility of non-corrupt behavior is
Uncgnc (s, m) = sαnc · mβnc ,
with αnc > αc meaning that non-corrupt individuals enjoy higher
social status because such an individual matches a good gnc institutional type.
Moreover, let us continue by considering that, if a non-corrupt
individual is matched with a bad institution, then his/her utility
function linearly decreases by; i.e. facing such an institution gc ; i.e.,
Uncgc (s, m) = sαnc · mβnc − Anc ,
where Anc > 0 measures the disagreement for facing a bad institution. As we see, this parameter indirectly measured the degree of
social disapproval towards a corrupt behavior.
Then the expected payoff of a corrupt individual is given by
E (c /g ) = [sαc (m + bc )βc ]gc + [sαc (m + bc )βc − MPnc (e)]gnc .
The expected payoff of a non-corrupt individual is
E (nc /g ) = [sαnc mβnc − Anc ]gc + [sαnc mβnc ]gnc .
E. Accinelli, E.J.S. Carrera / Economics Letters 117 (2012) 84–87
Rational individuals prefer to be non-corrupt when E (c /g ) <
E (nc /g ), and this inequality follows if
gc <
sαnc · mβnc − sαc (m + bc )βc + MPnc (e)
Anc + MPnc (e)
= gh ,
gc <
Uncgnc (s, m) − Ucgnc (s, m)
Anc + MPnc (e)
= gh .
Individuals prefer to be non-corrupt if the share of bad institutions is lower than this threshold value, gc < gh . Note that [αnc +
MPnc (e)] > [Uncgnc (s, m) − Ucgnc (s, m)], and so long as the punishment cost for corruption, MPnc (e), plus the disagreement of facing
a bad institution, Anc , is large enough, individuals prefer to behave
honestly and do not engage in corrupt activities. So here we have an
incentive for bad individuals to reject non-corrupt activities when
the number of bad institutions declines and they will be better
under better institutions. Note also that the intensity of the displeasure that corrupt behavior creates in an honest worker (measured here by Anc ) plays a positive social role in the imitation game,
given that the threshold value, than which honest behavior has a
higher expected value, decreases. It is natural to think that, in a
society in which imitative behavior plays a central role, the degree of social disapproval toward a certain behavior influences the
choice of an individual’s behavior. The intensity with which society disapproves of social behavior is partially represented in our
model by Anc .
3.1. Corrupt behavior by imitation
Assume that individuals do not have complete information for
the exact values of E (c /g ), E (nc /g ), and g.
Our exercise of imitative behavior is carried out in the following
way (see Accinelli et al., 2010). A reviewer individual i under the
probability ri (x) ∈ [0, 1] raises the question of whether or not
he/she must change his/her current type i ∈ {c , nc }. So ri (x) is the
time rate at which individuals review their strategy choice. This
probability depends on the actual distribution of the population
x and in the benefits associated with the current behavior.3 It is
natural to assume that the likelihood with which an individual
poses this question to himself/herself depends inversely on the
performance of his/her current behavior.
Having opted for a change, the individual will adopt a strategy
followed by the first person from the population to be encountered (his/her neighbor), i.e., there is a probability pi/j (x) ∈ [0, 1],
that a reviewing i-strategist really switches to some pure strategy
j ∈ {c , nc }. In a finite population, one may imagine that the reviewing process of an agent are the arrival times of a Poisson process with probability ri (x), and that at each time the agents select a
pure strategy according to the probability distribution pi/j (x). Consider independence of switches across agents, and the process of
switches from strategy i to strategy j as a Poisson Process with arrival rate xi ri pi/j . Assuming a continuum of agents and by the law
of large numbers, we model these aggregate stochastic processes
as a deterministic flow. So the evolution of the population will be
given by the following dynamic system:
ẋnc = rc (x)pc /nc xc − rnc (x)pnc /c xnc
ẋc = −ẋnc
3. On the dynamics of corrupt behavior
x(t0 ) = (xc (t0 ), xnc (t0 )).
Consider that the individual’s population i ∈ {c , nc } compromises a profile distribution x = (xc , xnc ) normalized to one: xc +
xnc = 1. Individuals are absolutely rational, so they change their
behavior according to the expected payoffs associated with such
an adopted behavior i. Assume that at time t = t0 the profile distribution is x(t0 ) = (xc (t0 ), xnc (t0 )), and that the profile distribution
of institutions is fixed at g = (gc , gnc ).
The evolution of individual’s type i ∈ {c , nc } depends on differences in expected payoffs, and the dynamic flow of individuals
must follow the following evolution:
ẋnc = [E (nc /g ) − E (c /g )] xnc
ẋc = −ẋnc .
The share of non-corrupt individuals may increase, decrease, or
remain stationary, and this is according to the sign of E (nc /g ) −
E (c /g ). In fact the share of the most successful behavior may
increase. To simplify the future analysis of this evolution, and to
obtain some conclusion, let assume that
System (10) represents the interaction between two groups
(corruptive and not) of individuals that imitate their neighbors. The
righ-hand side of ẋnc is an inflow–outflow model: all those corrupt
strategists becoming non-corrupt apart from all those non-corrupt
agents that become corrupt. The differential equation (10) can be
written as
ẋnc = rc pc /nc − xnc (rc pc /nc + rnc pnc /c ).
Let us denote A = rc pc /nc + rnc pnc /c and B = rc pc /nc . Hence the next
proposition is straightforward.
Proposition 1. The share of non-corrupt individuals evolves to a
mixed situation which depends on the average probabilities for
reviewing rates of imitation and the probabilities of coping behavior,
ri pi/j . There is only one situation in which corrupt behavior vanishes,
and this is when all non-corrupt individuals do not do a review of their
behavior and all corrupt individuals are reviewing their behavior.
Proof. By looking at the solution of system (11)
αc = αnc = βc = βnc = 1.
xnc (t ) = xnc (0) exp(−Bt ) +
In this case, it follows that E (nc /g ) − E (c /g ) = MPnc (e) − gc (1 +
MPnc (e)) − bc s, and the threshold value for this case is given by
where xnc (0) is the share of non-corruptive individuals at time
t = 0. Note that the share of non-corruptive individuals converges
ĝh =
MPnc (e) − bc s
MPnc (e) + Anc
Then, the share of the non-corrupt individuals increases as long as
the share of bad institutions is lower and verifies the inequality
gc < ĝh . To get an economy of non-corrupt individuals the share
of good institutions should be sufficiently large, and this happens
when the welfare distribution s is high and the earnings from corrupt activities bc decreases.
rc pc /nc
rc pc /nc + rnc pnc /c
which is an average time rate at which corrupt individuals are
reviewing whether they are doing well or not. Note that xnc (t ) → 1
3 This is the ‘‘behavioural rule with inertia’’ (see Schlag, 1998, 1999) that allows
an agent to reconsider his/her action with probability r each round.
E. Accinelli, E.J.S. Carrera / Economics Letters 117 (2012) 84–87
reviewing rate more often than a non-corrupt individual if and only
if E (nc /g ) > E (c /g ).
We may assume that individuals do not know the exact value
of the expected payoffs; however, they are able to make an
approximation of such true values in order to estimate it. Let us
denote by Ē (i/g ) the estimators of the true values E (i/g ). The
process of imitating successful behaviors exhibits payoff monotonic
updating, since each i-strategist changes his/her strategy if and only
if Ē (i/g ) < Ē (j/g ), ∀i ̸= j ∈ {c , nc }.
To simplify, consider the case αc = αnc = α and βc = βnc = β .
Then Eq. (12) becomes
ẋnc = −β(Ē (nc /g ) − Ē (c /g ))x2nc + β(Ē (nc /g ) − Ē (c /g ))xnc
ẋc = −ẋnc
x(t0 ) = (xc (t0 ), xnc (t0 )).
Fig. 1. Dynamic flow with time for the share of non-corrupt individuals, xnc , from
above and below the threshold B/A.
as rnc pnc /c = 0 and this happens when all non-corrupt individuals
get stuck in this current behavior while all corrupt individuals
must review their current behavior and decide to change from
it. A graphic representation of the dynamic flow of non-corrupt
individuals is given in Fig. 1.
Therefore, the share of non-corrupt individuals, xnc , evolves
according to the threshold level given by the initial profile
distribution of institutions g = (gc , gnc ), and it always converges
to zero if its expected payoff is negative, E (nc /g ) < 0, which
may depend positively on how large the share of bad institutions
gc is.
However, an individual may change behavior just as a result
of dissatisfaction and also because he/she does not know the true
value for expected payoffs, E (i/g ). We analyze this situation in the
next section.
4. Imitation by dissatisfaction
Because of dissatisfaction with current behavior, an individual
reviewer must copy the behavior of the first person he/she meets
on the street, so pi/j = xj , ∀i ̸= j ∈ {c , nc }. Then, by rearranging
terms, the dynamic system (10) takes the form
ẋnc = (rnc − rc )x2nc + (rc − rnc )xnc
ẋc = −ẋnc ,
So the share of non-corrupt individuals increases if the inequality
Ē (nc /g ) − Ē (c /g ) > 0 is verified.
It is natural to assume that the probability P (Ē (c /g ) − Ē (nc /g ))
> 0 increases with the difference between the true expected payoffs E (nc /g ) − E (c /g ), i.e., individuals prefer to behave as noncorrupt when E (c /g ) < E (nc /g ), and this inequality follows if the
share of bad institutions is lower than the threshold value, gc < gh ,
given by Eq. (8).
5. Concluding remarks
We studied an individual-level approach and tackled the
question of why people engage in corrupt exchange.
The above model pointed out that corruption increases because
of imitation of agents. The approach is novel, and it explains the
strategic foundations and evolutionary dynamics of corruption.
More generally, it illustrates the importance of thinking about
corruption as ‘‘the rules of the game’’: when almost everyone
is corrupt, honesty is the deviant behavior. What needs to be
explained under those circumstances is not why anyone takes
bribes, steals from public officers, or distributes administrative
advantages in return for material gain. What needs to be explained
is how corruption became the rules of the game, and here it was
done by an imitative behavior of the economic agents.
We are grateful to Bruce Wydick for helpful comments, and
Eric Maskin for stimulating the research that led to this note. We
thank the publisher’s staff for providing language help, writing
assistance, and proofreading the article.
and after some little of algebra, we get the following chain of
ẋnc = (rnc − rc )x2nc + (−rnc + rc )xnc = (rnc − rc )xnc (xnc − 1).
Note that ẋn ≥ 0 if and only if (rnc (x) − rc (x)) ≤ 0 and xc (t0 ) > 0,
which means that the share of non-corrupt individuals increases;
when rc > rnc , more corrupt individuals review their behavior,
considering a change.
Let us consider that, so long as the payoff level of the i-strategist,
Ei (·), increases, his/her average reviewing rate, ri (x), will decrease.
So, assume that ri is linear in payoff levels; thus the propensity to
switch behavior is decreasing in the level of the expected payoff,
ri (x) = αi − βi E (i/g ) ∀i ∈ {c , nc },
where αi , βi ≥ 0 and
≥ E (i/g ) ensure that ri ∈ [0, 1]. We interpreted αi as a marginal degree of dissatisfaction and βi as the
marginal performance of one’s own expected payoff when reviewing the current strategy i. Then a corrupt individual undertakes this
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