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Long since out of print, this volume collects 23 original essays by Agamben, Colli, Girard, Harrison (RP and T), Magris, Montinari, Nancy, Serres, Vattimo, and others.
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyAestheticsPolitical Philosophy
"The Rhetorical Afterlife of Photographic Evidence: Roland Barthes, Avital Ronell, Roni Horn" relates what photographs are to what they’re said to be and to how they’re said to be this what. I argue that photographs are vulnerable to and... more
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      RhetoricPhotographyDeconstructionRoland Barthes
No consideration of Bruce Lee -or indeed of the beyond of Bruce Lee -can overlook his importance as a muse, an inspiration, and an educator. I have followed the likes of Meaghan Morris and Davis Miller before in foregrounding this... more
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      Popular CultureJacques RancièrePedagogyRey Chow
The following conversation aims to trace the role of gesture and gestural thinking in Rebecca Schneider's work, and to tease out the specific gestural ethics which arises in her writings. In particular, Schneider thinks about the politics... more
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      EthicsTheatre StudiesDance StudiesPerformance Studies
This article, forthcoming in Das Fremde und Das Eigene (Röhrig Universitätsverlag) addresses the mixing of self and other, sexuality and philosophy and literature and irony in Early German Romanticism. It concludes with a thesis about... more
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      German RomanticismPaul De Man, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques DerridaAvital Ronell
The desire for certainty has often pushed philosophy and the arts towards a blind acceptance of the superiority of science as a form of knowledge, or to seek some unvarying truth by distinguishing falsehood and error according to the... more
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      PhilosophyPerforming ArtsGilles DeleuzeFriedrich Nietzsche
I n e s s e n t I a l s o l I d a r I t y i n t r o d u c t i o n : a r h e ), 1963-Inessential solidarity : rhetoric and foreigner relations / Diane Davis. p. cm. -(Pittsburgh series in composition, literacy, and culture) Includes... more
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      Critical TheoryEthicsJean-Luc NancyÉmmanuel Lévinas
In the summer of 2018 a scandal broke out at New York University concerning the way a senior literary critic, Avital Ronell, had exploited a graduate student, Nimrod Reitman. This paper examines this scandal in the general context of... more
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      Literary CriticismAvital RonellAcademics
I wrote this several years ago, while spending my sabbatical from Yonsei University at Yale's Department of German―one of those little essays, not exactly academic, that glides from the pen and then, when it is done, seems too intimate,... more
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      DeconstructionContinental PhilosophyDerridean DeconstructionAvital Ronell
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      Critical TheoryEthicsCommunicationRhetoric
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      FascismNeo-FascismContinental PhilosophyGilles Deleuze
New media theorists, performance artists, media culture commentators, and politicians have celebrated life online-the virtual unknown-as shamanic, Eastern, mysterious, transformative, and exotic. SHAMANISM + CYBERSPACE shows that this... more
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      PhilosophyPerformance StudiesContinental PhilosophyShamanism
This essay proposes that securitization is underwritten by stupidity, defined as a shared social exposure to limits which condition the possibility of thinking, knowing, and communicating about threats and responses. This... more
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      EpistemologyCommunicationCritical Discourse StudiesRhetoric
Against our common rush to understand the world in our own, human terms, Béla Tarr’s films give us the opportunity to come in touch with our own stupidity, and through it, with our madness and the becomings it opens up. This essay looks... more
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      Gilles DeleuzeFriedrich NietzscheStupidityAvital Ronell
Introduction to Reading Ronell. Ed. Diane Davis. Urbana: U of Illinois Press, 2009.
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryCultural TheoryLiterary Theory
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      DeconstructionWilliam FaulknerAvital Ronell
Introduction to The UberReader: Selected Works of Avital Ronell. Urbana: U of Illinois Press, 2008.
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      Critical TheoryFeminist TheoryCultural TheoryLiterary Theory
The basic idea is to connect the philosophical "this is" to a political discourse. Thus I try to embody this gesture of identification by using the figure of the finger (that, among many other things, points), which has a context and a... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsJean-Luc NancyPhenomenology
on chapter one of capital
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      HistoryAnthropologySocial AnthropologyHistory of Ideas
A famous and iconic German thinker, Friedrich Kittler passed away in 2011 in Berlin. Some of the obituaries have stated that the German university has lost its last great figure. It is no exaggeration that Friedrich Kittler has... more
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      PsychoanalysisGerman LiteratureHumanitiesJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
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      Visual CultureWalter BenjaminHannah ArendtAvital Ronell
This text is going to investigate how what came to be known as 'deconstruction'2 is intricately linked to a certain kind of 'translation' on the one hand and how this plays out in practices of translation on the other hand. For this... more
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      Translation StudiesDeconstructionTranslation theoryPostmodernism
Nous étions partis -« nous » : des Amis -de ce constat sim il y a de moins en moins de place, en France, pour présenter le ivres de pensée et en débattre publiquement -effective [...] et, si nous traitons principalement de livres, c'est... more
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      DeconstructionAvital Ronell
La parution simultanée de trois livres d'Avital Ronell, traduite en volume pour la première fois en France, est un événement. L'événement, c'est ce qui arrive. « Ce qui arrive », c'est une des définitions que Jacques Derrida donnait de la... more
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    • Avital Ronell
In diesem Aufsatz versuche ich - im Ausgang von Freud und Derrida - eine Thoerie des Anrufbeantworters zu entwickeln
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      Franz KafkaSigmund FreudCritical Media StudiesDerrida
Alejandra Castillo dixit: En los tiempos de la indexación y la certificación continua, ya no hay más escritura en la Universidad. Ni siquiera en aquellas disciplinas que tenían en la letra su filiación, herencia y legado. La filosofía no... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyFilosofía PolíticaFilosofía
Atelier n° 4 « La compagnie occidentale des spectres : économie, politique et épistémologie de l'être hanté » Responsables : Orgest AZIZAJ (Tirana) Oriane PETTENI (Liège), présenté lors de la XVIIe Université Européenne d'Eté du réseau... more
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      HegelJohann Wolfgang von GoetheHauntologyJacques Derrida
Je m’intéresse, dans cette thèse, à la manière dont la nudité féminine participe d'une expérience hégémonique de l'image. Mon postulat est que la nudité féminine occupe dans les productions culturelles contemporaines une place... more
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      Gender StudiesOntologyLuce IrigarayJacques Derrida
Numa sociedade onde as pessoas tendem a ser submissas, subordinadas, sem questionar a autoridade; se levam a cabo algo chamado de revolução, é muito provável que acabem por criar uma outra versão da mesma sociedade com líderes diferentes.... more
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      ViolenceHerbert MarcuseWalter BenjaminSlavoj Žižek
In her 1989 monograph on the telephone—which she calls “a synecdoche for technology” in general—Avital Ronell laid bare the metaphysical uncertainty and humanist hesitation ushered in whenever the telephone rings. Yet whereas Ronell heard... more
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      PsychoanalysisTechnologyMedia StudiesRhetoric
O estilo espetacular da filósofa americana Avital Ronell, inspirada pelos dispositivos performativos de Derrida, está a serviço de um pensamento filosófico autêntico. Ela procede menos por descons trução da clausura da metafísica... more
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      DeconstructionAvital Ronell
This paper was written for a class taught by Avital Ronnell at New York University on Walter Benjamin.
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      Walter BenjaminLeninRevolutionary TheoryAvital Ronell