Cyber Stalking
Recent papers in Cyber Stalking
La Violencia de Género es uno de los problemas sociales a los que, dada la gravedad y los resultados de muerte se le viene prestando, en la actualidad, mayor atención política, social y judicial. A raíz de la reforma del código penal... more
This blog piece discusses the ways domestic violence and control often continue, even after a victim has separated from or divorced an abuser.
Work in this research particularly based on cyber crime against women and case laws which I referred here based on Delhi NCR cyber crime.
Sources of this paper are CRY report, BBC news and case laws.
Sources of this paper are CRY report, BBC news and case laws.
Knowledge of technology-facilitated abuse and stalking has increased in recent decades, but research on how children and young people are exposed to these behaviours by their parent is still lacking. This article examines how... more
The stalker profile involves multiple descriptions, definitions and dimensions. With the advent of the information and communications technology, cyber stalking has gradually grown to become a serious concern for law enforcement and... more
Today, Cybercrime has caused lot of damages to individuals, organizations and even the Government. Cybercrime detection methods and classification methods have came up with varying levels of success for preventing and protecting data from... more
In an attempt to see if gangstalking is a real phenomenon or a mental disease being suffered en masse, we look towards and analyze the available information. After comparing the various and recent influx of personal accounts online,... more
Cyberstalking is practiced by Internet abusers to harass, victimize and to mock peers, teachers, co-workers, neighbors and others. While typically framed as an individual pursuit, we suggest that it can best be understood as a collective... more
With the number of people who have access to computer and the internet continually growing, there has been an explosion in the use of the internet for the transfer of information and communication between users. However, the growth of the... more
How could be human being used as evil's artificial intelligence? They first chipped me the evil China spy chipped me by Nano biosensor. I saw expert, Dr. Hildgarder Staninger who helped me to find a brain surgeon to removed my nano... more
""This paper presentation is about the potential understanding of the development of defamation, Cyber Defamation respectively. The paper will further assess the development of defamation (origin, meaning, types of defamation, elements... more
The wide availability of the internet has brought massive changes in the ways by which communication can be achieved and in many instances have replaced traditional methods of correspondence. Increasingly popular is the use of social... more
In today’s society, technology is a key influence in the ways we do business, interact with each other, date each other, etc. We have become more reliant on technology and it is a positive and negative influence on us all. With the... more
My presentation was entitled "Terror Beyond Borders: Fascist and Nazi Spies Subverting Resistance"
Cyberstalking is a special form of stalking and involves the use of information and communication technologies as the means and the medium of harassment or intimidation. Cyberstalking can lead to significant and long lasting... more
As we all know that Cybercrime has been one of the common practices made by the computer expert. In this paper I have mentioned some of the impact of the cybercrime. Cybercrime is that activities made by the people for destroying... more
Kriti Singh, having background in media and communication, opines that the menace of trolls seems to be here to stay, but the answer is to not take the bait, and, rather choose discourses and online acquaintances wisely, self-monitor the... more
Cyberstalking is an important issue which causes significant distress but which has been difficult to find a means of regulating, particularly through formal criminal systems. Yet proper regulation of cyberstalking behaviour could have... more
The right to internet usage has now become a human right, as declared by the United Nations Human Rights Council in June 2016. Violence against women and girls knows no boundaries, cutting across borders, race, culture and income groups,... more
Use of online social networking sites such as Facebook has burgeoned in the last 5 years. We examine these sites as facilitators of Online Obsessive Relational Intrusion (o-ORI)-a much-talked about, but relatively un-researched online... more
Cyberstalking is an important issue which causes significant distress but which has been difficult to find a means of regulating, particularly through formal criminal systems. Yet proper regulation of cyberstalking behaviour could have... more
bullying, cyber bullying, cyber bullying tactics and cyber bullying statististics.
As a forensic psychologist with expertise in theoretical criminology and abnormal psychology, this writer has formulated a psychological, and criminological construct for the growing dimension known as cyberspace. This paradigm he has... more
On the Patriarchal Deconstruction of Women's Identity Through the Use of Illusions, False Beliefs, Fear and Psychology © (Sole author) Liba Kaucky, independent feminist research, June 2010 All Rights Reserved. The moral rights of this... more
O artigo problematiza a tipificação, por meio da Lei 14.132/2021, do delito de perseguição no art. 147-A do Código Penal brasileiro, perquirindo sobre sua adequação ao princípio da legalidade penal, bem como sobre a necessidade de... more
Cyberstalking is a specific form of stalking that involves the use of technology as the means and the medium to instigate psychological violence against another person. Cyberstalking represents a violation of the fundamental human rights... more
Cyberstalking is an important issue which causes significant distress but which has been difficult to find a means of regulating, particularly through formal criminal systems. Yet proper regulation of cyberstalking behaviour could have... more
In recent years there has been considerable attention to the adverse consequences that dating violence (DV) among young people has in different areas of development. The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs),... more
Το κείμενο διερευνά εισαγωγικά ζητήματα που άπτονται της πράξης της Έμμονης Διαδικτυακής Καταδίωξης", και συντάχθηκε στο πλαίσιο του μαθήματος "Εγκληματολογία" του ΠΜΣ Ποινικών & Εγκληματολογικών Επιστημών για το Ακαδημαϊκό Έτος 2012-2013.
Domestic violence (DV) or intimate partner violence (IPV) arises when there is violent, abusive, or intimidating behavior in a relationship in order to control the victim physically, psychologically, economically, and/or sexually.... more
Adattamento in lingua Italiana dello studio "Online Stalking and
online activities - An evaluation of risks and their perception" di Alessia Malachiti, 2018 - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24765.72166
online activities - An evaluation of risks and their perception" di Alessia Malachiti, 2018 - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24765.72166
This essay aims at uncovering relations of power underlying the use of Facebook for ‘Facebook stalking’, defined partially by Marwick’s 2012 case study. I then proceed to describe the event using linguistic ethnography, mainly based on... more
iPredator: iPredator: iPredator: iPredator: A child, adult or group who engages in exploitation, abuse, victimization, stalking, theft or disparagement of others using information and communications technology (ICT.) iPredators are driven... more
The first legislative response to stalking within Australia was introduced in Queensland in 1993. Since then each state and territory has implemented their own legislation in response to the crime, with several amendments and criticisms... more
Stalking is a problem that many people especially women face in their real life. Stalking refers to harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages towards another person. The legal elements of stalking include a course of... more
Excerpt from Scott R. Stroud & Jonathan Henson, “Social Media, Online Sharing, and the Ethical Complexity of Consent in Revenge Porn,” Online Consumer Behavior: The Dark Side of Social Media, Angeline Close Scheinbaum (ed.), Routledge,... more
"True Crimes Online presenta 16 historias, basadas en hechos de la vida real, de crímenes cibernéticos que incluyen acecho, acoso, amenazas, intimidaciones, estafa y violencia. Hitchtcock, reconocida internacionalmente como experta en... more
Anais do 2º Congresso Internacional de Direito e Contemporaneidade: mídias e direitos da sociedade em rede
This research paper focuses the importance of implementing the necessary and mandatory rules and regulations which are responsible for evaluation of the current threats which pose a major challenge towards the world of computers and fast... more