Ritual Feasting
Recent papers in Ritual Feasting
On the south coast of British Columbia in shíshálh traditional territory, an ancient burial ground (DjRw-14) contains the remains of richly decorated individuals dated to the Charles culture (4000-3500 B.P.). In addition to other grave... more
The point of departure is a short definition of prestige: “The prestige of a person, an object or a cultural practice is higher, the more exclusive its bearers and the more widespread its estimation in the relevant group are”. This... more
"Göbekli Tepe is one of the most important archaeological discoveries of modern times, pushing back the origins of monumentality beyond the emergence of agriculture. We are pleased to present a summary of work in progress by the... more
The Grolier Codex is discussed in the context of the archaeoastronomy of the ancient Americas on pages 98-99 of the March 1990 National Geographic Magazine article "America's Ancient Skywatchers" by John B. Carlson. One of four known... more
Absracts of the presentation "Gift giving and feasting as an example of informal practices during the procedure for a dissertation defence in Ukraine" on the 10th IInternational Conference of Young Folklorists "Lore Makers, Law Breakers",... more
This animal bone report presents results from the analysis of a sizeable assemblage from a late Iron Age/early Roman settlement. The site is located on the southern slopes of the South Downs in West Sussex, and the excavation is notable... more
L'articolo si prefigge di indagare il rapporto che unisce cibo e religione, alla luce dell'evento festivo e in rapporto a dolci e pani rituali
This volume presents the results from the excavation and scientific analysis between 2005 and 2014 of seventeen Iron Age cauldrons discovered in a large pit on farmland in the parish of Chiseldon, Wiltshire, and consequently acquired by... more
My recent article offered a model by which to better classify feasts by distinguishing between archaeological correlates of group size and sociopolitical competition. Applying this model to remains from a precontact mound site, I... more
El estudio de la música en las ciudades de España e Hispanoamérica durante los siglos XVI al XVIII se ha venido asociando tradicionalmente con el análisis de la actividad musical de su catedral o alguno de sus inevitablemente "gloriosos"... more
This paper considers plant food subsistence at the Buzzard Rock II site (44RN2/70), a Late Woodland village located in southern Virginia at the Blue Ridge escarpment. A regional comparative analysis of the Buzzard Rock II plant assemblage... more
“If there is a starting point for the understanding of ancient religion” Karoly Kerenyi once wrote “…it consists exactly in probing the essence of the feast”. This is indeed the aim of this book, in which the Author probes the essence of... more
ABSTRACT: This lecture (Part-2) continues the examination of Old Kingdom elite tombs, looking at (1) other types of middle-upper class tombs that emerge in Old Kingdom Egypt (i.e., rock-cut tombs; rock-cut mastaba tombs); (2) various... more
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
Iron Age tankards are stave-built wooden vessels completely covered or bound in copper-alloy sheet. The distinctive copper-alloy handles of these vessels frequently display intricate ‘Celtic’ or La Tène art styles. They are characterised... more
The present study arose from a decision to erect a wind turbine on the hill of Knock Iveagh, Co. Down, a place that is believed to have ancient ritual associations. In order to assess the likely importance of the hill, the study looked... more
Newari way of feasting is unique and one of the most diverse types. A traditional Newari feast is known by various names i.e. lapti bhoye, suku bhoye and jho voye. The dishes served in feasts are considered to make a properly balanced and... more
englich: The feast of the Circumcision of the Lord was suppressed from the Roman Calendar in 1960 for reasons that are unclear. In 2012 a number of biblicists and theologians petitioned for the re-establishment of this liturgical feast,... more
Archaeologists are familiar with the concept of assemblage, but in more recent years they have started problematizing it in interesting and innovative ways, beyond its common connotations of aggregation. Sociologists such as Manuel... more
An increasing number of Iron Age Celtic sites in France and Luxemburg have been identified and interpreted as sanctuaries. Many of these sites have produced faunal deposits of varying quantity and quality that have been associated with... more
Una antica tradizione della città di Scicli racconta che la Vergine Maria sia intervenuta in aiuto dei cittadini contro una invasione dei saraceni. La particolarità è data dalla apparizione della Madonna su un cavallo bianco e con la... more
The Royal Cemetery of Ur, excavated by C. Lconard Woolley three-quarters of a century ago, has been f~uned since its discovcry for the lavishness of its burials anel in particular for the inelications of so-called "human sacrifice" in the... more
This dissertation examines prehistoric activity at the Feltus site (22Je500) in Jefferson County, Mississippi, to elucidate how Coles Creek (AD 700–1200) platform mound sites were used. Data from excavations undertaken by the Feltus... more
English abstract: Since the discovery in 1860 of La Pastora, one of the most beautiful and outstanding megalithic constructions of Iberia, the Copper Age and Bronze Age site of Valencina de la Concepción – Castilleja de Guzmán has... more
This paper investigates the connection between copper and cult in Late Bronze Age (LBA) Cyprus, arguing that a number of distinct functional and symbolic interactions existed between copper production and ritual practice during this time.... more
This study focuses upon the Teuchitlan people of ancient West Mexico, who lived near Tequila Volcano, Jalisco from 300 BCE to 250 CE. I argue that during the Late Preclassic Period of Mesoamerican prehistory, the central organizing... more
Did Greeks and non-Greeks banquet together in the first half of the first millennium BCE, and if so, how does this mode of cultural contact explain the evidence of cultural exchange between Greece and the Near East? Following suggestions... more
The ritual of drinking wine as part of a communal ceremony probably reflecting the horizontal integration of the communities who participated in the large feasts sponsored by the Mycenaean palaces is a well-known practice, embodied in our... more
This research set out to investigate the nature and extent of prehistoric human activity in the Vale of Pewsey, Wiltshire, a relatively poorly understood area located between the Marlborough Downs and Salisbury Plain. This was to be... more
Métropole des premiers établissements grecs dans la péninsule italique, Érétrie, sur l’île d’Eubée, est une cité-clé au cœur du bassin méditerranéen, qui a servi en quelque sorte de vecteur pour l’échange des biens et des idées d’Orient... more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> update 29.07.2020: Ok, I now have a searchable pdf of the book. However, it is still 160 mb large. I therefore could not install it here for download. Please contact me via my email address... more
L'esperienza della preghiera costituisce una delle più rilevanti forme di vivere il tempo. Il tempo che viene chiamato è “tempo lento”, il tempo indugiato nell’atto di celebrazione e nella memoria di eventi fondatori, eppure è un tempo... more