Medieval Castles and Fortresses
Recent papers in Medieval Castles and Fortresses
The Mont Saint-Michel is a small, rocky tidal island in France located in a large bay at the mouth of the Couesnon. The granite massif of Mont Saint-Michel is crowned with a medieval abbey. It's a table moutain; a remaining of a... more
Kniha vyšla roku 1988 v Praze / The book was published in 1988 in Prague.
The foundation dates of three castles in Maelienydd, traditionally built by the Mortimers. However the contemporary evidence suggests that Prince Llywelyn ab Iorwerth (d.1240) was far more likely the builder of Cefnllys and Knucklas... more
Studie byla publikována roku 2011 v knize ,,Slánské rozhovory 2010 : Česká husitská reformace historie, osobnosti, teologie, umění" / The study was published in 2011 in books ,,Slánské rozhovory 2010: The Czech Hussite Reformation of... more
Il lago d'Orta, chiamato anche Cusio, è il bacino più occidentale tra i grandi laghi prealpini; il suo specchio d'acqua si estende per 13,4 km di lunghezza sulla sua linea mediana, a fronte di una larghezza media di 2,5 km e di una... more
Castalla Castle (Alicante, Spain), built between the 11 th and 16 th centuries, is one of the most outstanding fortifications in the province of Alicante, as part of al-Andalus, first, and the Kingdom of Valencia, after. The present work... more
In this article was made historic, cultural and touristical descriptive analysis of little-known Starosta castle in Halych, which is located in Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the base of using of four groups of characteristics: natural and... more
Engravings Depicting the Polotsk Campaign in 1579 as a Homogeneous Cartographic Composition Th e paper presents seven plans of fortresses (Polotsk, Sokil, Kazyany, Krasne, Turovla, Susza and Sitno) and a map of the principality of Polotsk... more
O.Plamenytska, E.Plamenytska. Kamyanets Podilsky, a Town at the Periphery of the Roman Empire: Urban Order and Fortifications The subject of the monograph is the influence of the Roman Empire on the urban development of Eastern Europe... more
Aproximació a la genealogia dels senyors del castell de Dosrius (s. XI-XIII) i al seu fons documental, conservat a l'Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya.
Kniha vyšla v Petrohradu roku 1984 / The book was published in St. Petersburg in 1984.
In this article was made historic, cultural and touristical descriptive analysis of little-known Rakovets castle, which is located in Ivano-Frankivsk region, on the base of using of four groups of characteristics: natural and geographical... more
Dunnottar Castle and church are set upon a rocky headland on the NE coast of Aberdeenshire, about 2 miles S of Stonehaven. It has been thought that the medieval castle has disappeared, while the surviving buildings are largely of the 14... more
This paper introduces the theme of a special issue exploring the connections between castles (broadly defined as medieval fortified sites) and their landscapes, from archaeological and heritage perspectives. It includes a brief case study... more
Location of Medieval Kutina based on archaeological sites Archaeological remains of medieval Kutina have not been fully elaborated. Before the establishment of the Moslavina Museum in the 1950s of 20th century, a reconnaissance of the... more
THE WEAPONRY OF GUILDS IN HERMANNSTADT IN THE 15–16TH CENTURY By the time of the late middle ages Hermannstadt (Nagyszeben/Cibium/Sibiu) had significant economycal power, in which the local crafts played an important part. In this era... more
Il 17 dicembre 1487 a pochi giorni dalla fine della guerra tra la repubblica veneta e Sigismondo d'Austria il commissario arciducale, Giovanni Ramuaz, restituiva ai diversi operatori tutte le miniere situate in Primiero. Si concludeva in... more
This paper presents the results of two different campaigns of archaeological excavations (August 2015 and August 2016) in the medieval castle of Castel Pizigolo (Toano, RE) conducted by Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna,... more
The Archaeological Site of Veliki Zdenci – Crni Lug, called also "Gradina" (which in Croatian means the place or the ruins of a fort/castle), is located between the southern part of the village of Veliki Zdenci and the Ilova River. The... more
During the German occupation of the Netherlands in the Second World War Prof. Dr. Jacob Friesen was stationed on Texel as an German officer in the role of Inselkommandant (Island Commander) of the Kriegsmarine (German Navy). The famous... more
Houska Castle is an early Gothic castle, 47 kilometres north of Prague, in the Czech Republic. It is one of the best preserved castles of the period. Some notable features of the castle include a predominantly Gothic chapel, green chamber... more
Plans to modernize the fortifications of the former castles of the Teutonic Order in Neidenburg and Johannisburg by the Dutch architect Nicolaus de Kemp (1602) Johannisburg and Neidenburg, erected at the end of the 14th century, are... more
Lima, António Manuel – Do Castelo da Ilha à Ilha do Castelo: História, Lendas e Tradições, Castelo de Paiva, Município de Castelo de Paiva e ADRIMAG, 2019.
Sobre a ilha do Castelo, no rio Douro e na foz do rio Paiva.
Sobre a ilha do Castelo, no rio Douro e na foz do rio Paiva.
This pubications deals with the excavation around the caste ruine of Duurstede in Wijk bij Duurstede in the central Netherlands. The excavations were carried uit between 1943 and 1945 by J.G.N. Renaud and comprised of several pits around... more
This periodical began publication in 1935. Two fascicles are issued each year, which contain articles, shorter notes and book reviews about the Christian East, that is, whatever concerns the theology, history, patrology, liturgy,... more
On one of the highest rocky ledges above the Reka River, just a few kilometers from Famlje Village and near Škocjan Caves, Školj Castle is today one of the less known castles in Slovenia. For more than a century the castle is abandoned.... more
Determining the difference in military or political function of castles is a topic heavily debated between scholars. Traditionally the military function has been studied through the use of historical documents or archaeological research... more
Traduzioni Office de la langue française della Regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta, Sally Larder Materiali e contenuti scientifici Soprintendenza per i beni e le attività culturali Regione autonoma Valle d'Aosta Segreteria e attività... more