Arabic Linguistics
Most cited papers in Arabic Linguistics
Aims: This study focuses on heritage speakers' ability to use their Arabic varieties and English in the construction of narratives of personal experience. This is critical because English, Colloquial Arabic (CA), and Standard Arabic (SA)... more
In recent work, idioms have in many traditions been assimilated to the study of metaphor. An idiom such as 'spill the beans' is understood against the conceptual metaphors, THE MIND IS A CONTAINER and IDEAS ARE ENTITIES for instance. Such... more
The present article aims at questioning the status of the šāwi dialect of the Bani ʕ Abbād tribe by providing a new analysis of the main distinctive phonological, morphological, and syntactical traits which may hint at dialect mixing. The... more
The aim of this paper is to explore loanwords in Hadrami Arabic (Yemen). Most of these words, which are now diminishing due to the social and economical development in the region, reflect some stage of bilingualism when the Hadram's... more
Learners of English may have problems or make mistakes when engaging in phatic communion, as its use requires a meta-pragmatic awareness of a wide range of complex and subtle issues, such as when and with whom to engage in it, the... more
In Moroccan Arabic it is widely accepted that short vowels are mostly elided, resulting in consonant clusters and consonant geminates. In this paper we present evidence from our exploratory timing study that challenges this widely... more
The Arabic tour kāna … sa-/sawfa yafʿalu is frequently encountered in contemporary Arabic press as well as in novels. Recent grammars of this state of language seem to oscillate between three distinct values which are conditional (« il... more
In Arabic grammar the term MASDAR is applied to a variety of noun forms derived from verb and other stems according to a set of partially regular but largely irregular morphological patterns (Ryding 2005). Three deverbal masdar forms... more
This chapter serves as an introduction to the Handbook, as it lays the foundations of sociolinguistics as a subfield of linguistics, which is valuable in the theorising of language as a natural human faculty. The study of language... more
This research is divided into two interlinked parts. The first part reviews literature on the diglossia and variability of the Arabic language and investigates how mutual intelligibility is achieved in informal conversations between... more
Word-order in Akkadian is generally described as SOV, and although other word-orders than SOV are visible in texts when they are examined individually, trends over an entire corpus remain difficult to establish. Buccellati (1996: 396)... more
From a comparative linguistic perspective the question whether or not proto-Semitic had a functioning case system similar to that in Classical Arabic does not readily yield an unequivocal answer. It is generally agreed that there are... more
From surveys made on the Internet, in newspapers and in novels written in Modern Standard Arabic, this article shows the existence of other forms of negation in the future than that of lan + subjunctive. It demonstrates that the so called... more
The starting-point for this article is the statement made by al-Ṣafadī (d. 764/1363) that the Arabic word tawriya has the original form (aṣl) *wawriya, corresponding to the pattern (wazn) tafʿila, in which the first radical wāw has been... more
Inhabiting a space or dwelling has been a debatable terminology in architectural theory & practice. Martin Heidegger's conference paper "Building dwelling thinking" is a major philosophical work that influenced architects in the 20th... more
On January 14, 2011, Zayn al-'Ābidīn Bin 'Alī resigned, left Tunisia and took refuge in Saudi Arabia following the revolts born in Sīdi Būzīd after the suicide of Bū-'Azīzī. The Arab Spring in Tunisia was not a popular uprising... more
Written contemporary Arabic is often perceived as only the lexically modernized form of classical Arabic. However, significant examples of syntactic evolutions are not lacking (conditional systems, sawfa lā, sawfa lan, etc.) To show the... more
غة ّ الل ة ّ مجل ة ّ العربي د ّ جل ا : 21 العدد : 48 نة ّ الس : ّ ثي ّ الث ا ابع ّ لر 2019 ص : 193-214 193 Vì †'^ù] ìËÖ] » íée †ÃÖ] íÇ×Ö] ð] †mý ífl é‰^‰_ …^'Ú ímøm l^rã×Ö]ae HØñ]aeù] ì^vßÖ] l^¿uøÚ... more
Suite au colloque qui s'est tenu à Aix-en-Provence en juin 2015, intitulé « Matériaux pour l'établissement de grammaires descrip-tives du fuṣḥā écrit contemporain. Entre nor-me(s) et pratiques au cours des 50 dernières années », ce... more
In 1983 the eminent Egyptian linguist Tammām Ḥassān (1918-2011) wrote al-Tamhīd fī iktisāb al-luġa al-ʿarabiyya li-ġayr al-nāṭiqīn bi-hā (Introduction to the Ac- quisition of Arabic Language by Non Arabic Speakers), an... more
This paper has a twofold goal. First, it attempts to argue that the circumfixal nature of the negative morpheme in Moroccan Arabic supports the existence of impenetrable (cyclic) domains, as in Chomsky's (2001) Derivation by Phase. The... more
A dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree.
The main objectives of this article are, on the one hand, to propose a methodology for the study of language change in Classical Arabic, and, on the other hand, to explore the specificities of grammaticalization and language change in... more
My thesis is an examination of the sentence structures of Old Babylonian omen protases and apodoses, and of their information-value. I used Arabic grammatical theory and seven basic grammatical tools that have remained theoretical... more
The texts collected by Philippe MARÇAIS during the 1950s. The history of negation in the Arabic dialects represents one of the most interesting fields of investigation for linguists, featuring a case of the so-called Jespersen cycle.... more
Among other expressions indicating the obligation is the existential clause lā budda in Arabic. Literally “no way out [to]”, it is often translated into French by “nulle échappatoire [à] (it is necessary [that])” or by the verb devoir,... more
Sībawayh describes /q/, /ṭ/, /b/, /ǧ/ and /d/ as [+voiced +stop] phonemes. In pausal position, these phonemes are subject to qalqala, which can be described as the addition of a schwa [ə], and whose role is the proctection of the... more
This article aims to show how, on the status of ʾiʿrāb (inflectional ending, case markers as mood markers), Ibn al-Ḥāğib (d. 646/1249), in the self-commentary he made of his own Kāfiya fī al-naḥw (“The Precis of the syntax”), and even if... more
This paper proposes that teacher correction often has very little transfer effect on a student's later language behaviour. It examines reasons for this, and the motivational paradigm within which students operate. The paper argues that... more
This paper investigated the role of cultural context in the reading of utterances. Contrary to the traditional SA paradigm which centers on reading utterances based on the successful performance of the felicity conditions, this study... more