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One of the most momentous and destructive wars in European history, the Thirty Years War has long been studied for its diplomatic, political, and military consequences. Yet the actual participants in this religiously motivated, seemingly... more
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      History of ViolenceCultural MemoryThirty Years WarThirty Years' War
This essay intends to explore how anthropology understands violent relationships between the elite and oppressed, and it's subsequent study in the Middle East region. This essay argues that violence is a broad, changing and nebulous... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyViolenceMiddle East Studies
In this piece I consider emptiness as a consequence of war. War creates and leaves behind a particular form of emptiness—deadly environments contaminated with military waste. BiH is the country most heavily contaminated with military... more
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      AnthropologyEnvironmental AnthropologyHistory of ViolenceDisturbance Ecology
The Ifugaos seem to be the only people in the world who have developed peacemaking ideology in a typically aggressive genre of oral literature. The rich literature on epic traditions worldwide portrays a highly male-centered genre of song... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureGender StudiesAnthropology
As a social phenomenon, is war subordinate to politics, as Carl von Clausewitz argued in the early nineteenth century, or, instead, is it the product of an instinctive ‘warrior culture’, common to all peoples and times and beyond... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyStrategy (Military Science)Human EvolutionInternational Relations
This course involves a central ethnographic focus on collective violence and warfare in diverse sociocultural and geopolitical settings. Lectures and in-class discussions will first explore the theories, methodologies, and ethics... more
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      Sociology of ConflictAnthropology of WarAnthropology of Violence & Conflict
This study examines the social nature of war and the interrelated structures underpinning the phenomenon of war. Three gateways are used by the author: (a) wartime, (b) the mechanisms generating military leadership, and (c) the notion of... more
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      ViolenceAnthropology of War
The California Series in Public Anthropology emphasizes the anthropologist's role as an engaged intellectual. It continues anthropology's commitment to being an ethnographic witness, to describing, in human terms, how life is lived beyond... more
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      AnthropologyPeace and Conflict StudiesAnthropology of War
The California Series in Public Anthropology emphasizes the anthropologist's role as an engaged intellectual. It continues anthropology's commitment to being an ethnographic witness, to describing, in human terms, how life is lived beyond... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyPost-Soviet StudiesAnthropology of WarChechen war
Adapting some of the arguments developed by Rogers Brubaker in his puncturing of theoretical dead-ends in recent studies of nationalism, in the first part of the essay the author offers a list of the more prominent “myths and... more
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      Anthropology of the BalkansSerbian PoliticsAnthropology of WarRogers Brubaker
This article augments and complicates Nelson's claim that "we talk our way into war and talk our way out of it" (Dedaić & Nelson 2003, p. 459). Military endeavors require verbal legitimation, but militarizing participants and wide swaths... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyLanguage and PowerLanguage and IdeologyPolitical Violence and Terrorism
This article reviews recent ethnographies of war that shed light on interconnected states of security at home, international military interventions, and hybrid or rhizomic warfare doctrines. I suggest the notion of hybrid peace to explore... more
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      War StudiesHybridityWar on TerrorNomos The mid-1990s through the first decade of the new millennium marked an increase in publications pertaining to war and violence in the ancient past. This... more
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      ArchaeologyBioarchaeologyWar StudiesWar and violence
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesState FormationBurma Studies
The First World War is still widely regarded as a recent event. However, with the passing of the last survivors, History is becoming the domain of Archaeology. These archaeological finds give a clear insight into global politics and... more
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      HistoryAmerican HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and Technology
Euro 14,00 " Molti hanno lodato lo spirito d'animo del duca di Parma, un esempio singolare e mostra spiritosa, della franchezza di un animo degno di Principe libero, e di imparare ai Spagnoli come si dovevano tenere conto dei principi... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyHistorical DemographyEarly Modern History
English : This thesis investigates the weapons and combatants depicted in the vascular and parietal funerary paintings of Campania and Lucania, whose production began in the second half of the fifth century and died out at the... more
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      IconographyWar StudiesArchaeology of Southern ItalyFunerary Archaeology
This article argues that when recent writers in sound studies claim primacy for nonrepresentational experiences of the sounds of military weaponry in definitions of the " ontology " of wartime sound and audition, the result is that a... more
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      ViolenceEthnomusicologyIndian MusicSouth Asian Studies
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyVisual propaganda
ABSTRACT An under theorized area of Dark and War Tourism studies concerns the appropriation of tours for the perpetuation of political propaganda. Taking the case of the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) that separates North and South Korea... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistorySociology
Chi erano davvero i partigiani? Quali ragioni spinsero chi scelse la lotta armata al nazifascismo? Santo Peli da decenni indaga gli aspetti sociali della Resistenza, le biografie dei suoi protagonisti e ne restituisce tutta l'umanità,... more
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      History and MemoryCivil WarItaly (History)Memory Studies
This course takes two approaches to the anthropology of war and genocide. First, anthropology is the study of culture-the practices, the customs, sensibilities and attitudes-that constitute societies and groups as such in their... more
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      Political AnthropologySocial and Cultural AnthropologyGenocide StudiesMilitarism
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryItalian StudiesRenaissance Studies
Introductory course to the phenomenon of warfare and the populations supporting and enduring it over two centuries. Ranging from Spain to Ottoman Turkey, the course provides a broad chronological framework, into which it inserts the... more
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      Military HistoryEarly Modern HistoryWar StudiesHabsburg Studies
Raport z badań wykonanych w 2015 roku na zlecenie gminy Mieszkowice. 19 stron, 6 fotografii, 2 sonogramy, 3 rysunki, mapa, tabela. Zachodniopomorski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków w Szczecinie działając na podstawie art. 89, pkt 2... more
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      ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyCultural HeritageSocial and Cultural Anthropology
El ámbito de lo ideológico se relaciona de al menos dos modos con la guerra. Por un lado, provee unas formas de simbolización de la actividad bélica, de los roles sociales asociados a ella y de sus resultados (victoria militar, toma o... more
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      Ancient HistoryConflict ArchaeologyOld Kingdom (Egyptology)Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt
This book is an ethnography of social change and norm-remaking brought about by the Maoist People’s War in Nepal between 1996 and 2006. Drawing on long-term fieldwork with people in the former Maoist heartland, including both committed... more
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      Social ChangePractice theoryHabitusNepal
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      Applied, engaged, and public anthropologyAnthropology of War
Comentario bibliográfico de In the shadow of the Great War.
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      Eastern European StudiesViolenceAntisemitism (Prejudice)Nationalism
This chapter explores the relationship between identity, in particular ethnic identity, and political violence. To what extent are war and violence the outcome of antagonistic identities? And once violence erupts, what impact does it have... more
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      Political ViolenceSociology of WarEthnic Conflict and Civil WarPost-Conflict Reconciliation
Krieg und Religion – Fundament römischer Politik – bilden die Brennpunkte dieser Arbeit. Fragen nach dem Charakter soldatischer Religion, nach deren Funktionalisierung durch die Führungsschicht, vor allem aber die Bestimmung des sich... more
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      Roman HistoryPeace and Conflict StudiesSociology of the MilitaryDivination
Adapting some of the arguments developed by Rogers Brubaker in his puncturing of theoretical dead-ends in recent studies of nationalism, in the first part of the essay the author offers a list of the more prominent “myths and... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyYugoslaviaAnthropology of WarRogers Brubaker
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      Political EcologyHistoriographyWar StudiesState Formation
In this article I focus on memory studies and the anthropology of conflict. I review their main heuristic tools and lines of research, offer some reflections, and analyse several case studies. With respect to memory studies, I do not, as... more
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      Memory StudiesWarfare in the Ancient WorldRules of WarAnthropology of War
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      War StudiesSociology of WarEthnic Conflict and Civil WarWarfare
O emprego da violência interpessoal tem destaque no conjunto de instrumentos comportamentais de uma ampla gama de espécies que habitam ou habitaram o Planeta, e é algo que representa um diferencial evolucionário na competição individual... more
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      Evolutionary PsychologyHuman EvolutionPrimatologyCooperation (Evolutionary Psychology)
Introduction to "The Best of Medic in the Green Time: Writings from the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath," Marc Levy, 2020.

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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Combat VeteransMemory StudiesVietnam War
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      Croatian HistoryEthnic Conflict and Civil WarFormer YugoslaviaCroatia
This talk (which alludes to many authors but contains no notes) suggests how neo-Darwinian theory enriches our understanding of war, which is an important human universal. Passing in review some important studies in anthropology, it... more
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      Military HistoryEvolutionary PsychologyEarly Modern HistorySocial History
This entry analyzes the connections between military agencies and anthropology. It discusses the links between these dimensions across the history of this scholarly field through the use of some pertinent examples. To this end, it... more
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      Military IntelligenceAnthropologyAnthropology of War
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      Military HistorySociology of ViolenceMilitary MusicMusic and war
Les documents partagés ici sont le programme du colloque et le contenu de ma communication orale. Celle-ci ne contient pas de notes en bas de pages et présente des commentaires humoristiques. Il s'agit au mieux d'un brouillon qui reprend... more
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      Military HistoryMedieval FranceAnthropology of WarCharles VII (roi de France)
Wiosną 1945 roku dolny bieg Odry, Zalew Szczeciński oraz Zatoka Pomorska usiane były wrakami statków i okrętów, które zatonęły podczas działań wojennych. Wiele z nich spoczywa na dnie do dziś. Jaką rolę odgrywają one współcześnie jako... more
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      Military HistoryMaritime ArchaeologyEthnoarchaeologyMaritime History
The Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) was active in northern Uganda from the second half of the 1980s onwards. The rebel group became notorious for the use of extreme violence, in particular its large-scale abductions of children. Rebel Lives... more
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      African StudiesVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologyPeace and Conflict Studies
La milice paysanne était une des institutions les plus repandues en Italie à partir du XVIe siècle, qu'il s'agisse des républiques ou des principautés. Je ne parlerai pas ici de la milice bourgeoise des villes, elle aussi universelle,... more
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      Military HistoryWar StudiesHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern Europe
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      ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryMilitary History
In the Cedynia-Gozdowice-Siekierki Region of National Remembrance (Gryfino county, Poland) a wreck of a military boat was discovered in 2015. The boat was identified as an element of light pontoon bridge park NLP, used by Red Army and... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryArchaeologyEthnoarchaeology
The essays in this volume explore situations of civil strife, violent resistance and war in the circumstances of shi s in the organization of state power and the emergence of new forms of sovereignty. The specifi c empirical contexts... more
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      AnthropologyViolenceSocial and Cultural AnthropologyWar Studies
This new book examines the misadventure of young warmonger Duke Odoardo of Parma, keen to make his reputation in the Thirty Years’ War as an ally of France. In addition to constituting a rare study of the Italian theatre of Europe’s first... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyHistorical DemographyEarly Modern History