Recent papers in Architecture
The metaphor of the archipelago, which is the subject matter of this article, has been used in architectural literature as design strategy for shrinking urban environments. Within a contemporary context of increasing coexistence of... more
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Seminar held for the Department of Architecture Theory and Philosophy of Technics, TU Wien, Summer Semester 2018.
Artykuł przedstawia urzeczywistnienie idei zrównoważonego rozwoju w budownictwie. Zadania tego podjęli się architekci budując na Pomorzu dom jednorodzinny, w którym zastosowano nowatorskie rozwiązania w znacznej części przynależące do... more
The paper attempts to outline the urban visions and architectural ideas and vocabulary behind the formation of the large urban conglomeration in Japan, South Korea and China, and how the seeds of Western planning theories and... more
My paper addresses the founding body emotions of architecture, and in particular it aims at redefining the sublime into phenomenological terms. Starting from Kant, it argues that the phenomenological sublime is a bodily-felt emotion... more
Architectural practices constitute an appropriate field for the application of combined technological and social perspectives into the study of human action. Domestic buildings, rather than being examined as spatial and organisational... more
The Seagram Building in Manhattan (1954-58), by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Philip Johnson, is one of those rare pieces of architecture which has come to define an era. For Mies van der Rohe the achievement of the Seagram Building was... more
The co-production of resilience in European urban neighbourhoods is explored based on the experiences from a case study. Within the current 'resilience imperative', co-production processes involving multiple stakeholders can be a key... more
Llibre sobre la trajectòria professional i vital de l'arquitecte modernista manresà Ignasi Oms i Ponsa.
(Col·laboradors: Francesc Balañà i Lluís Cuspinera)
(Col·laboradors: Francesc Balañà i Lluís Cuspinera)
« L’hôtel Tassel : maison portrait d’un collectionneur », in Liber amicorum Françoise Aubry, Bruxelles, s.e., 2018. This study try to recollect the important collection of Japanese prints, Tsubas and artefacts owned by Emile Tassel who... more
Las investigaciones realizadas para la elaboración del informe histórico-artístico encargado para la restauración de la torre campanario de la iglesia parroquial de Ricla (Zaragoza) han permitido trazar con bastante precisión la historia... more
Longarone and Venzone are two towns that were reconstructed completely. Their destruction originated from two disastrous events: Longarone disappeared because of the Vajont catastrophe of 9th October 1963, while Venzone was razed to the... more
This book provides, for the first time, a visual documentation of the wave of 'starchitect' designed museums under construction in certain Arabian Peninsula states, in China, and emerging economies, such as Azerbaijan and India. It offers... more
This article contains information about the importance of preserving the historical objects as a vital condition of a normal development of historical cities. The main legislative and regulatory documents in the fields of protecting of... more
Préface d’Augustin Berque Un siècle de banlieue japonaise apporte une réflexion inédite sur les processus d’urbanisation de l’une des sociétés de consommation les plus avancées de la planète, dans un pays dont la population doit, de... more
883, 721 23 V € a aster a as, Sweden b Research and Development, ABB Automation Products AB, 721 59 V € a aster a as, Sweden
This paper deals with contemporary discourse regarding urban revival, elaborating the Educational Campus as a paradigm for global innovation. The objective is to examine the significance and capacity of education and its spatial... more
Field trip publication on the subject of everyday conversations and dispersed initiatives in changing urban landscapes in Agra, India. Produced by students from Diploma Unit 6 and Degree Studio 7 at the Faculty of Architecture and Spatial... more
The Gold Coast is Australia’s most rapidly changing city – regularly compared to Miami and Las Vegas for its embrace of bad taste and the good life; and with Dubai for its sudden moments of high-rise assuredness and seeming lack of... more
Chinese rural settlements face different critical challenges in the current framework of rapid transformation. Tangible and intangible elements related to the traditional spatial organisation of siting and living are threatened by a... more
Sailing the Islands of São Paulo was an enquiry into São Paulo's fragmented urban space through an on-foot exploration. The project aimed at revealing unseen lines of fracture or tension in the continuity of the urban matter. The... more
Infrastructural practices, made by the manipulations of pumps, pipes and hydraulic expertise, play a critical role in managing urban populations. Drawing on two years of ethnographic research in Mumbai, in this article I show how Muslim... more
This Master thesis directs attention to a paired subset of translation/transformation, namely mediation/derivation, by tracing the architectural work of Jan Ruhtenberg (1896-1975). Despite his leading role as educator and practitioner,... more
The present article focuses on a long-lasting phenomenon that has not yet been treated from a regional and comparative perspective, despite its exceptional character: the walled oases of north-western Arabia. It appears that several oases... more
Giulio Cesare Lensi Orlandi Cardini (14/01/1911-15/01/2005) fiorentino, figlio dell'architetto Alfredo Lensi, già direttore del museo Stibbert, e di Alda Orlandi Cardini di Pescia, si laureò a Pisa, alla Regia Scuola degli ingegneri, nel... more
As cities compete globally, the Smart City has been touted as the important new strategic driver for regeneration and growth. Smart Cities are employing information and communication technologies in the quest for sustainable economic... more
The will to recreate a graphic reconstruction of a lost architecture (as well as a transformed, or damaged, or never built one) asks to make logic investigations, putt ing together all the possible evidences. This process needs an... more
Like its counterparts in many major countries, the poor performance of Singapore's construction industry in many areas compared to the other sectors of the economy has been highlighted in many studies. The most recent study in Singapore... more