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      Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsLexicologyHistorical Linguistics
The present work is the sociolinguistic analysis of a corpus of short monologues written and acted out by the Veneto actor Andrea Pennacchi –El Pojana–, which is characterized by the the extreme use of code-switching (CS) and code-mixing... more
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      SociolinguisticsCode switching and code mixingDialettologia italiana
Language has both a social and a cultural significance for a community of speakers. It inevitably undergoes constant changes in order to adapt to the requirements of a particular discursive practice (spoken or written communication,... more
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      English languageCode switching and code mixingNorwegian LanguageSkam
PHP is one of the most commonly used languages to develop web sites because of its simplicity, easy to learn and it can be easily embedded with any of the databases. A web developer with his basic knowledge developing an application... more
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      Computer ScienceInformation TechnologyWeb ApplicationsWorld Wide Web
В статье речь идет о первых результатах лингвистической экспедиции научных сотрудников Института славяноведения Российской академии наук в центральные регионы Хорватии, проведенной в мае 2019 года. В ходе полевого исследования были... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguages in ContactField StudyCode switching and code mixing
The current study investigates DP-internal adjectives in Spanish/English code-switching (CS). Specifically, we analyze two concomitant phenomena that have been previously investigated; namely, the distributional frequency and placement of... more
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      Spanish-English bilingualism (Languages And Linguistics)AdjectivesGrammatical GenderCode switching and code mixing
Après avoir discuté de diverses typologies existantes, sur la question des alternances codiques, nous décrivons dans cet article, au regard de nos données, les propriétés linguistiques et sociales des parlers bilingues dans les... more
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      Contact LinguisticsFrench GuianaCode switching and code mixing
« L’art de l’écrivain est son véritable passeport » : Multilinguisme, psycholinguistique et écriture chez l’écrivain Vladimir Nabokov Nabokov est le seul des écrivains russes (en Russie aussi bien que dans l’émigration) appartenant au... more
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      MultilingualismPsycholinguisticsVladimir NabokovCode switching and code mixing
The study of grammatical variation in language mixing has been at the core of research into bilingual language practices. Although various motivations have been proposed in the literature to account for possible mixing patterns, some of... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsContact LinguisticsGerman LanguageRussian Language
Language matters in education. More precisely, languages matter – not just officially recognised ones, but, crucially, the multilingual repertoires and home language practices of students. One dimension garnering attention for some... more
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      EducationLanguages and LinguisticsMultilingualismSociolinguistics
This is the PEC (Prueba de Evaluación Continua) II of the academic year 2019-2020 of the subject "Variación y cambio lingüístico en lengua inglesa" at the UNED.
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      Code-SwitchingDiglossiaSpanglishBilingualism and Multilingualism
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      CommunicationSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsPragmatics
In: Multidimensionality of vocabulary in the literary language (2018): 117–133. The chapter analyzes the semantic, structural, and functional features of the Ukrainian socio-political vocabulary in given period. It describes external... more
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      LexicologySlavic LanguagesVocabularyUkrainian Studies
Online Terpercaya , Agen piala eropa Agen Sbobet, sbobet Casino , SbobetOnline dan Slots Online. Sebagai situs judi online terpercaya dan berpengalaman, kami bertekad untuk memberikan kepuasaan kepada seluruh member kami dari sisi... more
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      SemioticsLatin American StudiesArtificial IntelligenceTeaching English as a Second Language
The significance of role of code switching and code mixing in classrooms where medium of instruction is second/foreign language is approved reality. Observations of bilingual/multilingual classrooms show that teachers use code switching... more
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      Code-SwitchingCode switching and code mixing
In this paper we investigate the effect that parents’ language use (English, Spanish-English or Spanish) had on self-perceived proficiency, frequency of use, language anxiety, code-switching and cultural orientation of 206 Spanish-English... more
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      Cultural HeritageSpanish-English bilingualism (Languages And Linguistics)BilingualismForeign Language Anxiety
The belief that language instruction should be done exclusively in the target language and that 'native-speakers' are better language teachers is still around. In this context, there are language teachers who perceive code-switching as... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionPsycholinguisticsCode switching and code mixing
The goal of the present study is the analysis of the lexical composition of any language (or language variant) which covers not only the peculiarities of language units functioning, but also the facts of their social and ethnic... more
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      Linguistic RelativityCode switching and code mixingAAVESapir-Whorf Hypothesis
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      Cognitive ScienceBilingual EducationLinguisticsLanguage contact
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      SociolinguisticsMigrationMigration StudiesCode switching and code mixing
The switching between Modern Standard Arabic and Colloquial Iraqi Arabic fulfils a definite structural goal in Fuad Tekerli’s short tales.
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsNarratologyDiglossiaModern Arabic Literature
There has been a lot of recent research on bilingual or multilingual code-switching in pop songs in various speech communities. In this talk, I shall introduce code-switching in Hong Kong Cantopop in the context of this literature. After... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPopular MusicPragmaticsSemantics
The paper attempts to analyze if the sentiment stability of financial 10-K reports over time can determine the company’s future mean returns. A diverse portfolio of stocks was selected to test this hypothesis. The proposed framework... more
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      FinanceArtificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
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      Contact LinguisticsPhoneticsDialectologyItalian Studies
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      Creative WritingHistoryEnglish LiteratureLanguages and Linguistics
The article makes an introduction to the modern linguistic landscape in the city of Chennai, India. The author discusses the coordination of language varieties, their status, and particular characteristics of their speakers. Special... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguistic landscapesTamilLinguistics
This chapter focuses upon the learning experience of five MA TESOL students in a World Englishes module entitled “English as a Global Language” at the largest Sino-UK international collaborative university in China. Interviews with the MA... more
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      TESOLCode-SwitchingWorld EnglishesTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
Using an ethnography of speaking approach, this article discusses the ideological aspects of language practices, as they are played out in a traditional Yupik (Eskimo) village in Chukotka, in the Far East of the Russian Federation. The... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesNative American StudiesRussian Studies
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      SociolinguisticsCode-SwitchingBilingualismSociocultural linguistics
The objective of this research is to investigate the code-switching in communication between nurse and patient which takes place in South Malang. The people speak Indonesian language, Javanese, and Madurese; therefore, they are living in... more
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      SociolinguisticsCode switching and code mixing
Code-mixing is an interesting and useful device of communication. Code-mixing is very common in Radio Jockey speech. Tomato FM is one of the private FM channels in Kolhapur city. The present paper analyses the way Radio Jockeys on... more
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      MultilingualismSociolinguisticsCode-SwitchingBilingualism and Multilingualism
Teaching vocabulary is an essential part of second language education. Until now many existing techniques tried to facilitate word acquisition. One method which has been paid less attention to is code-switching. In this paper we present... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionComputer Assisted Language LearningNatural Language ProcessingE-learning
The present research explores the features of code-switching in Hanif's (2011) English fictional novel Our Lady of Alice Bhatti. The research explores code-switching by applying the Whorfian Hypothesis (Linguistic Relativity and... more
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      Identity (Culture)Code SwitchingCode switching and code mixingCode Mixing
This paper analyses Chinua Achebe's integration of indigenous linguistic words and expressions into his short stories in an attempt to legitimise the story teller's tribal/ethnic as well as Nigerian identities. It interfaces the general... more
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      SociolinguisticsLiterary StylisticsChinua AchebeCode switching and code mixing
Corpus Linguistics has been noted to be a trendy approach in language research in the last few decades as it is closely related to technological advancements. The rising number of available online corpora and the advanced concordancing... more
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      Corpus Linguistics & Language PedagogyVocabulary Learning in ESLEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)Code switching and code mixing
All languages change. Creoles are no exception. However, do creoles change in the same ways as other languages? Research on language change in creoles has hinged on the notion of decreolization: apparently a ‘special case’ of... more
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      Language revitalizationSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeLanguage Documentation
The majority of characters in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake are multilingual, which is one of the reasons why an estimated total of 50 distinct languages (not counting regional variants of English) feature in the novel. Finnegans Wake on... more
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      MultilingualismJames JoyceCode-SwitchingIrish English
Makalah ini membahas campur kode bahasa Korea ke dalam bahasa Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh orang Indonesia asli. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bentuk satuan bahasa yang dominan dalam campur kode yang dituturkan oleh ketiga... more
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      Korean linguisticsSpeech Act TheoryTeaching Korean as a foreign languageCode switching and code mixing
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      Languages and LinguisticsApplied LinguisticsLanguage contactCode switching and code mixing
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      Languages and LinguisticsSyntaxCode-SwitchingSyntactic Theory
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      Comparative LiteraturePerformance And LiteratureMedieval LiteratureCeltic Studies
This article examines young men’s concepts of status in urban Tamil Nadu, India, focussing in particular on their concept of ‘style’. The article shows how young men experience their position in the life cycle as between childhood and... more
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      Fashion TheoryGlobalizationYouth StudiesEnglish language
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      Code-SwitchingSociocultural linguisticsLanguage AlternationSociolinguistics, Linguistic and Sociocultural Anthropology
Abstract Aims and objectives/purpose/research questions: This study aims to improve our understanding of common switching patterns by examining determiner–noun–adjective complexes in code-switching (CS) in three language pairs... more
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Code-meshing offers an instructional framework that incorporates multiple languages into classrooms, interrogates notions of which languages are " correct " or " appropriate " within those spaces, and broadens how to approach writing... more
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      LiteracyMultilingualismCode-SwitchingLanguage Teaching
The article focuses on code alternation (CA) in English-Estonian language contacts in Estonian fashion blogs. CA has not been often addressed in the contact-linguistic literature. A prototypical CA is a stretch of another language that is... more
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      Contact LinguisticsMultilingualismEnglish languageEnglish
This paper outlines the complexity, for the purpose of translation, of accounting for how languages alternate in multilingual films and the realisation that the number and importance of instances of L3 (forms of expression other than a... more
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      MultilingualismSpanglishAudiovisual TranslationCode switching and code mixing
The article looks at the role of code-switching in advertising, focusing on its motivation, the functions it performs in advertising, its structural-syntactic types, and its effect on persuading potential consumers. The results show that... more
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      MultilingualismLanguage contactCode switching and code mixing
This paper will examine the situation of English and Spanish in contact in Gibraltar, noting the effects of contact on each language, and the emergence of a local variety of English with contact features alongside the local Spanish based... more
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      Endangered LanguagesGibraltarSpanish language varietiesSpanglish