Dental Equipment
Recent papers in Dental Equipment
Objective: To comparatively assess the long-term failure rate of brackets bonded with a plasma or a high-intensity light-emitting diode (LED) curing light. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five patients with complete permanent dentitions... more
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Se encuentra inscrito(a) bajo matricula No. 012/20851 en la Etapa Disciplinaria de LA CARRERA CIRUJANO DENTISTA, en LA FACULTAD DE ODONTOLOGIA, periodo escolar 2015-2, Agosto-Diciembre.
Key Words: homeless dental program, portable/mobile dental delivery system.
To assess levels of anxiety in children concerning different dental instruments and equipment and to relate them with parents' anxiety levels moments before the appointment. Fifty children from 4 to 12 years of age (average of... more
The diagnoses of cracked teeth and incomplete coronal fracture have historically been symptom based. The dental operating microscope at ×16 magnification can fundamentally change a clinician's ability to diagnose such conditions.
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 8 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 3-12 Subtractive machining Additive processing FDM SLA SLM Inkjet printing a b s t r a c t
Recommendations are provided regarding 1) educating and protecting dental health-care personnel; 2) preventing transmission of bloodborne pathogens; 3) hand hygiene; 4) personal protective equipment; 5) contact dermatitis and latex... more
The aim of the study was to assess the accuracy of a new intraoral paralleling device for creating proximal guiding planes for removable partial dental prostheses. Thirty gypsum casts were divided into two groups in which the proximal... more
Altenburger MJ, Ç enik Y, Schirrmeister JF, Wrbas K-T, Hellwig E. Combination of apex locator and endodontic motor for continuous length control during root canal treatment.
We conducted a survey of a random sample of California orthodontists and of general dentists to compare their infection control procedures. Questionnaires were returned by 124 orthodontists (56% response rate) and 126 general dentists... more
Volumetric polymerization shrinkage of three resin composites (Suprafil, Z100 and Filtek P60) was determined using four light curing methods: method 1: continuous output with conventional intensity light; method 2: continuous output with... more
Background: The Vectort system is an ultrasonic instrument that was introduced in 1999, and treatment outcomes with Vector have been compared with those achieved with the ''gold standard'' of scaling and root planing with Gracey curettes... more
The aim of this study was to compare postoperative sensitivity following placement of posterior composite restorations using the fast- or step-curing modes of an LED curing light. Thirty patients participated, with each having two... more
Dental unit water system (DUWS) tubing harbors complex multispecies biofilms that are responsible for high microbial levels at the distal outlet. The aim of this study was to use an established biofilm laboratory model to simulate... more
The purpose of this article was to review the occupational hazards related to the practice of orthodontics. A systematic approach was used to include all risks involved in an orthodontic practice. The classification of hazards was based... more
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of light-tip distance on the shear bond strength and failure site of brackets cured with three different light curing units: a high-intensity halogen (Astralis 10, 10-second curing), a... more
The purpose of this study was to compare the percentage degree of cure (%DC) of orthodontic adhesive resins irradiated with 3 types of light sources of various intensities: plasma arc, halogen, and light-emitting diode (LED). Methods:... more
Objectives To assess dental students' posture on two different seats in order to determine if one seat predisposes to a difference in working posture. Design A between-subject experimental design was selected. Setting The study was... more
Introduction: Dentistry is one of the most prestigious professions in India. Among the total dental undergraduate students a very high proportion is female. The present study was conducted to find out the attitude of female dental... more
j o u r n a l o f d e n t i s t r y 3 8 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 9 3 0 -9 4 0
Purpose: The aim of this study was the characterization and identification of oral Fwobacterium in patients with and without periodontal disease, and from spittoons and air-water syringes. The antimicrobial susceptibility of this... more
The aim of this study was to evaluate the heat generation of three different types of light curing units. Temperature increases were recorded from a distance of 1 mm from a thermocouple to the tip of three different types of light curing... more
To compare the effect of reduced exposure times on the microhardness of resin composites cured with a "second-generation" light-emitting diode (LED) curing light and a quartz-tungsten-halogen (QTH) curing light. Ten composites... more
Six biocides resistant isolates were isolated from dental unit water lines (DUWL) in Pakistan. All isolates could tolerate 150 µg ml -1 of biocides (5.25% sodium hypocholrite, 35% H 2 O 2 , 4% tween 20, 1% povidine iodine, 0.2%... more
To compare patients' perception of discomfort, vibration and noise levels between piezoelectric and the magnetostrictive ultrasonic units during periodontal debridement. Periodontal debridement was performed on 75 subjects using a... more
The study compared changes to canal curvature and incidence of canal aberrations after preflaring with hand K-files or with nickel-titanium rotary PathFile in S-shape Endo Training Blocks. The influence of the operator's expertise was... more
This study investigated whether there were differences between the debond stress and adhesive remnant index (ARI) of an adhesive cured with three different orthodontic light sources. Sixty sound premolar teeth were divided into three... more
This case report highlights the risks that may be associated with amoebae in the water of a dental unit. A woman with contact lenses visited her dentist for replacement of a bridge. During the treatment, a stream of water was directed... more
Water delivered by dental unit water systems (DUWS) in general dental practices can harbor high numbers of bacteria, including opportunistic pathogens. Biofilms on tubing within DUWS provide a reservoir for microorganisms and should be... more
Water samples collected from 28 dental facilities in six U.S. states were examined for the presence of Legionella pneumophila and other Legionella spp. by the PCR-gene probe, fluorescent-antibody microscopic, and viable-plate-count... more
Atmospheric plasma jets are being intensively studied with respect to potential applications in medicine. The aim of this in vitro study was to test a microwave-powered non-thermal atmospheric plasma jet for its antimicrobial efficacy... more
The water used in dental unit waterlines (DUWLs) acts as a coolant for the high-speed equipments and as an irrigant during dental treatments. There are kind of water tanks. DUWLs provide a favorable environment for microbial biofilm and... more
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 5 ( 2 0 0 9 ) 500-505 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / d e m a a b s... more
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of a between-patient disinfection procedures to maintain low bacterial counts in dental unit water line (DUWL) effluents, and control dental water line biofilms. Six dental units... more
The cyclic fatigue resistance of the counterfeit instruments was very low. As a result, clinicians should be careful not to purchase counterfeit products.