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Deipnosophistai; Hellence deipnon=akşam yemeği ile sophistai=bilgeler kelimelerinin birleşmesinden meydana gelmiş, dilimize Bilgelerin Sofrası olarak çevrilebilen kelime, Naukratis’li Athenaeus’un 15 kitaptan oluşan eseridir .
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    • Athenaeus
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      AristophanesAthenaeusDemosthenesMiddle Comedy
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      AthenaeusApiciusAncient RecipesStuffed Sardines
, as a field of scientific research, is a set of stories, mythos in Greek meaning ‗story' or ‗legend' and logos ‗word'. Usually, the myths are works of literature. The term mythology may include all the myths of religion or culture.... more
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      MythologyRoman HistoryHomerAncient Indo-European Languages
This paper aims to critically analyse the testimonies concerning Athenian impiety trials of the classical period. First, it reaffirms the arguments that some of them must have been an invention of Hellenistic and later authors. Second, it... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek HistoryGreek ComedyHellenistic Literature
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      AthenaeusAthenaeus of Naucratis
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      AthenaeusSpartan/Messenian historySpartan/Messenian historyMessenian Identity
In my paper, I reconsider the syngramma of Moschio reported by Athenaeus (Moschio ap. Ath. 5, 206d-209e). This text contained a large description of the Syrakosia, the great ship of king Hiero II of Syracuse. In the first part of my... more
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      AthenaeusHellenismAncient SicilyAncient Navigation
Intellectual puzzles have a tendency to intermix and accumulate in miscellaneous collections, as happens in present-day puzzle magazines. This phenomenon may already be observed in old compilations (cf. Palatine Anthology, book 14, which... more
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Starting from some remarks on a hypothetical imitative relationship between the Cypria and, respectively, Theognis and Callimachus, the paper adopts the concept of literary contamination in the analysis of two sympotic epigrams by... more
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      Greek LiteratureGreek EpicAthenaeusGreek and Latin Epigram
Strategos 104A Die Reise nach Ägypten, Teil 1. A reconstruction of the Memories of Aratos of Sikyon by Peter Weber. Chapter 4 (Part 1): Aratos travels to Egypt, seeking assistance from king Ptolemy to overcome the domestic troubles in... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryBible TranslationsHistory Of The Bible/Biblical Canon
The Aesopic fable and the riddle are primarily folk genres and have a close affinity with each other. Both of them are based on ambiguity and employ metaphor and analogy in order to refer to a deeper layer of meaning under their... more
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      AthenaeusSumerian & Akkadian literatureMesopotamian literatureRiddles
The present chapter demonstrates how Greek Middle Comedy practises burlesque of contemporary history – with ensuing political ramifications – through the means of mythological parody. The argument is substantiated through the analysis of... more
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      AthenaeusAllegoryGreek MythArchaic Greek history
Athenaei Deipnosophistarum textus codice Marciano traditus lemmatibus instructus est, quae quanti essent momenti primus omnium G. Cobet sagaciter perspexit. Exarata litteris maiusculis, in marginibus scripta vel inter binas textus... more
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      AthenaeusGreek PalaeographyGreek manuscriptsGreek Scholia and History of Scholarship
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      Second SophisticAthenaeusAthenaeus of Naucratis
Im Gegensatz zu fast allem, was sich an historischer Literatur aus der Zeit vor Thukydides erhalten hat, behandelt sein Werk die Geschichte seiner eigenen Zeit». L'osservazione di Kurt von Fritz 1 non varrà forse a descrivere in modo... more
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      Research MethodologyPolybiusStraboPlutarch
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      AthenaeusAncient PersiaRepresentation of OthersFragmentary Greek Historiography
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      ClassicsGreek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureCicero
This article aims to examine both the mimic specialisation of kinaidoi and the correlated literary productions of the kinaidologoi and ionikologoi. Within this framework, relative sub-genres, such as hilarodia, magodia, simodia and... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureMusical TheatreGreek TheatreAthenaeus
Athenaeus Mechanicus, On Machines. Historia-Einzelschrift, 182. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2004. Pp. 236; figs. 23. ISBN 3-515-08532-7. €40.00 (pb). Reviewed by Duncan B. Campbell, Glasgow ( Word count:... more
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      AthenaeusPoliorceticsAncient technologyAncient Catapults and Catapult Technology
The tonnage of the Syracusia, the biggest ship built in the ancient Mediterranean, has been much discussed by scholars. Indeed, the various merchandise the ship carried are detailed by Athenaeus, who relies on a text previously written by... more
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      AthenaeusPtolemaic Egyptian HistoryAncient ShipwrecksAncient Metrology
A study of the epigram of Herodicus (apud Athen. 5. 222a) in its Babylonian context.
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic LiteratureAthenaeusGreek and Latin Epigram
Presentamos en este trabajo las ictiofaunas arqueológicas procedentes de una actividad arqueológica reciente acometida en el Parador de Turismo/ Puerta Califal de la ciudad romana de Septem Fratres (actual Ceuta). La importancia de los... more
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      AthenaeusApiciusAncient Roman economy, trade and commerceGarum
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      AthenaeusAthenaeus of NaucratisDeipnosophists
Callias’ Letter Comedy, fragments of which are handed down by Athenaeus in his Deipnosophistae, appears like a philological ‘riddle’, which still lacks a definitive solution. Among the questions raised by the digression of the author from... more
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      Greek TragedyGreek ComedyAthenaeusSophocles
Le volume comporte 18 contributions qui visent à apprécier les Deipnosophistes d’Athénée comme source de connaissance des historiens grecs disparus, connus par des “fragments” qui tiennent plus souvent de l’adaptation que de la simple... more
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      AthenaeusFragmentary Greek HistoriographyAncient Greek LiteratureQuotations
It is widely acknowledged that continuity through change and coherence through experimentation constitute the defining attributes of Athenian Comedy. A number of major trends and patterns (e.g. politics, obscenity, personal satire)... more
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      MenanderAthenaeusNew ComedyPhilosophical Parody
This article expands on observations made by Dominique Lenfant regarding Athenaeus' citations of Herodotus, arguing that Xenophon and Plato, and thus presumably all prose authors, are cited in a similar fashion. This means that we can... more
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      Greek LiteraturePlatoAthenaeusXenophon
Note of textual criticism on Ath. 563d.
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    • Athenaeus
Fr. 3 Gow of Theocritus has never been properly considered by scholars, who barely went beyond a hypothetical identification of the titular Berenice with Berenice I, Ptolemy I's wife (so Wilamowitz and Gow). I argue that this... more
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      Hellenistic LiteratureAthenaeusTheocritus (Classics)Hellenistic poetry
"Strategos" is a historic novel in German language trying to reconstruct the Memories of the Hellenistic statesman Aratos of Sikyon (272-213 BC). Chapter 4, Die Reise nach Ägypten, part 2 deals with Aratos' travels in Egypt, his... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionAncient HistoryAncient HistoriographyPlutarch
Scholars have usually treated the skolia celebrating Harmodios and Aristogeiton as reflecting composition near Hipparchos' murder (514/3 B. C.), yet the songs betray traditions that developed significantly later. By the 420s, when... more
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      AristophanesAthenian DemocracyAthenaeusPericles
Although Athenaeus’ Deipnosophists certainly conveys stereotyped images of Asian kings, it does not provide any overarching term for Eastern people that designates them as a unified whole opposite to the speakers’ own group. Analysis of... more
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      AthenaeusEdward SaidOrientalismOrientalisme
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      AthenaeusGreek HistoriographyFragmentary Greek HistoriographyHerodotus
Fragmenta Comica 16.3 ("KomFrag" International Research project): Ephippus is an outstanding playwright of Greek Middle Comedy. He won a single Lenaean victory ca. 378-376 BC and continued being productive until the late 340s. His... more
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      Greek ComedyPlatoAthenaeusAllegory
18:20- 18:40 Mετακινήσεις δημητριακών και ανθρώπινες μετακινήσεις. "Η Εύβοια και ο Ευβοϊκός κόλπος ως θαλάσσια εμπορική οδός και η σημασία τους για την παραγωγή και διακίνηση σιτηρών κατά τον 5ο και 4ο αιώνα π.Χ." Aλέξανδρος-Νεκτάριος Ιω.... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyClassics
Ateneo, en el « Banquete de los eruditos », critica tanto la hipocresía y altanería de los filósofos, a través sobre todo de la figura de Teodoro Perrero tal como la ve Mírtilo, como el exceso de erudición vana de los gramáticos (como... more
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      AthenaeusAncient Greek PhilosophyCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Ancient Greek and Roman Philosophy
A HerodotusHelpline seminar.
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      AthenaeusArchaic Greek historyAncient Greek HistoryAncient Greek Historiography
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      Greek LanguageAelianAthenaeusAthenaeus of Naucratis
Tras un estado de la cuestión sobre los estudios dedicados a las fuentes de la poesía satírica de Quevedo, que parte de los importantes «Preliminares» y anotaciones de González de Salas al Parnaso español (1648), se estudia la recepción... more
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      AthenaeusFrancisco de QuevedoJohn OwenFrancesco Berni
Milano, 15-16 gennaio 2004 STORIA | RICERCHE Fotocopie per uso personale del lettore possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% di ciascun volume dietro pagamento alla SIAE del compenso previsto dall'art. 68, comma... more
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      AthenaeusDiogenes the Cynic
Il contributo verte sulla discussione degli unici due frammenti a contenuto paradossografico di ambientazione libica ascrivibili all'ampia produzione di carattere etnografico di Ellanico di Lesbo, tràditi rispettivamente da Ateneo... more
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      Ancient HistoryGreek LiteratureNorth Africa StudiesGreek Colonisation
Discusses passages of Aelius Aristides, Athenaeus and Lucian where satyr drama is cited or alluded to in the context of an attack on Cynics.
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      AthenaeusCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)LucianSatyr Play
Theological coments in a marble votive relief of the 3rd century A.C. from Florina. Reflections of Alexander's divine cult and his lengedary helenic macedonian royal family and dynasty.
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      Ancient HistoryClassical ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyTheology
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      Greek LiteratureScholarly EditingAthenaeusAncient Greek Literature
Posidippus’ epigram on Doricha, a hetaera from Naucratis and the lover of Sappho’s brother Charaxus, is usually interpreted as a variation of the poetic topos that opposes the mortality of physical beauty and the immortality of poetry:... more
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      AthenaeusPosidippusSapphoHellenistic epigram
Intellectual puzzles have a tendency to intermix and accumulate in miscellaneous collections, as happens in present-day puzzle magazines. This phenomenon is already observable in ancient compilations (cf. Palatine Anthology, book 14) and... more
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      AristophanesAthenaeusRiddlesAristophanes Frogs
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      History of SlaveryAthenaeusAncient Greek History