Danish Literature
Recent papers in Danish Literature
In 1848, the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard wrote a short yet highly significant theater review, titled “Mr. Phister as Captain Scipio.” This review deals with a seemingly prosaic problem: how can an actor convincingly play the role... more
Paisagem e Natureza são temas que se tornaram largamente difundidos nas pesquisas em História, Arqueologia, Letras e Arte, sobretudo nos últimos vinte anos. Deixando de ser entendida apenas como um mero cenário ou "pano de fundo" para a... more
This article examines J.P. Jacobsen's short-story Pesten i Bergamo (1881) through the lens of Bakhtin's carnivalesque. Bakhtin's carnival is a medieval societal alterity which takes hold in times of societal upheaval, here the spread of... more
Le Mille e una Notte e la Bibbia, questa l’eredità poetica, più che materiale, che il quattordicenne Niels Bryde porta con sé lasciando la casa paterna, la Torre Rotonda, e la Copenaghen della sua infanzia per dirigersi alla volta delle... more
Omverden Ydre rum Sociologi Genresignatur Taerskel Teori Litteraer tekst Indre rum Analyse 68 Another place were genre labels can occur is on the list of works by the same author, as demonstrated by Genette (1997, 96ff). 69 I have used... more
Although his name is not familiar to most 21 st-century Americans, the Danish literary critic Georg Brandes (1842-1927) was the most internationally-renowned Danish intellectual of the early 19 th century. Aspiring writers from half a... more
The Colorism Project, Inc. is accepting submissions for essays to be featured in an upcoming edited book on colorism. We are interested in well-crafted submissions that focus on the complexities of colorism through lived experiences,... more
Alphonse de Lamartine, Confidenze e Nuove confidenze. A cura di Pietro De Marco. Traduzione e introduzione di Ivanna Rosi, Firenze, Le lettere (Pan Classici di tutte le letterature, 50), 2024, 325 p. Le Confidences di Alphonse de... more
Studieark om Korset. Studieaften, Odense Adventistkirke, maj 2024.
Velegnet til Bibelstudie.
Velegnet til Bibelstudie.
Præsentation 1: Abraham, Isak & Kristus - “Din eneste søn.” ”I tro bragte Abraham Isak som offer, da han blev sat på prøve, og var rede til at ofre sin eneste søn, skønt han havde fået løfterne, …” Hebr 11,17. ” Da Abraham så op, fik han... more
Redegørelse for fejlinformationer i Johannes Adamsens anmeldelse af 'Visdommens rum' i Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier
Vi ho ingannato, vi ho maltrattato e tormentato, ho dato per scontata la vostra obbedienza e ho risposto alla vostra disobbedienza con castighi e supplizi – in breve, sono stato come Yahweh per voi… (Un Idealista, Atto X). Così, all’apice... more
Dicembre 1842. Adolph Peter Adler, pastore delle piccole comunità danesi di Hasle e Rutsker, nella lontana isola di Bornholm, sconvolge la società del suo tempo dichiarando di aver ricevuto una Rivelazione direttamente da Gesù Cristo sul... more
The article examines the intersection of esotericism, Catholicism, and literary Symbolism in the works of the Danish writer Johannes Jørgensen (1866-1956). [First page only; please contact the author for full paper.]
The article combines a reading of the theme of impermanence in Josefine Klougart's novel Om mørke (2013) with an examination of the novel's literary-historical context. The article argues that Klougart's novel should be understood as an... more
This article makes a literary analysis of the novel Jorden under Høje Gladsaxe (2002) by Camilla Christensen as part of 'a literary history of the Danish ghetto'-literary works that depict Danish deprived housing areas and their... more
Afklaring af fejl og misforståelser i Hans Gregersens anmeldelse af Visdommens rum til Logos og Kultur.nu mhb på at skabe mere retvisende billede af bogen
is one of the prominent representatives of world literature. He has an invaluable contribution to the development of fairy tale writing.He opened new horizons for dreams, helping them soar in the golden realm of imagination. Andersen... more
Læserguide til 'Visdommens rum', der hjælper læsere med at få en dybere forståelse for bogens formål og indhold. Guiden er mere direkte og markant end selve bogen, da formålet er at modvirke misforståelser
Јенс-Мартин Ериксен, дански писац, аутор је романа Бели конопац за Филипа Депреа, као и многобројних књига посвећених политичким приликама на Балкану. Иако своје дело не тумачи у контексту жанровске књижевности, ова одредница му највише... more
The rejection of luxury and fashion in Denmark-Norway during the 18th century, along with similar sentiments across Europe, has been widely acknowledged and described as a form of anti-fashion. This article focuses on a variant of... more
Paisagem e Natureza são temas que se tornaram largamente difundidos nas pesquisas em História, Arqueologia, Letras e Arte, sobretudo nos últimos vinte anos. Deixando de ser entendida apenas como um mero cenário ou "pano de fundo" para a... more
Her følger nogle grundlæggende strategier til at håndtere sygdomsangst ved at dæmpe sikkerhedsadførd. Strategierne har til formål, at du gradvist opbygger en tillid til, at du kan være i uvisheden og usikkerheden, uden at ty til kontrol... more
For our current issues we are looking for articles focusing on diverse aspects of Eastern European musical culture (defined by the territory of post-communist European states). We welcome historical probes into the musical culture of the... more
Betingelser for brug af denne artikel Denne artikel er omfattet af ophavsretsloven, og der må citeres fra den. Følgende betingelser skal dog vaere opfyldt: Citatet skal vaere i overensstemmelse med "god skik" Der må kun citeres "i det... more
Drawing on Friedrich Schiller’s theory of idyll in poetry, the text asks for the relevance of idyll for the music of Niels W. Gade, exemplarily with regard to his choral-orchestral Frühlings-Botschaft op. 35 to a text by Emanuel Geibel.... more
Death, as we may call that unreality, is the most terrible thing, and to keep and hold fast what is dead demands the greatest force of all. Beauty, powerless and helpless, hates understanding, because the latter exacts from it what it... more
aervaerende nummer af Ledelse og Erhvervsøkonomi er redigeret af professor Erik Johnsen. Dette markerer samtidig Johnsen's 50 års jubilaeum i tidsskriftets redaktion. En enestående begivenhed i et tidsskrifts historik. For i 50 år har... more
Fortaellingen om ridderen af den bedrøvelige skikkelse, Cervantes' Don Quijote, blev ikke oversat til dansk før hen mod slutningen af 1700-tallet, mens den i dag temmelig langt mere ukendte fortaelling ved navn Carcel de Amor, som F.J.... more
This article makes a literary analysis of the novel Jorden under Høje Gladsaxe (2002) by Camilla Christensen as part of 'a literary history of the Danish ghetto'-literary works that depict Danish deprived housing areas and their... more
De søblaa Blik d'Emil Aarestrup Traduit du danois par Damien Labadie Les regards bleu marine 1 Elle me regardait 2 , et son regard Était pareil à un lac bleu ; Les ondes venaient, les ondes partaient, Dans l'abîme un ciel reposait. Un... more
Therefore, even though the future looks with much prospects for a very few who belong to the elite and the powerful fractions, the future is bleak for the majority who belong to the proletariat. Therefore, in today‘s contemplations there... more
IS Med - Interdisciplinary Studies on the Mediterranean: Submission I.S. MED - Interdisciplinary Studies on the Mediterranean Deadline for abstract submissions: May 3, 2024 Notification of acceptance: May 5, 2024 Deadline for complete... more
Colloque international, Université de Caen 23-24 mai 2024, organisé par Paloma Bravo (LECEMO, Sorbonne Nouvelle), Alexandra Merle (ERLIS, Caen) et Sarah Voinier (Textes & contextes, Université d'Artois)
Genre: Novel. Country: Iceland. "Gunnarshólmi", a patriotic and historical poem of Jónas Hallgrímsson (1807-1845), has long held a central position in the history of Icelandic literature. On one hand, it has been considered one of the... more
This study looks into the various voices presented in Ashwin Sanghi’s The Krishna Key which is a postmodern Indian English novel. This study aims to explore the multiple voices present in Ashwin Sanghi’s The Krishna Key (2012) which is an... more
Ekfraza – literacka deskrypcja dzieła sztuki – nie jest, rzecz jasna, wyłącznie dokładnym opisem artefaktu; często dotyczy również tego, czego na obrazie nie ma. W ekfrazach dzieła sztuki ulegają czasem swoistemu „ożywieniu” –... more
The Prepositional Absolute Construction (PAC) in Modern Icelandic can be defined as a small clause containing a subject NP and a non-finite verb (a present or past participle) whose case is governed by the preposition að 'at'. Giving a... more