Critical Social Work
Recent papers in Critical Social Work
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
I föredraget hedras en nybliven hundraåring: Paulo Freire. Utgångspunkten för föredraget är hans banbrytande bok De förtrycktas pedagogik, som just kommit i en rykande ny översättning. Vad är det i Freires filosofi och pedagogik som... more
Despite decades of practice and development, social work education in India is still Western-centric. Social work in India is still not well recognised: it does not have an accrediting body or professional recognition within the country.... more
Former BSW student: I’m really worried about this job interview. I know they are going to think I am too critical, too passionate, too much. How can I dumb myself down Jennifer? How do I get in the door so I can do the work I want to do?... more
This paper outlines the development of the Transformative Consciousness (TC) of Oppression and Privilege (COAP) Scale created to address the conceptual and measurement limitations of the critical consciousness (CC) construct. Unlike prior... more
It is perhaps regrettably so that one of the defining features of social work is its tendency to become embroiled in and mixed up with controversy. When social workers make the news, the news is usually bad. For publics outrage is often a... more
North Americans consider companion-animals as family members and increasingly as attachment figures. Across the health sciences and professions, substantial qualitative and mounting quantitative research provides evidence of health... more
Objetivo. Desarrollar una reflexión sobre cómo incorporar la dimensión espacial en el análisis que todo diseño de intervenciones sociales requiere. Metodología. A partir de la vinculación de la obra de Henri Lefebvre, con el campo de... more
The paper highlights the fundamental functions of the role of the internal manager – planning, human resources management, staff support, and internal and external communication (Reggio, 2008) – and presents an advanced version of the... more
This exciting new book aims to engage with students, practitioners, researchers, policy makers, service-users and associated professionals to critically reflect on the importance of professional identity as a matter of concern for social... more
“As we know, well-led groups provide many member benefits: feelings of universality, a sense of hope, altruism, acquisition of knowledge and skills, and mutual support...This text is affordable, easy to use, and very suitable for... more
"Abstract Many healthcare finance mechanisms involve transferring uncertain costs to healthcare providers in lieu of fixed payments or global capitation. Global capitation violates basic principles of risk management through insurance.... more
Social work can help to restore a balance towards humanity. We are and always have been critical thinking innovators with a comprehensive grasp of issues, a thorough knowledge of human situations and environments. We also possess the... more
The Latino population is the fastest growing group in the United States; thus, it is imperative that social workers and other mental health practitioners be knowledgeable about the current literature on how to effectively serve this... more
This paper will argue that wealth and income inequality are among the most pressing issues for contemporary social work. Despite this, social work as a discipline and profession has, in the main, been slow to respond to this growing... more
Nepal is a developing country and education in social work is still very young. Nepalese social workers are the change agents of Nepalese society. Educational institution is a place from where social workers gain knowledge and skills to... more
This text constructs a new way of thinking about social work based on contemporary social theory and taking into account recent changes in social work. Working in a counter-tradition that is suspicious of a number of governing ideas and... more
Intended both as an introduction to the thought of the Italian philosopher Roberto Esposito and as a mapping of current biopolitical analysis, this chapter traces the contributions of recent Esposito scholarship to widen perspectives in... more
This paper examines how normative technologies of power are emerging in social work that depend on the hardening of a risk rationality and strategies of social insurance against dangerous, vulnerable, troubled and marginal populations.... more
"The Criminalization of Immigration: Contexts and Consequences explores these competing narratives and the consequences of criminalizing immigration in the United States and abroad. It examines the impact of national, state, and local... more
This agenda setting text explores a broad range of value perspectives and their impact on and contribution to social work thinking on ethics. Including new perspectives, such as Islam, and drawing on international contributors, this is... more
This is a description of our arts in social work SIG at the European Conference for Social Work Research
submitted to Critical Social Policy
"‘Destined to become a 'must-read', this book injects titanium levels of excitement and promise to all those in social work seeking not just to study the world, but to change it.' - Donna Baines, Professor of Labour Studies and Social... more
How does critical engagement with the concept of individualism as it relates to social work take on a European dimension? Is there anything specifically European about a social work which elevates a particular conception of the... more
Resumen El Trabajo Social Comunitario, que había dejado de lado su labor de organización y desarrollo social de las comunidades, reaparece como un enfoque complementario, técnicamente viable y éticamente necesario, como respuesta a la... more
Course designed and taught using a Mad Studies lens to 4th year undergraduate social work students.
"Latinos are now the largest ethnic minority population in the United States and still they encounter a great deal of misunderstanding, prejudice, and discrimination. Utilizing a strengths-based perspective, Social Work Practice with... more
Numerous social workers discuss the importance of critical reflection and refer to its capacity as an educational tool to improve practice, yet there is relatively little evidence to support the claims made about the benefits of critical... more
This article examines Philippine social work under martial law. The article begins with an account of the assault on human rights under the Marcos regime. It then outlines the response of the mainstream professional community to the... more
Eleştirel sosyal hizmet teorisi, sunduğu eleştirel düşünmeye dair çerçeve dolayısıyla sosyal hizmet uygulamalarının merkezinde yer almaktadır. Bu teori, bireylerin karşılaştıkları sorunları sosyal yapı ve hâkim gruplar ile... more
The paper deals with social work practice in the field of ensuring human dignity
由古至今,知識的發展,已是人類文明的基石。社會工作者更以社會知識來啟迪人文,或轉化社會知識,以情以理助人解困,或以社會知識集群眾之力建設家園、重建鄉土。為此,不少同道獻身其中,不斷更新社會知識以謀其果。若知識管理能提煉其精華,分類存放,保鮮保質,繼而分享共用,必有助以社會知識體現人文關懷的理想!... more
This article will discuss how two theoretical frameworks can be useful in the analysis of conflict situations in social work practice. By viewing situations from the perspective of competing and differing values, social workers are able... more
As diferentes funcionalidades das políticas sociais remetem tanto a sua determinação hegemônica alterada pelas lutas sociais e pelos interesses hegemônicos presentes nos governos, como pelos limites estruturais que lastreiam as relações... more