Danish Literature
Recent papers in Danish Literature
Analyse van de Gesta Danorum van Saxo Grammaticus
Christina Hagen vender vrangen ud på det etablerede samfund og viser intime detaljer fra sit eget liv frem for laeseren. Det handler ikke om at finde det smukke i hverdagen, men derimod om at udstille hvor brutalt, aekelt og... more
Poesi og kaerlighedsbreve er for laengst gået ud af mode hos de unge.
Samtale med Lone Aburas om hendes forfatterskab med udgangspunkt i "Det er et jeg der taler" (2017)
Acting and affectation. My article deals with a characteristic focus on the importance of human personality in Danish thinking around the middle of the 19th century. A philosopher and poet – Poul Martin Møller (1794-1838) – inspired Søren... more
L’Ivan Olsen és l’ase dels cops a l’escola, un estudiant desastrós i una calamitat per al seu pare, que té en Tarzan com a model d’home. Però un dia l’Ivan es troba amb una persona que l’ajuda a fer que tot això canviï.
Chapter 5 from Carl Nielsen and the Idea of Modernism
This paper ended to be an article published in Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources (KRSRR): KIERKEGAARD AND HIS DANISH CONTEMPORARIES, vol. 7, tome 1, edited by Jon Stewart, Ashgate, Surrey (UK) 2009, pp. 13-34.
Hvorfor laeser vi litteratur(skønliteratur) Underholdning, viklelighedsflugt, livet, søger svar((svarene til spørgsmål vi har til livet, ligger ofte et svar i livet) til konflikterne man møder til hverdag, trøst ved at laese ting man selv... more
Plaquete distribuída gratuitamente em janeiro de 2018.
Novellen beskriver et sommerferieophold i paradis: to drenges (Thomas og Erik) ferie i et sommerhus hos Thomas' bedsteforaeldre. Den femte person, slangen i paradiset, er Thomas' kusine Mette. Alt fortaelles år senere af et 'jeg', som er... more
Revue Discours, Signes et Sociétés sur le thème "Dynamiques discursives de la vulnérabilité". Introduction : Dans son article sur la socialité du discours misérabiliste dans les contes d’Andersen, Marys Renné Hertiman propose la... more
Wer ob des im Ganzen gesehen doch eher mittelmäßigen Niveaus der Reihe Rowohlts Monographien nur zögernd zu dem darin erschienenen schmalen Bändchen über Karen Blixen greift, sieht sich angenehm enttäuscht. Detlef Brennecke legt darin... more
Den dansk-palaestinensiske digter Yahya Hassans eponyme debut (2013) er ofte blevet laest med en staerk socio-politisk agenda. Ved at genfokusere laesningen på de litteraere greb som Hassan anvender i "LANGDIGT", vil jeg vise hvordan han... more
”At du læser ”mig”, er selvfølgelig en hovedløs fortalelse, og i forlængelse heraf bør jeg nævne, at jeg ikke har fundet på det hele selv. Jeg har hugget sætninger fra adskillige andre tekster” (Bjørn Rasmussen, s. 90).... more
Wolf Wucherpfennig Dänisch-deutsche Doppelgänger. Transnationale und bikulturelle Literatur zwischen Barock und Moderne. Hg. von Heinrich Detering, Anne-Bitt Gerecke, Johan de Mylius. Göttingen: Wallstein 2001 (Grenzgänge. Studien zur... more
Jens Baggesen (1764 - 1826) gilt als Grenzgänger zwischen der dänischen, deutschen und französischen Kultur, zwischen Adel und Bürgertum und zwischen Klassizismus, Empfindsamkeit und Romantik. Er dichtete auf Dänisch, Deutsch und... more
This article analyses the constructions and negotiations of masculine identity in New Nordic Cuisine. It focuses on cookbooks by the leading figures, namely Claus Meyer and René Redzepi. The article argues that Meyer and Redzepi represent... more
En af de korteste tekster i Pia Juuls novellesamling Af sted, til stede, " Historie " , består af to naesten identiske saetninger, der paradoksalt negerer hinanden: " Det er bare en historie for jer, men for mig er det virkelighed. For... more
According to one of the epithets in Søren Kierkegaard’s dedication to The Concept of Anxiety, Poul Martin Møller was “the confidant of Socrates.” With the title of the present article, I wish to imply not only that Møller, of course, knew... more
’Hallandia Landæmærkæ’, kaldet Hallandslisten, blev sandsynligvis til i Valdemar II Sejrs regeringstid (1202-1241) og plausibelt i et dertil oprettet kancelli. Oplistning af grænsens landemærker fra syd mod nord, har været et stort og... more
Ph.D.-dissertation that seeks to clarify the patterns that exist in Hans Christian Andersen's creative processes as they find expression in the preserved and hitherto unpublished drafts of the three tales "The New Century's Goddess"... more
At the end of Gabriel Axel's movie "Babette's Feast", the French maid and former chef is praised for her feast but also told she should not have given everything for that purpose - "for our sake". She replies, "It was not for your sake... more
Martin A. Hansen ’ s novel The Liar(1950) is one of the most frequently analyzed works in Danish literature. Nevertheless, one cannot find many studies which have systematically dealt with its Christian symbols. This article analyzes in... more
The article comnents on the amazing enthusiasm generated by the now popularised concept of "hygge" from Denmark. The so-called Danish secrets to happiness have been brought into vogue in Poland as well as other countries worldwide. The... more
This thesis falls into the category of an article Ph.D. This means that it consists of three articles and a background section. At the time of writing the first article “Flappers and Macabre Dandies. Karen Blixen’s ‘Carnival’ in the Light... more
*FOR CITATIONS PLEASE USE "SHEILA LOUISE WRIGHT"* Also see the audio/video of this piece here: https://youtu.be/NNiiu9xUUic This paper was written as documentation for the SCA (Society For Creative Anachronism), Kingdom of An Tir Bardic... more
A French translation and a presentation of Andersen's tale "Tællelyset"
Summary This paper is an English translation of a master’s thesis originally written in Danish in 2016 with the title” Ondsigt, Ondvittighed og Uoverbevisning - Bryggerfejden og den struenseeske trykkefrihed” It deals with brewer... more
Nordic Narratives of Nature and the Environment is the first English language anthology that presents ecocritical research on northern European literatures and cultures. The contributors examine specifically Nordic narratives of nature... more
The paper presents the emergence of H. Ch. Andersen's tales in Hungarian culture from the sporadic translation of tales in the press in the 1840s and in the early 1850s to the first (selected) collection of Andersen's tales published in... more
German paper with a focus on literary structures in "the little Mermaid" by H.C. Andersen. Contrary to popular interest, this paper does not have a focus on biographic interpretation.
This bachelor thesis discusses the doppelganger motive in the Scandinavian Literature based on Romanticism and Contemporary Literature. It draws a comparison between two works: Hans Christian Andersen's fairytale "Skyggen" in Danish and... more