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In this article, I describe some of my research on caring, helping, active bystandership, and the origins of genocide and collective violence, as a background to interventions in real-world settings aimed to create positive change. They... more
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      Violence PreventionSocializationPolitical ViolenceConflict Resolution
Children, Rights, and Modernity in China is an ethnographic study of the emergence of a new type of thinking about children and their entitlements in contemporary urban China. Drawing on participant observation and interviews in primary... more
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      EducationSociology of Children and ChildhoodHuman Rights LawEthnography
The aim of the research reported in this chapter was to investigate the relationship to self-esteem of child-rearing practices of mothers and fathers in three generations of urban middle class Turkish families. A second aim was to... more
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    • Child-Rearing Practices
Inuit approaches to childrearing reflect a particular concept of person- hood that may be termed relational, ecocentric, and cosmocentric (Kirmayer, 2007; Kirmayer, Fletcher, & Watt, 2008). As described in the first part of this... more
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      Psychological AnthropologyChild DevelopmentCultural PsychologyCulture
Parents nés pour l'un en Pologne, l'autre en France, ayant vécu dans ces deux pays et résidant aujourd'hui en Suède avec nos deux enfants, nous avons été confrontés de manière continue à des différences interculturelles en ce qui concerne... more
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      PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyNursingAnthropology
Single motherhood is now becoming a "norm," the number of single mothers has been steadily increasing for so many reasons such as giving birth outside marriage, separation, divorce, annulment, the death of a partner, or simply because... more
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      Qualitative ResearchChild-Rearing PracticesSingle Parenthood
John is twenty-seven-years-old and lives in an apartment provided to him, and paid for, by his parents. He used to attend higher education, enrolling at a prestigious university, but quit for seemingly no reason after barely a year. Only... more
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      SociologyPsychologyPsychiatryGender Studies
The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of Aeta mothers during pregnancy, childbirth and childrearing. This study was conducted on Kanawan, Morong, Bataan. A phenomenological design was utilized to achieve the objectives... more
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      NursingPhilippinesHealthIndigenous Peoples
Child rearing practices are as old as human being. Child rearing practices are the practices which enable a new born to adopt the culture and traditions of the existing society and these practices enables a child to become a productive... more
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      AnthropologyChildren's LiteratureChildren and FamiliesChildren's and Young Adult Literature
Teenage pregnancy is a global problem. It results to maternal and child mortality as well as socioeconomic and physical burden among teenagers and their families. This causal-comparative and correlational study focused on teenage mothers... more
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      Developmental PsychologyTeenage PregnancyMaternal and Child HealthPopulation
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      Child-Rearing PracticesChinese migrants
This study sought to explore the experiences of Filipino mothers from dual-career families on child-rearing of their preschool-aged children. It aims to identify the different child-rearing challenges faced by mothers from dual-career... more
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      Child-Rearing PracticesParenting and family issuesExperiences and challenges of working mothersFamily life
Affect in Relation brings together perspectives from social science and cultural studies to analyze the formative, subject constituting potentials of affect and emotion. Relational affect is understood not as individual mental states, but... more
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      Social TheoryEmotionMedia StudiesPlace Attachment
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      Somali DiasporaDenmarkSense of belongingChild-Rearing Practices
With the aim of making both cross-cultural and within-Turkey comparisons of young adults' perceptions of their parents' child-rearing practices with regard to acceptance, psychological control and firm control, the Children's Report of... more
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    • Child-Rearing Practices
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      Gender StudiesHealth PromotionWomen's StudiesGlobalization
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      TransnationalismMigration StudiesIntegrationChild-Rearing Practices
Background: India contributes a large proportion to global under-fi ve child mortality. One of the determinants of child morbidity and mortality is the "child rearing practices." Socio-economic environment, child rearing practices and... more
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      Primary Health CareMaternal HealthIndiaMaternal and Child Health
Based on ethnographic fieldwork, this research explores rooftops as gendered spaces where women practice what I propose calling ''bread-nurturing,'' a gendered labor through which women secure and provide nutritious and delicious food for... more
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      Human-Animal RelationsEthnographyAnthropology of FoodMiddle East Anthropology
ABSTRACT: Parenting is the art of nurturing children, it is basically a process which encompasses planning for parenthood, acquiring knowledge and skills of parenting, and adjustment of resources to meet the needs of children. Today, due... more
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      ParentingChild-Rearing Practices
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, Dalton education... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsPositive PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
The study of childhood diet, including breastfeeding and weaning, has important implications for our understanding of infant mortality and fertility in past societies. Stable isotope analyses of nitrogen from bone collagen and dentine... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeological ScienceArchaeological Chemistry
Desde la perspectiva del vínculo de apego, las tradicionales pautas de crianza que incluyen el castigo físico conducen a estilos de vínculo desorganizado o temeroso en los hijos. La similitud entre las actitudes típicas de personas que... more
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingMasculinityAttachment TheoryChild-Rearing Practices
Una clase de apoyo que potencia las capacidades de crianza es la reflexión
acerca de los instrumentos que nos da la cultura y una mirada crítica acerca de los consejos de sentido común que recibimos y reproducimos.
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      Attachment TheoryChild-Rearing Practices
Mothering in the contemporary United States is positioned uneasily at the intersection of gendered cultural expectations of child rearing and consumerism. Contemporary expectations of " motherhood " require extensive time and financial... more
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      ConsumerismMotheringChild-Rearing Practices
This study was a survey research. The purpose of this research was to study Thai and Australian students’ personality and the predictability of child rearing practice and city-rural contact variables on students’ personality. The total of... more
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      Personality PsychologyCross-Cultural PsychologyParenting StylesChild-Rearing Practices
We witness astounding developments in this age of information and communication. Technology has influenced all the aspects of our lives by causing inevitable changes and improvements in every field. Naturally, the world of science has... more
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      Children's RightsChild-Rearing Practices
Background and aim: South Africa has an unacceptably high child mortality rate. Preventable causes such as malnutrition account for a high percentage of these deaths. Breastfeeding as infant feeding practice is recognised for its... more
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      Occupational TherapyDelphi MethodologyPublic HealthBreastfeeding
Studies of assimilation tend to focus on whether or not members of a migrant group are adjusting to their new surroundings. This article inverts this focus, asking not how migrant groups adjust, but rather how migrant groups use the... more
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      Parent Child RelationshipsAssimilationChild-Rearing PracticesSamoan Culture
OBJECTIVE: To verify the prevalence and identify the risk factors related to mental health problems among schoolchildren and its possible association with the beliefs and educational attitudes of parents/caretakers. METHODS:... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthBeliefs and attitudesChild-Rearing Practices
The literature about social capital exponentially increased during the past 10-15 years (Halpert, 2005). The bulk of it focuses on the levels of the social capital, or following Putnam' s legacy, on its effects for various macro-level... more
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      Social ChangeSociology of ReligionVoting BehaviorIdentity (Culture)
The article analyzes home-based parental involvement as a child-rearing strategy associated with the academic perfor- mance of adolescents. Through a systematic review of studies with empirical results in six databases, this article shows... more
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      Parent InvolvementChild-Rearing PracticesAcademic AcheivementAdolecence
Parents in academic careers face notable challenges that may go unrecognized by university management and/or policy makers. The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on some of these challenges, as academic parents shifted to working from home... more
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      Higher EducationHigher Education PolicyFatherhoodAcademia
La discusión suscitada en torno a la Modernidad, que comprometen de un lado posiciones que intentan rescatar lo más “esencial” de ésta, y de otro a posturas radicalmente antimodernistas, ha puesto de manifiesto los profundos cambios a los... more
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      FamilySocializationChild-Rearing Practices
This chapter explores the meaning of empathy with animals within the emotional socialization of children as it appears in children’s literature and advice manuals from the mid-nineteenth to the end of the twentieth century. Whether or not... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisHistory
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      Medical AnthropologyHealth CommunicationDevelopment StudiesHealth Promotion
Public concern for child care and education presents liberal and plural democracy with problems regarding authority and rights. A knotty one is a wellknown dilemma: rights of children sometimes conflict with rights of their parents and... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionDevelopmental Psychology
Raising an infant in the Czech Republic is, for a foreigner, an eye-opening experience
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      HumorChildren and FamiliesCzech & Slovak StudiesChild-Rearing Practices
In the convergence of ample dynamic experiences in our society, there arises the challenge on proper and positive child-rearing practices as we impose discipline and affect values to the young. It is a common issue like obesity and... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationChild protectionChild Development
This study investigated early child care teachers’ culturally shaped socialization goals and preferred behavioral strategies. The participants were 183 female teachers and trainees, 93 from Osnabrück, Germany, representing an urban... more
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesAutonomyRelatednessChild-Rearing Practices
Large scale comparative studies, such as the value surveys (EVS and WVS) or the Eurobarometer, include measurements for parental/child-rearing values. This reflects a persistent interest for the topic, which produced salient studies... more
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      Child-Rearing PracticesRating ScalesWorld Values SurveyEuropean Value Study Episode 7 of CHILDHOOD: History & Critique offers review of _Benign Violence: Education in and beyond the Age of Reason_ and includes a conversation with its author - Ansgar... more
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      EducationSociology of Children and ChildhoodHistory Of EugenicsHistory of Education
Childhood is the most sensitive period in the life of the child, which molds the physical and the intellectual features. The mother is a right and appropriate person to observe the child carefully. A comparative study to assess the child... more
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      NursingChild-Rearing PracticesChild Health Nursing
La ponencia presenta el proceso de crianza de las niñas desvinculadas de los grupos armados, que es uno de los resultados de la investigación sobre las características psicosociales de las adolescente y mujeres jóvenes que pertenecieron a... more
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      GenderChild SoldiersChild-Rearing Practices
This paper describes the development and standardization of a measure of perceived parenting style. The four styles namely authoritative, authoritarian, permissive and negligent proposed by Baumrind (1971) are scaled based on a quadrant... more
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      ParentingParent Child RelationshipsParenting StylesChild-Rearing Practices
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      ReligionHinduismSociologySociology of Religion
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      ReproductionFamilyIdeologies of MotherhoodPregnancy
This working paper is based on the results of a study of the child-rearing practices of Russian-speaking women in the context of a migration perspective focusing on their migration experience, language, and other features that are... more
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      Parenting PracticesChild-Rearing PracticesRussian-speaking migrantsstructured activities