Agenda Setting
Recent papers in Agenda Setting
The book focuses on the breakup of the Yugoslav Federation and wars that followed viewed through the comic art in the local and international press. War propaganda and political discourse are examined and placed in the larger historical... more
The NFL protests are only one of many celebrity-fueled political controversies during the Trump presidency. Why is there such a proliferation of celebrity activism? More importantly, does it amount to anything? What does our knowledge of... more
This study examines factors affecting individuals' attitudes toward the media and susceptibility to agenda setting at times of moral panic. Sixty-three percent of respondents in a survey conducted a few weeks after the 9/11 attacks... more
The fading credibility of Turkey's European Union (EU) membership perspective has undermined the conditionality strategy of the EU. However, outside of the formal setting of the accession talks, twinning projects are considered as a tool... more
The role of media is to shape opinions and presenting a particular version as reality. They also play an important role in structuring the audience perspectives about the issues that happen around the world. For this matter, they are... more
Since late 2019, through constant fear reinforcement and censorship in the media Agenda setting, the world was coerced to adopt irrational behaviors, knowledge, beliefs, and perceptions Disdain for existing government authorities had... more
This study describes the sequential pattern of "through-produced" multiple questions using Conversation Analysis that sets the agenda dimension of questions, and the academic conditions that advance its use during turns at talk... more
This experiment was designed to explore people's critical, differentiating capacity between actual news and content that looks like news. Four groups of postmillennials read four versions of a news story. While the first condition... more
Nos últimos anos, a Primeira Infância entrou na agenda pública. Além do aumento da atenção por parte da academia, de órgãos internacionais e de organizações não governamentais, a agenda pública também passou a valorizar a temática, tendo... more
¿Cuál es el proceso que ha determinado el posicionamiento de ciertos temas de interés social frente a otros, en la agenda pública de gobiernos locales? A pesar de que formalmente los gobiernos sean democráticos y participativos, la... more
Öz Markaların milyonlarca dolar harcayarak gerçekleştirdikleri tüm iletişim çalışmalarının ana amacı tüketicilerin satın alma davranışlarını kendilerinden yana olacak şekilde değiştirmektir. Bunun için de onların gündemlerine girebilmeye... more
У статті визначаються принципи селекції інформаційних повідомлень інтернет-ЗМІ: майже повна відсутність ексклюзивних джерел, залежність від прес-релізму та гарячих новин, фрагментарність у подачі новин з регіонів. Також укладено рейтинг... more
The circular economy is argued to be a way of organising industrial systems that support resilience through decoupling economic growth from material consumption. Yet, extant research exploring the impacts of circular economy business... more
ii The candidate confirms that the work submitted is his/her own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others.
The considerable evidence base linking social conditions to population health has spurred many in public health to call for political action. Most of these conditions fall outside the purview of health departments, meaning that advocates... more
Informacja ma znaczenie. Stwierdzenie to może być dobrym wstępem do rozważań nad tym, jaką wartość ma dostęp lub brak dostępu do odpowiednio wybranych i przygotowanych zestawów informacji dla podejmowania zarówno codziennych decyzji, jak... more
American Policy Process: Agenda Setting & the Role of Interest Groups " The flaw in the pluralist heave is that the heavenly chorus sings with a strong upper-class accent ". –E.E. Schattschneider (1960) The narrative of American... more
Con el surgimiento de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación(TICs)y su principalmanifestación: “Internet”,el mundo de los medios de comunicación de masas ha experimentado un interesante cambio de paradigma y soporte, que lo enfrenta a... more
Усі права застережено. Відтворювати будь-яку частину цього видання у будь-якій формі та в будь-якій спосіб без письмової згоди правовласників заборонено
Desde la teoría crítica de la comunicación se descarta la neutralidad de los medios, denunciando cómo éstos son reacios a dar cobertura a los movimientos sociales que cuestionan las bases del poder establecido. En el caso del 15-M la... more
“We must recognise that government functionaries and other political participants deal at any given time with limited problems, within limited perspectives, and have to make due with limited analytical capabilities” (Lindblom, 1959, 128).... more
Besides the doctoral and master dissertations which test the agenda-setting theory in Turkey there are also studies published in academic journals and papers presented in academic meetings. The first book, which is on agenda-setting... more
Since policy making at its core is constituted by a struggle between competing interests, it is imperative to understand the nature of power, its distribution, manner of exertion and its impact on the process. How do the powerful achieve... more
It is said that the media can set what the public perceived as important. This study has used a quantitative survey in order to understand the effect of agenda setting theory in the Malaysian context. Studying a total of 1500 eligible... more
Na última segunda-feira dia 11 de outubro, o ministro Ricardo Lewandowski negou seguimento ao MS nº 38.216, que havia sido impetrado pelos senadores Alessandro Vieira (Cidadania-SE) e Jorge Kajuru (Podemos-GO) contra a suposta demora do... more
Kitle İletişim Kuramları'ndan "Gündem Belirleme Kuramı" ve "Çerçeveleme Kuramı" Doktora Dersi Sunumu
The main objective of this comparative study of five transnational media channels is to observe the news broadcast of media institutions that address a wide-ranging diverse viewership as distinct from media that addresses a citizenry... more
This chapter discusses contemporary directions of agenda-setting research. It reviews the basic concept of agenda setting, the transfer of salience from the media agenda to the public agenda as a key step in the formation of public... more
This study investigated the network agenda setting (NAS) effects as the third-level agenda setting with data collected from both newspaper reports and public survey regarding the THAAD event in Mainland China. Networks of attributes in... more
Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Política) - Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos. A pós-graduação brasileira é marcada por intensas desigualdades regionais, étnico-raciais e econômicas, o que... more
Resumen: El proceso de asignación de atributos permite a los ciudadanos dotarse de es- quemas de interpretación para temas, situaciones o actores que hagan comprensible la rea- lidad que los rodea. En este sentido, la “imagen” que nos... more