Bussiness management
Recent papers in Bussiness management
Previous studies have estimated the failure rate of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations to be between 40 to 60%. This high failure rate also extends to ERP adoption by Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in developing... more
دانلود کتاب مدیریت ارتباط با مشتریان اثر فرانسیس باتل PDF ترجمه فارسی
La historia nos cuenta que a principios del siglo XX y sin saber casi castellano, Manuel Alberola viajó a La India para vender su azafrán. Así comenzó un negocio: "el de las especias" , que tiene en "Carmencita", propiedad de la familia... more
The purpose of this continuing Case Study is for students to understand the complexities of IT Operations Management and to have a common foundation for both students and tutors. As the Case Study is understood, the requirements of the IT... more
Xymedix, Inc. is a supplier of in-vitro medical testing located in California. The company’s objective is to provide high-quality medical testing in the United States and worldwide. In February 2020, Xymedix’s s management faced... more
In the education sector, educational institution is required to increase its quality in meeting student satisfaction in order to realize educated human beings who have high qualified life skill. Control system is one of the weaknesses in... more
Desarrolla una propuesta de negocio “Reserv@me”, que propone ser una alternativa para el público usuario que utiliza aplicaciones móviles para permitirles realizar reservas de mesas en los restaurantes de manera fácil, gratis, segura, y... more
Защита бизнеса и стра-тегия предприятия: Экономический и пра-вовой аспект // М.: ЮРКНИГА, 2005. - 160 с. Книга посвящена проблемам защиты бизнеса и стратегии развития предприятия , которые исследованы во взаимосвязи их экономических и... more
Estudiante: Andrés David Gutiérrez-26 años CASO 1 CASO OXYLANE-DECATHLON "la capacidad general de adaptación de la empresa que le permite afrontar los cambios necesarios en orden a mantener o mejorar su posición competitiva" Albizu... more
Tekst omawia chińską i amerykańską kulturę organizacyjną, sięgając do podstaw poznawczych i historycznych obu tych kultur. Autor stara się połączyć wybrane fundamenty chińskiej i amerykańskiej mentalności ze specyfiką kultury zarządzania... more
U ovom seminarskom radu opisan je benchmarking kao jedna od mogućih metoda za primjenu što uspješnijeg poslovanja. Kroz rad se može vidjeti gdje se prvi put javlja i razvija kroz povijest i dati njegovu definiciju, a zatim ćemo vidjeti... more
Companies with existing business strategies are still expected to provide better and maximum performance. Business Model Canvas is expected to generate positive impacts. This study aims to identify the current business model run by PT XYZ... more
Work is an integral part of our everyday life. On an average we spend around twelve hours daily in the work place, that is one third of our entire life; it does influence the overall quality of our life. It should yield job satisfaction,... more
La guía consta de siete secciones adicionales a esta presentación. La primera, hace un acercamiento al tema de la evaluación de la Gestión Pública, la segunda presenta brevemente la importancia de la medición, la tercera introduce el... more
Presentation FedEx Marketing Planning System, a multinational company in the courier and delivery industry.
Una de las lecturas destacadas de mi verano fue "Las 12 leyes de la negociación" deAlfred Font Barrot, profesor de negociación en el departamento de derecho de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Me pareció un libro realmente... more
KONVEKSI DENSHIL merupakan sebuah perusahaan jasa konveksi/jahit tas yang telah beroperasi selama kurang lebih 6 tahun. Usaha ini berada di desa Mandalawangi kec. Nagreg, kab. Bandung. Dengan jumlah mesin jahit sebanyak 6 mesin dan SDM 5... more
Zhuge Liang, commonly known by his style, Kongming, was born around the year 180, the son of a provincial official in the later days of the Han dynasty. At that time, the dynasty was thoroughly decrepit, nearly four hundred years old and... more
Perceived organizational support is playing a crucial role in management to boost up employees’ confidence and it’s a motivational mechanism to make your employees loyal with organization. This study investigated the influence of... more
Several academic authors in strategic management have adopted McKinsey's 7S Model as a useful way of visualizing the key components managers must consider when diffusing a strategy throughout their organizations (DeKluyver, 2000, Pearce... more
-Presentar y explicar el proceso de toma de decisiones en las organizaciones.
التسويق الداخلي كمحفز لجودة الخدمة المصرفية بالمصارف التجارية العاملة
في ولاية البحر الأحمر بشرق السودان
في ولاية البحر الأحمر بشرق السودان
The analytic strategy of grounded theory had been used in several studies in various related fields such as management,marketing and tourism. However, the approach to discovering theory from data known as grounded theory is much cited but... more
The securities market in Tanzania emerged in the 1990s as a result of the government policy to liberalize the Tanzania financial sector, which included a 1990 study on monetary issues.
Perencanaan dalam Manajemen dasar
Se puede emitir un juicio para invertir en Italia y esto depende del análisis del sistema contable del país, es decir, los factores internos y externos de este país, que conforman una estructura económica particular.
The rapid development of information and communication technology in this modern era has led to a shift in human behavior, especially in shopping. Advances in technology from the internet have led to a change in consumer lifestyle. The... more
This exploratory research analyses the location pattern of food retailers in Oporto district, Portugal. The findings reported here do support the classic theories of retail location in the Portuguese case. • Central Place Theory •... more
Contoh Proposal Business Plan
Bisnis Plan
Sinar Furniture
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Bisnis Plan
Sinar Furniture
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Good governance dapat diartikan sebagai kepemerintahan yang baik atau penyelenggaraan pemerintahaan yang bersih dan efektif, sesuai dengan peraturan dan ketentuan yang berlaku. Pemerintahan mencakup ruang lingkup yang luas, termasuk... more
Cili besar, cili merah, lada besar atau lada merah ialah sejenis tumbuhan yang buahnya banyak digunakan dalam masakan rakyat Malaysia. Cili juga merupakan salah satu tanaman yang menjadi permintaan ramai.
(Komunikasi Bisnis)
This research analyses the influence of leadership styles on organizational culture. The questionnaires were applied using stratified sampling method by 156 workers out of 253 as the total number of workers (N=156) of a manufacturing... more
these include overcoming underdevelopment and dependency with
the central focus being raising their living standards and to overcome persistent
poverty, disease and ignorance.
the central focus being raising their living standards and to overcome persistent
poverty, disease and ignorance.
Bussines Plan Management
2017 2 KATA PENGANTAR Assalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Puji dan syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Allah Swt. Shalawat serta salam selalu tercurahkan kepada Rasulullah Saw, sehingga atas rahmat dan karunia-Nya penyusunan... more
Ada yang pernah mendengar Business Model Canvas atau disingkat BMC ? Mengenal penggunaan business model canvas dalam merancang dan menganalisis model bisnis yang tepat. Bisnis yang baik adalah bisnis yang perlu direncanakan dan segera... more
Di antara makhluk hidup yang di ciptakan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, manusia merupakan makhluk yang paling sempurna. Manusia membutuhkan pekerjaan agar memperoleh penghasilan untuk membiayai kehidupan sehari-hari. Di antara manusia tersebut ada... more