Asymmetrical Warfare
Recent papers in Asymmetrical Warfare
Spanning the globe to protect US interests.
The article examines how new planning concepts and methods advanced by the RAND Corporation and adopted by the Pentagon during the 1990s served to inflate defense requirements. A version appeared in the March/April 1998 Bulletin of the... more
A think piece encouraging the rebooting of netwar theory using recent advances in network theory.
India is a victim and a bruised target of Information Warfare not because of the invincibility of its adversary, but because of her own follies and inertia.
Cyberspace is among the four global commons of the human race including, high seas, outer-space and Antarctica. The weaponization of the cyber domain is relatively a new phenomenon in war and warfare. Due to the pivotal need of... more
This paper discusses the depiction of ambushes in chronicles of the High Middle Ages. Identifying ambushes in this period is particularly difficult, as the Latin term 'insidia' could also be used more generically to refer to stratagems,... more
This book review examines a work that looks at finding the balance between the soldierly (professional) ethics and warrior (moral) ethos in contemporary context, especially under circumstances where the identity of the enemy(foe) is... more
The Military Intervention by Powerful States (MIPS) project develops a rigorous, generalizable measure of the effectiveness of military force as a policy instrument and applies the measure to code the outcomes of all military... more
The story of King David is one of the most celebrated ones in the bible. David's relationship with Jonathan, the son of King Saul, played a pivotal role in David's surviving the attempts of Saul to destroy him. -- Many believe that... more
War spins the wheels of history. It changes societies, alters lives, and brings about new dimensions to inflict more brutality on human beings. This is what happened in the aftermath of World War II, when the advent of the nuclear weapons... more
Academic debate in security and strategic studies over the past two decades has focused overwhelmingly on understanding changes to the security environment and their impact on the strategy and conduct of contemporary wars. Nowhere is this... more
جنگ روانی به مدد رسانه نویسنده:حسین اژدر Hossein azhdar Farsnews(1385) در نوشته ی قبل به جنگ اطلاعات اشاره کردیم و به برسی مفهومی و اثر عمیق این سلاح چه در تاکتیکها و چه به رویه وروشها (استراتژی ها) پرداختیم و اینکه جنگ اطلاعات به یکی از... more
‘Leaderless resistance’ and ‘lone wolf terrorism’ are concepts that have steadily gained importance in in the study of oppositional subcultures and terrorist groups, being use to describe the operational realities of a variety of... more
An overview of Syrian and foreign volunteers pro-government armed and security forces during the Civil War, 2011-2014. An updated version will be released early 2016. (In French only)
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
Terrorists attack civilians to coerce their governments into making political concessions. Does this strategy work? To empirically assess the effectiveness of terrorism, the author exploits variation in the target selection of 125 violent... more
W artykule zostaną przedstawione różnice w zakresie temperamentu i agresji wśród młodych dorosłych (N = 106), studentów kierunków humanistycznych (N = 52) i ścisłych (N = 54). Prezentowane wyniki mają charakter eksploracyjny, gdyż autor... more
Fighting power is but one of the instruments of grand strategy -which should take account of and apply the power of financial pressure, of diplomatic pressure, of commercial pressure, and not least of ethical pressure, to weaken the... more
The occurrence and outcomes of the Cod Wars defy both popular and academic expectations. Iceland, a microstate, essentially won four disputes against the United Kingdom, a great power. The two states furthermore belonged to a Western... more
Megjelent: Seregszemle, az MH Összhaderőnemi Parancsnokság folyóirata, XIV. évfolyam, 2. szám, 2016. március–június. Online elérhető: Amióta 2014... more
ISIS T/O&Es and tactics between 2014 and 2016. This study isn't about strategic matters. It's neither a military history of ISIS, but a kind of "field manual" with tactical overview of the ISIS way of war. In French but T/O&Es are... more
Abstrakt We współczesnym świecie zagrożenia asymetryczne odgrywają rosnącą rolę w konfliktach zbrojnych. Prowadzi to do zacierania się granic między wojna i nie-wojną, a także żołnierzami i nie-żołnierzami, bronią i narzędziami... more
The present analysis of military operations carried out by Tatar Hordes in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries has shown that these operations were basically shaped by asymmetric actions. Their main characteristics were secrecy of... more
In the closing days of the 1982 Falklands War, Argentine forces successfully employed an improvised shore-based Exocet against HMS Glamorgan. The ship survived but was put out of action. 30 years later, the shadow of this half-forgotten... more
Army generals unsurprisingly have tended to be remembered best for feats concocted on the battlefield when managing formations of soldiers pitted against similar opposition in an international or a civil war. But the changing nature of... more
Indonesia saat ini menjadi target perang asimetris di berbagai sektor politik, ekonomi, sosial-budaya, dan pertahanan-keamanan. Jika pemerintah tidak tanggap dan tidak serius menghadapinya, kepentingan nasional bisa terancam.
„Formen des Krieges 1600-1815“ ist der Titel der 2019 neu eröffneten Räume des Bayerischen Armeemuseums im Neuen Schloss Ingolstadt. Mit Stücken der Sammlung und einigen bedeutenden Leihgaben zeigen sie die Formen kriegerischer Gewalt in... more
ABSTRACT in English (résumé en français ci-après): This article (as all my other articles on Clausewitz) isn’t a discussion “around” the thoughts of Clausewitz, which would be first based on Clausewitz – an attractive name! – in order to... more
The climactic Battle of Carrhae in 53 BCE was the first major engagement between the Romans and Parthians. In the battle, the mobile Parthian army outmaneuvered and overwhelmed Crassus’ much larger force. There is a longstanding, recently... more
The advent of precision-guided weapons has changed the nature of war and, by extension, political power throughout the world and the perception and use of nuclear arms.
Note: Now published and available at Amazon: The implosion of capital outlays associated with the desktop revolution, and the virtual disappearance... more
The Late Bronze Age ended with a bang in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean: palaces and empires collapsed, from Greece to Egypt; coastal territories were beset by pirates and marauders; migratory peoples were on the move across land... more
Traditionally, Byzantium is said to have adopted a guerrilla strategy along its eastern frontier after the seventh century as a means of dealing with the superior forces of the Muslims. A tenth-century military manual attributed to the... more
This paper deals with the background, role players, sequence of events, geopolitical considerations and history of the Angolan War which took place from 1975 to 1990 between the Soviet Union and its allies & proxies on the one hand, and... more
Bu çalışma Soğuk Savaş’ın bitişiyle beraber değişen tehdit algısını ve bu tehditlere karşılık güvenlik kurumları için çözüm önerilerini incelemektedir. Yeni tehdit paradigması, yeni güvenlik paradigmalarını gündeme getirmiştir. Değişen... more
The state of conflict is a natural state of affairs, either between the individuals or between sovereign states. In any kind of conflict, power matters. Just like the one with a weapon is more likely to prevail over the unarmed, the... more
Pro Gradu Dissertation 2011, University of Helsinki
Despite centuries of scholarship regarding Amerindian warfare, both academic and public narratives that address the European conquest of the Americas privilege the absolute and total conquest and subjugation of the American Indian. As... more
Cet article se veut un outil précis et fouillé à l’usage des chercheurs souhaitant approfondir le domaine de la petite guerre et des troupes légères (mise à jour, 2005). Depuis un article d’André Martel paru dans la « Revue Historique »... more
Review Essay on Coram, R., Boyd: The Fighter Pilot who changed the Art of War (New York: Back Bay Books, 2002);
Hammond, G. T., The Mind of War: John Boyd and American Security (Washington: Smithsonian Books, 2001).
Hammond, G. T., The Mind of War: John Boyd and American Security (Washington: Smithsonian Books, 2001).
The Pentagon released a 9 page report concerning UFOs and UAPs at the end of June. Given the brevity of the unclassified version I felt the need to issue my own. Aviation and defense related technology on our planet has advanced to... more
The published Counterpunch version of my 10 February 2016 article "Dugins Occult Fascism and the Hijacking of Left Anti Imperialism and Muslim Anti Salafism"... more