Recent papers in Apposition
The goal of this paper is to examine the presence of floating quantifiers in non-finite appositives consisting of an NP, PP or AP predicate. Through an examination of the positions occupied by FQs with respect to adverbs, it is shown that... more
Previous studies on relative clauses have mostly dealt with the restrictive/non-restrictive dichotomy, focusing on the differences from a syntactic point of view. In particular, non-restrictive relative clauses have traditionally been... more
В докладе будут рассмотрены основные конструкции языка гбан (< южные манде), используемые для передачи модальных значений зон необходимости и возможности. Речь идёт о значениях внутренней, внешней и эпистемической необходимости и... more
The notion of apposition includes various syntactic constructions, the manifestations of which in Ancient Greek are reviewed in this section: binominal noun phrases (close apposition), parenthetical NPs coindexed with another NP in the... more
Apposition and preposition structures with toponyms and brand names: real or apparent omission of "di"?) This paper focuses on the alternation between the use of the Italian preposition "di" and its omission in noun phrases with proper... more
Il y a une rythmique propre à Rimbaud, qui donne à sa poésie une énergie incomparable : « l'éveil fraternel de toutes les énergies chorales et orchestrales et leurs applications instantanées » 1 . Rimbaud promeut une phrase qui abolisse... more
L’oscillation terminologique qui, d’un auteur à l’autre, accentue ou neutralise la distinction entre apposition et attribut libre en forme de participe présent correspond aux variations, d’un exemple à l’autre du corpus, des facteurs... more
This thesis explores the properties of adjectives and adverbs in Inuit (Eskimo-Aleut), with focus on the Inuktitut dialect group. While the literature on Eskimoan languages has claimed that they lack these categories, I present syntactic... more
As with many issues in Biblical Hebrew (BH) grammar, the phenomenon of apposition appears to be fairly well understood in the main. Apposition is typically defined as the modification of one noun phrase (NP1) by a second noun phrase... more
i REMERCIEMENTS Je tiens en tout premier lieu à remercier très chaleureusement ma directrice de recherche, le Professeur Liliane Haegeman, pour m'avoir guidée, motivée, conseillée dans mes recherches. Tout au long de ces cinq années, elle... more
Michael O’Connor (whose 1980 opus, Hebrew Verse Structure, provides a compelling linguistically grounded description of the poetic line) has called the endurance of Lowthian parallelism a “horror” that wreaks havoc on lexical semantics... more
First lucidly formulated by Gottlob Frege, the distinction between illocutionary force and semantic content has been largely accepted by philosophers of language and linguists for much of the last century. In recent years it has come... more
Constituents generically called Secondary predicates or Predicativa have raised an increasing interest in recent years both in general linguistics as in the field of Latin linguistics. Although some progress has been made, the issue... more
This paper studies the possibility for a concrete structure to assume the function of “Tail”, in what has been understood as extra-clausal pragmatic function and right-dislocated: the construction with the verb dico. In addition, a... more
Two aspects of anaphora in Hittite are discussed in the paper. The first is syntactic means to mark immediate anaphora after first mention. Besides fronting a constituent hosting -a/ma and demonstrative phrases, it is shown that the... more
This paper presents an investigation into the functional structure of appositives. Taking hierarchy of adverbs and functional categories as a point of departure, the analysis shows that all but one of Cinque's adverb classes can be found... more
L’article aborde les Confessions (1782, 1789) de Jean-Jacques Rousseau sous l’angle linguistique, en accentuant les différences de fonctionnement entre les participes présents et les gérondifs. Non moins de 85% de participes présents... more
This craft essay traces the role of the appositive in contemporary American poetry, looking specifically at work by Ashbery, Ammons, Rich, and Tate, and argues that apposition's unique mixture of renaming and syntactic parallelism... more
La PROPOSITION SUBORDONNEE RELATIVE APPOSITIVE (désormais PRA) pose depuis longtemps un réel problème pour les syntacticiens. Par opposition à la proposition subordonnée relative déterminative (désormais PRD), qui pose bien moins de... more
The aim of this article is to complement and refine Ellen Prince’s well-known taxonomy of given/new information (Prince 1981, 1992), which distinguishes between discourse-related and assumed familiarity-related newness/givenness. What we... more
Deutschen und jako-Phrasen des Polnischen· 1. Einführung Nach Nichols' Predicate Nominals -A Partial Surface Grammar of Russian (i 981), die neben primären nominalen Prädikaten auch sekundäre behandelt, ist das Thema der sekundären... more
This paper approaches the form and function of paraphrase as a discourse phenomenon in Ancient Greek, using as corpus the Republic of Plato. According to the data provided by the Platonic dialogue, paraphrases mostly appear as mere... more
Due to the inherent ambiguity of Northwest Semitic syntax with certain morphological collocations, it is often to difficult to discern between apposition and a genitive construction. One such construction, marked by the intermittent usage... more
Ce journal que j'écris n'est pas qu'un délassement littéraire. À mesure que j'y progresse, ordonnant ce que ma vie passée me propose, à mesure que je m'obstine dans la rigueur de la composition Ŕ des chapitres, des phrases, du livre... more
The juxtaposition of two constituents of the same category, such as noun apposition (e.g., “Niqmaddu, the king”) or noun-numeral apposition (e.g., “thirty (shekels), lapis lazuli”), is a fundamental noun modification strategy, alongside... more
Informat ion on stent longitudinal strength is limited to benchtop models using unconstrained stents, consequently having uncertain clinical significance. This study investigated the effects of stent apposition and tube (artery)... more
This paper aims to explore how discourse functions and prosodic realisations can be related through an analysis of appositive relative clauses (ARCs) in English. Based on a corpus study of spoken British English through the use of the... more
Natural language is fraught with problems of ambiguity, including name reference. A name in text can refer to multiple entities just as an entity can be known by different names. This thesis examines how a mention in text can be linked to... more
ÖZET: Fikir birliğine varılamayan pek çok öbek türü bulunmakla birlikte, bunların içinde en göze çarpanı varlığı dahi tartışma konusu olan takısız/eksiz ad öbeğidir. Bu tür için yapılan tanımlar, bazı öbekleri dışarıda bıraktığı gibi... more
The goal of this paper is to compare appositive relative clauses (henceforth ARCs) to other structures that convey the same information, in order to determine the morphosyntactic, semantic and above all pragmatic factors conditioning the... more
Appositive relative clauses differ in some essential respects from restrictive relative clauses. I argue that appositive relatives and appositions can be put together as a third class of coordination denoting specification. Thus, an... more
Artykuł stanowi analizę semantyczną i etymologiczną połączeń, w których skład wchodzą dwa wyrazy mające takie same kategorie gramatyczne zestawione ze sobą na zasadzie paralelności dźwiękowej. Podstawą pracy jest klasyfikacja Stanisława... more
Parentheses do not affect the semantic truth conditions of the host clause, but they do affect the discourse structure. We propose a maximally simple update system for the conversational context. Presuppositions are treated as past... more
Elle peut également amener à pointer des traits définitoires multiples [pour un aperçu des traits, (Havu, Pierrard, 2004)]. Comment concilier cette variété de structures et de Réduction et intégration de prédications : paramètres pour... more
Les limites de la distinction PRD---PRA sont de différents ordres. La différenciation d'ordre sémantique, à l'origine de l'opposition entre les deux types de relatives, a été très tôt transposée en une série de distinctions d'ordre... more
L'A. tente de definir les facteurs syntaxico-semantiques qui interviennent dans la definition de l'apposition, afin d'eviter la confusion avec d'autres fonctions de l'adjectif, telles que l'epithete et... more
This book sheds new light on Appositive Relative Clauses (ARCs), a structure that is generally studied from a merely syntactic point of view, in opposition to Determinative (or Restrictive) Relative Clauses (DRCs). In this volume, ARCs... more