Baptist History
Most downloaded papers in Baptist History
Marvin Jones (ed.), Investigating the Magisterial Reformation and Its Radical Contenders. Contemporary Evangelicals on Reformation Research: from Lutheranism and Zwinglianism to Anabaptism and Baptism [Celebrating 500 Years since the... more
Because one is made spiritually alive from the dead, baptism into Christ can accurately be described as a spiritual revolution of the heart.
"An historical examination into the theological motives behind the Baptist insistence on total immersion will demonstrate that symbolism was the primary stimulus for its resurgence. More than a study of the Greek New Testament or ancient... more
The oral history of the Mattaponi people and the documentary record of the Mattaponi Indian Reservation identify multiple historically significant heritage properties that reflect broad patterns of Native American history within the... more
In light of the contemporary discussion regarding Christ-centered preaching, especially from Old Testament texts, it is helpful to look to the past for appropriate models. Those who advocate proclaiming Christ responsibly from the Old... more
for discussion purposes
Pascal Denault
The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist
Birmingham, Alabama USA, Solid Ground Christian Books, 2013, 167.
The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology: A Comparison Between Seventeenth-Century Particular Baptist and Paedobaptist
Birmingham, Alabama USA, Solid Ground Christian Books, 2013, 167.
Toivo Pilli (ed.), Insights into Contemporary Baptist Thought. Perspectives on European Baptist Theology and History [Celebrating 500 Years since the Reformation, 1518-2018: Tome cinquième] (Oradea, Warsaw, Berlin, and Enschede: Emanuel... more
Introduction to the Theological Studies Global Church History Historical Theology I Rationale: This course is an investigation of the main theological issues, theologians, and religious movements from late Middle Ages to the 17 th... more
Building upon the work that Robert D. Linder and Richard V. Pierard started in Civil Religion and the Presidency, this book begins with examinations of how Lyndon Johnson, George H. W. Bush, and Bill Clinton employed civil religion during... more
Concerns of many stakeholders in peacebuilding and conflict transformation processes have been on how to stop or minimize conflicts and make peace a lasting process. However, less attention is given to persons that are affected by the... more
A dated (2003) unpublished paper from seminary that presents a reading of the Particular Baptist 1644 and '1689' London Confessions of Faith. Close attention is paid to the relationships between these Baptist Confessions of Faith and the... more
The definition of "theocracy" has perplexed scholars for many centuries. Some argue that theocracy exists only when religious leaders are also the actual, official political leaders and, as such, impose their particular theological views... more
The development of calvinist separatists to Baptist convictions
This is a rather long paper on the life and teaching of Elhanan Winchester—an evangelical, Baptist, revivalist, universalist preacher. It is a (very long) version of a lecture I gave at the Centre for Baptist History and Heritage at... more
William Carey's biographical sketch and greatest contributions as a Baptist
Historians have long debated John Gill’s theological identity. Some contend he was a hyper-Calvinist who denied the free offer of the Gospel and the duty of all people to receive it. Others seek to defend him from this charge. Defences of... more
An efficient, rapid and reproducible in vitro plant regeneration protocol was developed for European varieties of Vitis vinifera L. (Red Globe, Crimson Seedless, Autumn Royal and Thompson) using nodal explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS)... more
I survey two examples of Gill’s use of the tradition in his published texts—his remarks on the value of the rule of faith and his reliance on the grammar provided by the patristic period in his discussions on the Trinity. I argue that... more
A strong link between religion and national identity has been particularly important in the study of Eastern and Southeastern Europe during the 20th century. The study of religion and its changes came into the focus of anthropological and... more
This is a peer-reviewed journal article published in 2009. The paper examines various Southern Baptist writings on the doctrine of the Lord's Supper to determine if restricting communion from non-baptized believers is a necessary... more
ines the major ecclesiological proposals of the emerging church movement. Though many theologians argue that the emerging church movement emphasizes epistemology, Rathel contends that its primary concern is ecclesiology. Emerging church... more
[From the back cover:] "As [Edmund S.] Morgan re-creates the evolution of [Roger] Williams's thoughts on the nature of the church and the state, he captures the institutions that informed Williams's worldview, from the Protestant Church... more
By 1930, pastors J.J. Sidey and J.B. Daggett had distinguished themselves as the leaders of the emerging Baptist fundamentalist movement in eastern Canada. In 1934, this small fundamentalist group separated from the United Baptist... more
Alasdair Black (ed.), Contemporary Perspectives on History and Theology in British Baptist Thought. Scottish and English Baptists on Salvation, Politics, and the End of Times [Celebrating 500 Years since the Reformation, 1518-2018: Tome... more
Andrew Fuller: Model Pastor-Theologian by Paul Brewster was published in 2010. Mr. Brewster was a pastor of Ryker’s Ridge Baptist Church in Madison, Indiana and earned a Ph.D. From Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and an M.Div.... more
The Baptist faith tradition is a separatist movement originating in the Puritan wing of the Anglican Church. While the Baptist faith tradition was not a significant religious entity in the southern colonies in the 1600’s, today it is the... more
While the Baptists and Churches of Christ--Restoration Movement churches--Seem very different, at one time they were in close association. In fact, the Restoration Movement churches owe the Baptists for their own Believers' Baptism.
Answers the question: "Where did Andrew Fuller stand on the issue of closed communion?"
Recent events in Ukraine have forced post-Soviet evangelicals to address a question they had long avoided: ‘in what way is the gospel not only the source of personal salvation, but also the source of social transformation?’ This lecture... more
Although not uniform in faith and practice, Southern Baptists have acquired a reputation of general suspicion toward critical biblical scholarship. Southern Baptists did not significantly engage with higher criticism until the arrival of... more
Baptist leaders in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries promoted the use of confessions of faith as summaries of essential Biblical beliefs, expressions of unity, and protection from error. Confessions of faith summarized the... more
Mennonites and Baptists of German descent experienced a church revival after 1955. It had severals phases: revival in its Pietistic phase as fellowship (before 1955), revival in its ecclesiastic phase as Church (after 1955). Described is... more
This book is about Roger Williams (ca. 1603-83), who was banished from the colony of Massachusetts Bay for advocating freedom of conscience, separation of church and state, Native American rights, and related matters. He founded the town... more
A descriptive and interpretive article about the conflict among Baptists in Tennessee concerning the reform ideas of Alexander Campbell, particularly as led and articulated by Garner McConnico. This article is both a critical biographical... more
In this article I will offer a reflection on the practice of communal discernment from a Scottish Baptist perspective. I do this as someone who has been involved in a number of Scottish Baptist Churches for nearly 40 years, first as a... more
The idea of human rights is widely accepted as a foundation of legislation and political action. It is the cornerstone of liberal democracies, the ideal held out against oppression and injustice all over the world. At the same time, it... more