Common Core
Recent papers in Common Core
Abstract In 2013, according to National Public Radio, two-thirds of Americans had not heard of the Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI). A year later, 80% knew about it, and 60% were opposed. The confluence between Big Business... more
PowerPoint presentation given at ASHE, Nov. 7, 2015
At their core (pardon the pun), the Standards are ambitious, but advocates say they are reasonable. One of the arguments against the Common Core, however, is that the standards devalue literary fiction as an essential element of a young... more
Those are 4 volumes of the Hanada Taha Arabic Language Arts standards 2017 edition. The 4 books contain K-12 ALA standards, performance indicators, sight words, rubrics, glossary of new jargon used including terms like: academic... more
While there is extensive research on effective professional development, there is little on instructional coaching as a professional development model. This study endeavored to determine the effectiveness of instructional coaching,... more
The ALAN Review Winter 2014 44 h44-55-ALAN-Winter14.indd 44 12/18/13 11:40 AM h44-55-ALAN-Winter14.indd 45 12/18/13 11:40 AM
This article contains an assessment of Walter T. Stace's ideas on mystical experience. Walter T. Stace is undoubtedly one of the pioneering names of the twentieth century. Stace offers a philosophical reading of issues including the... more
Elencamos a BNCC como objeto central de análise uma vez que este documento encontra-se em elaboração e discussão. Consideramos o projeto neoliberal de sociedade, a mundialização do capital como expressões condicionantes para solucionar a... more
This one-of-a-kind resource will be invaluable to every teacher educator, every curriculum director, and every literacy coach, whether or not they must meet Common Core Standards. Bringing together perspectives from literacy luminaries,... more
The United Nations Plan for Our Children On September 10, 2003 in Prague at the International Conference on Education for a Sustainable Future, the United Nations declared 2005 through 2015, “The UN Decade of Education for Sustainable... more
Wie wahrscheinlich ist die Übertragung von rechten Diskursen von den USA auf Deutschland im Hinblick auf schulische Lehrpläne im Allgemeinen und die Sexualerziehung im Besonderen? Lässt sich gar ein Einfluss der US-Rechten auf die... more
This article uses counter-storytelling to examine how four urban African American mothers understand and discuss the role of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in their children's education. Counter-storytelling is used as an oppositional... more
The Common Core State Standards for the English Language Arts (CCSS) focus on building student capacity to read complex texts. The Standards provide an explicit text complexity staircase that maps text levels to grade levels. Furthermore,... more
Executive Summary: Global military operations have kept active duty military personnel—as well as members of the National Guard and military Reserves—engaged in the longest continuous overseas conflict in our nation’s history. Though... more
Participants will learn a step-by-step process of aligning standards with learning goals, lesson objectives, performance tasks, and performance-based assessment, which is developmentally appropriate for diverse learners. Participants will... more
Too little, too late? The redesign of the school curriculum this fall is all dazzle, and no real content. Yes, it's nice to be able to show parents their children are enjoying themselves with new activities, but the substance inevitably... more
The final version of the Common Core standards was released in June 2010. Also released at the same time was a report containing the signatures of 24 members of the Common Core Validation Committee, a committee appointed in the summer of... more
The Common Core has become a flashpoint at the nexus of education politics and policy, fueled by ardent social media activists. To explore this phenomenon, this innovative and interactive website examines the Common Core debate through... more
This latest Fordham Institute Common Core apologia is not so much research as a caricature of it. 1. Instead of referencing a wide range of relevant research, Fordham references only friends from inside their echo chamber and others paid... more
How can direct teaching of academic English be integrated systematically into every content lesson? The presenter recaps what is involved in developing academic English and shares instructional moves that get students practicing academic... more
, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) released the Common Core State Standards. The stated aim of the Common Core standards is to define the... more
Lee Knight’s musical performances takes “storytime” to the next level. The children can jump into the book and act out the story and use props, figurines, and their own emotions and expression, to assist them in making the story come to... more
Abstract. Imagine combining the best characteristics of your favorite new geometry textbook with GeoGebraTube. It would cover all the material required for your ideal version of a full course on geometry, easily accessible and usable by... more
This study identifies seven major trends in how states and districts are implementing college- and career-ready standards for general education students and for two special populations often the target of education policy—English language... more
Dr. Patricia Velasco began her professional career as a speech pathologist in Mexico City. After finishing her Ed. D. at Harvard Graduate School of Education in the United States, she went back to Mexico to establish Casa de la Ciencia to... more
May I suggest you spend a few hours of the last day of this #Christmas family holiday weekend restoring a common perspective of reality with your children?
Countering #Progressive Indoctrination #4thOfJuly #WETHEPEOPLE #Congress #UMN #Boomers #GenX #Millennials #College #COED #GenZ #Teen #FFA #HighSchool #HomeSchool #VoTech #Student #Military #Militia... more
At least four aspects of College Board’s current circumstances seem problematic: · College Board enjoys monopolies in key markets and leverages those monopolies to support its competition in non-monopoly markets against competitors... more
The decisions to promote Common Core at both CCSSO and NGA were made initially by their nominal leaders—governors and state superintendents. But, they were made based on limited, skewed, and sometimes-false information. Moreover, judging... more
In American society, high school serves as a transition from basic fundamental learning and then prepares adolescents for the rigor of college. The current focus on the assembly line type education of students is reinforced by common core... more
Creative Classroom Collaboratives is a four-year school reform model developed by Eastern Suffolk Board of Cooperative Educational Services and awarded by the U.S. Department of Education's Arts in Education Model Development and... more